mirror of https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver synced 2024-10-18 19:29:45 +02:00
Georg Lauterbach 853301338c
completely refactor README & parts of docs (#3097)
Co-authored-by: Brennan Kinney <5098581+polarathene@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-02-19 13:25:14 +01:00

170 lines
7.3 KiB

# Site specific:
site_name: 'Docker Mailserver'
site_description: 'A fullstack but simple mail-server (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, Antispam, Antivirus, etc.) using Docker.'
site_author: 'docker-mailserver (Github Organization)'
copyright: '<p>&copy <a href="https://github.com/docker-mailserver"><em>Docker Mailserver Organization</em></a><br/><span>This project is licensed under the MIT license.</span></p>'
# Project source specific:
repo_name: 'docker-mailserver'
repo_url: 'https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver'
# All docs `edit` button will go to this subpath of the `repo_url`:
# For versioned docs, this may be a little misleading for a user not viewing the `edge` docs which match the `master` branch.
edit_uri: 'edit/master/docs/content'
# The main docs content lives here, any files will be copied over to the deployed version,
# unless the file or directory name is prefixed with a `.`
docs_dir: 'content/'
# Canonical URL (HTML content instructs search engines that this is where the preferred version of the docs is located, useful when we have duplicate content like versioned docs)
# https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Choosing_between_www_and_non-www_URLs#using_%3Clink_relcanonical%3E
# Also required for `sitemap.xml` generation at build time; which bots use to assist them crawling and indexing a website,
# the `mkdocs-material` 'Instant Navigation' feature utilizes the sitemap data to work.
site_url: 'https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/'
# Anything related to the `mkdocs-material` theme config goes here:
name: 'material'
custom_dir: 'overrides/'
favicon: assets/logo/favicon-32x32.png
logo: assets/logo/dmo-logo-white.min.svg
repo: fontawesome/brands/github
- navigation.tabs
- navigation.top
- navigation.expand
- navigation.instant
- content.code.annotate
# Light mode
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scheme: default
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accent: indigo
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name: Switch to dark mode
# Dark mode
- media: '(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'
scheme: slate
primary: indigo
accent: blue
icon: material/weather-sunny
name: Switch to light mode
# We make some minor style adjustments or resolve issues that upstream `mkdocs-material` would not accept a PR for:
- assets/css/customizations.css
# We do not use `mike`, but enabling this will enable the version selector UI.
# It references `versions.json` on `gh-pages` branch,
# however we have a basic setup that only matches `version` to a subdirectory.
provider: mike
# Various extensions for `mkdocs` are enabled and configured here to extend supported markdown syntax/features.
- toc:
anchorlink: true
- abbr
- attr_list
- admonition
- pymdownx.details
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lang: yaml
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lang: cfg
- name: conf
lang: cfg
- name: env
lang: properties
# Not helpful with Python Pygments lexer highlighting, but we might change to a JS highlighter in future
# Ideally, this type of codefence might also have word-wrap enabled (CSS: {white-space: pre-wrap})
- name: log
lang: shell-session
- name: fetchmailrc
lang: txt
- name: caddyfile
lang: txt
# Hard-coded navigation list. Key(UI label): Value(relative filepath from `docs_dir`).
# - If referencing a file more than once, the URLs will all point to the nav hierarchy of the last file reference entry. That usually breaks UX, try avoid it.
# - The top-level elements are presented as tabs (due to `theme.features.navigation.tabs`).
# - Nested elements appear in the sidebar (left) of each tabs page.
# - 3rd level and beyond are automatically expanded in the sidebar instead of collapsed (due to `theme.features.navigation.expand`)
- 'Home': index.md
- 'Introduction': introduction.md
- 'Usage': usage.md
- 'Configuration':
- 'Environment Variables': config/environment.md
- 'Your Best Friend setup.sh': config/setup.sh.md
- 'User Management':
- 'Accounts': config/user-management/accounts.md
- 'Aliases': config/user-management/aliases.md
- 'Best Practices':
- 'DKIM': config/best-practices/dkim.md
- 'DMARC': config/best-practices/dmarc.md
- 'SPF': config/best-practices/spf.md
- 'Auto-discovery': config/best-practices/autodiscover.md
- 'Security':
- 'Understanding the Ports': config/security/understanding-the-ports.md
- 'SSL/TLS': config/security/ssl.md
- 'Fail2Ban': config/security/fail2ban.md
- 'Mail Encryption' : config/security/mail_crypt.md
- 'Rspamd' : config/security/rspamd.md
- 'Troubleshooting':
- 'Debugging': config/troubleshooting/debugging.md
- 'Mail Delivery with POP3': config/pop3.md
- 'Advanced Configuration':
- 'Optional Configuration': config/advanced/optional-config.md
- 'Maintenance':
- 'Update and Cleanup': config/advanced/maintenance/update-and-cleanup.md
- 'Override the Default Configs':
- 'Dovecot': config/advanced/override-defaults/dovecot.md
- 'Postfix': config/advanced/override-defaults/postfix.md
- 'Modifications via Script': config/advanced/override-defaults/user-patches.md
- 'LDAP Authentication': config/advanced/auth-ldap.md
- 'Email Filtering with Sieve': config/advanced/mail-sieve.md
- 'Email Gathering with Fetchmail': config/advanced/mail-fetchmail.md
- 'Email Forwarding':
- 'Relay Hosts': config/advanced/mail-forwarding/relay-hosts.md
- 'AWS SES': config/advanced/mail-forwarding/aws-ses.md
- 'Full-Text Search': config/advanced/full-text-search.md
- 'Kubernetes': config/advanced/kubernetes.md
- 'IPv6': config/advanced/ipv6.md
- 'Podman': config/advanced/podman.md
- 'Dovecot Master Accounts': config/advanced/dovecot-master-accounts.md
- 'Examples':
- 'Tutorials':
- 'Basic Installation': examples/tutorials/basic-installation.md
- 'Mailserver behind Proxy': examples/tutorials/mailserver-behind-proxy.md
- 'Building your own Docker image': examples/tutorials/docker-build.md
- 'Blog Posts': examples/tutorials/blog-posts.md
- 'Use Cases':
- 'Forward-Only Mail-Server with LDAP': examples/use-cases/forward-only-mailserver-with-ldap-authentication.md
- 'Customize IMAP Folders': examples/use-cases/imap-folders.md
- 'FAQ' : faq.md
- 'Contributing':
- 'General Information': contributing/general.md
- 'Tests': contributing/tests.md
- 'Issues and Pull Requests': contributing/issues-and-pull-requests.md
- 'DockerHub': https://hub.docker.com/r/mailserver/docker-mailserver/
- 'GHCR': https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/pkgs/container/docker-mailserver