# docker-mailserver ``` # # CURRENTLY IN BETA # ``` [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tomav/docker-mailserver.svg?branch=v2)](https://travis-ci.org/tomav/docker-mailserver) A fullstack but simple mail server (smtp, imap, antispam, antivirus...). Only configuration files, no SQL database. Keep it simple and versioned. Easy to deploy and upgrade. Includes: - postfix with smtp auth - dovecot for sasl, imap (and optional pop3) with ssl support - amavis - spamassasin supporting custom rules - clamav with automatic updates - opendkim - opendmarc - fail2ban - [LetsEncrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) and self-signed certificates - [integration tests](https://travis-ci.org/tomav/docker-mailserver) - [automated builds on docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/tvial/docker-mailserver/) Why I created this image: [Simple mail server with Docker](http://tvi.al/simple-mail-server-with-docker/) Before you open an issue, please have a look this `README`, the [FAQ](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/wiki/FAQ) and Postfix/Dovecot documentation. ## Project architecture ├── config # User: personal configurations ├── docker-compose.yml.dist # User: 'docker-compose.yml' example ├── target # Developer: default server configurations └── test # Developer: integration tests ## Basic usage # get v2 image docker pull tvial/docker-mailserver:v2 # create a "docker-compose.yml" file containing: mail: image: tvial/docker-mailserver:v2 hostname: mail domainname: domain.com # your FQDN will be 'mail.domain.com' ports: - "25:v25" - "143:143" - "587:587" - "993:993" volumes: - ./config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/ # Create your first mail account # Don't forget to adapt MAIL_USER and MAIL_PASS to your needs mkdir -p config docker run --rm \ -e MAIL_USER=username@domain.tld \ -e MAIL_PASS=mypassword \ -ti tvial/docker-mailserver:v2 \ /bin/sh -c 'echo "$MAIL_USER|$(doveadm pw -s CRAM-MD5 -u $MAIL_USER -p $MAIL_PASS)"' >> config/postfix-accounts.cf # start the container docker-compose up -d mail You're done! ## Managing users and aliases ### Users As you've seen above, users are managed in `config/postfix-accounts.cf`. Just add the full email address and its encrypted password separated by a pipe. Example: user1@domain.tld|{SCHEME}mypassword-encrypted user2@otherdomain.tld|{SCHEME}myotherpassword-encrypted To generate the password you could run for example the following: docker run --rm -ti tvial/docker-mailserver:v2 doveadm pw -s CRAM-MD5 -u user1@domain.tld You will be asked for a password (and for a confirmation of the password). Just copy all the output string in the file `config/postfix-accounts.cf`. The `doveadm pw` command let you choose between several encryption schemes for the password. Use doveadm pw -l to get a list of the currently supported encryption schemes. ### Aliases Please first read [Postfix documentation on virtual aliases](http://www.postfix.org/VIRTUAL_README.html#virtual_alias). Aliases are managed in `config/postfix-virtual.cf`. An alias is a full email address that will be: * delivered to an existing account in `config/postfix-accounts.cf` * redirected to one or more other email adresses Alias and target are space separated. Example: # Alias to existing account alias1@domain.tld user1@domain.tld # Forward to external email address alias2@domain.tld