mirror of https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver synced 2024-10-18 10:18:07 +02:00
Brennan Kinney 0698ad9370
docs: Refactor pages for Account Management (#4122)
* docs: Relocate account / auth pages into a common section

* docs: Update references to relocated pages

* docs: Add account management overview page

Updates remaining links to account sections on this page instead (_for `accounts`, `aliases`, `quotas`_).

This page will cover the features and defer to separate pages for more specific content where relevant.

* docs: Correct relocated pages titles and links

* docs: Accounts (Dovecot Master) - Minor revisions

* docs: Fix highlighting roundcube PHP snippet in OAuth2 page

* docs: Accounts (File) - Refactor

- Manual method not necessary to document.
- Condense `setup` example guidance.
- Quotas / Aliases content migrated to Overview when not specific about file provisioner.

Some of the content is this commit is not a complete revision.

* chore: Temporary commit

* docs(refactor): Sub-addressing section

Much better docs on the sub-addressing feature supported by Postfix and Dovecot, along with the guidance with usage in Sieve.

* docs:  Revise accounts section

Add some context regarding DMS accounts and their distinction/overlap from the email address functionality, and it's relevant context for receiving/sending.

File provisioner, minor revisions to referencing associated config files and account management.

* docs: Minor adjustments

* docs: Refactor the quota section

Better documented with links and coverage over the workaround details we've implemented.

* docs: Revise the quota section

Minor revisions with phrasing, admonitions for structure and better explanation of the feature functionality/purpose.

* docs: Alias section refactor

Extensively covers known issues and technical details that have been discussed often enough.

The improvements should benefit both users and maintainers.

* docs: Refactor master accounts page

This rewrite should more clearly document the feature, along with a better example and additional links for reference.

* docs: OAuth2 revision

Minor update to this page:
- Links extracted to bottom of page as per convention.
- ENV file example converted to preferred `compose.yaml` ENV settings.

* docs: Sieve minor revisions

- Correct link to subaddressing section
- Make the config file example snippets intended filename less ambiguous.
- Minor rephrasng.

* docs: Revise accounts overview section

Revised the account section and added additional clarity for common confusion with relation to sender address and multi-domain support.

Top of the page now clarifies it's a technical reference and directs users to the related pages for configuration / caveats.

Technical Overview links to Dovecot docs were missing.

* docs: Another revision pass

File based provisioner docs:
- Sections indent with info admonitions.
- Accounts section expanded with config format and example.
- Quotas section expanded and shifted to bottom (alphabetical sort).
- Split into `setup` CLI and config reference groups.

Overview page:
- Sections indent with info admonitions.
- Revised content.

* docs(chore): Shift sub-addressing section

This is related to accounts and aliases, but not provisioners, thus extract out of the accounts parent section.

* docs: Document `postfix-accounts.cf` third column

This lacked documentation but was community contributed feature to allow further customization of a Dovecot Account.

It has caveats as DMS does not take these into consideration anywhere in scripts. Documenting officially for better awareness.

* docs: Revise and expand supplementary pages

Better outline the OAuth2 login process, the two supported login mechanisms and their docs/rfcs, along with documenting caveat with mail client compatibility.

Add a verification tip for the OAuth2 support, showing how `curl` can be used, along with caveat presently affecting the `curl` in DMS v14.

Additionally note the feature still isn't documented fully, providing the user with additional references for more information.

`ACCOUNT_PROVISIONER` ENV docs minimized. No `OIDC` provisioner plans, the OAuth2 docs page now mentions SCIM 2.0 API as the next step towards resolving that concern. The tip admonition was removed as it no longer provides value, instead we link to the Account Management overview page.

Dovecot Master Accounts docs page now lightly document the `setup` CLI and config format for the feature.

* docs: Fix broken anchor links

Some anchor links to different parts of our docs have gone stale. This branch also broke a few itself that I missed.

The build now only reports issues with anchor links to Content Tabs, which it must not be aware of during the build (_MKDocs Material specific feature?_)

* docs(lint): Fix indentation level

* chore: Add entry to `CHANGELOG.md` + corrections
2024-07-22 10:00:53 +12:00

203 lines
9.0 KiB

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- 'Home': index.md
- 'Introduction': introduction.md
- 'Usage': usage.md
- 'Configuration':
- 'Environment Variables': config/environment.md
- 'Account Management':
- 'Overview': config/account-management/overview.md
- 'Provisioner':
- 'File Based': config/account-management/provisioner/file.md
- 'LDAP Service': config/account-management/provisioner/ldap.md
- 'Supplementary':
- 'Master Accounts': config/account-management/supplementary/master-accounts.md
- 'OAuth2 Authentication': config/account-management/supplementary/oauth2.md
- 'Best Practices':
- 'Auto-discovery': config/best-practices/autodiscover.md
- 'DKIM, DMARC & SPF': config/best-practices/dkim_dmarc_spf.md
- 'MTA-STS': config/best-practices/mta-sts.md
- 'Security':
- 'Understanding the Ports': config/security/understanding-the-ports.md
- 'SSL/TLS': config/security/ssl.md
- 'Fail2Ban': config/security/fail2ban.md
- 'Mail Encryption' : config/security/mail_crypt.md
- 'Rspamd' : config/security/rspamd.md
- 'Debugging': config/debugging.md
- 'Mail Delivery with POP3': config/pop3.md
- 'About setup.sh': config/setup.sh.md
- 'Advanced Configuration':
- 'Optional Configuration': config/advanced/optional-config.md
- 'Maintenance':
- 'Update and Cleanup': config/advanced/maintenance/update-and-cleanup.md
- 'Override the Default Configs':
- 'Dovecot': config/advanced/override-defaults/dovecot.md
- 'Postfix': config/advanced/override-defaults/postfix.md
- 'Modifications via Script': config/advanced/override-defaults/user-patches.md
- 'Email Filtering with Sieve': config/advanced/mail-sieve.md
- 'Email Gathering with Fetchmail': config/advanced/mail-fetchmail.md
- 'Email Gathering with Getmail': config/advanced/mail-getmail.md
- 'Email Forwarding':
- 'Relay Hosts': config/advanced/mail-forwarding/relay-hosts.md
- 'AWS SES': config/advanced/mail-forwarding/aws-ses.md
- 'Configure Gmail as a relay host': config/advanced/mail-forwarding/gmail-smtp.md
- 'Full-Text Search': config/advanced/full-text-search.md
- 'Kubernetes': config/advanced/kubernetes.md
- 'IPv6': config/advanced/ipv6.md
- 'Podman': config/advanced/podman.md
- 'Examples':
- 'Tutorials':
- 'Basic Installation': examples/tutorials/basic-installation.md
- 'Mailserver behind Proxy': examples/tutorials/mailserver-behind-proxy.md
- 'Crowdsec': examples/tutorials/crowdsec.md
- 'Building your own Docker image': examples/tutorials/docker-build.md
- 'Blog Posts': examples/tutorials/blog-posts.md
- 'Dovecot FTS with Apache Solr': examples/tutorials/dovecot-solr.md
- 'Use Cases':
- 'Forward-Only Mail-Server with LDAP': examples/use-cases/forward-only-mailserver-with-ldap-authentication.md
- 'Customize IMAP Folders': examples/use-cases/imap-folders.md
- 'iOS Mail Push Support': examples/use-cases/ios-mail-push-support.md
- 'Lua Authentication': examples/use-cases/auth-lua.md
- 'Bind outbound SMTP to a specific network': examples/use-cases/bind-smtp-network-interface.md
- 'Relay inbound and outbound mail for an internal DMS': examples/use-cases/external-relay-only-mailserver.md
- 'FAQ' : faq.md
- 'Contributing':
- 'General Information': contributing/general.md
- 'Tests': contributing/tests.md
- 'Issues and Pull Requests': contributing/issues-and-pull-requests.md
- '<span class="icon-external-link"></span>DockerHub': https://hub.docker.com/r/mailserver/docker-mailserver/
- '<span class="icon-external-link"></span>GHCR': https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/pkgs/container/docker-mailserver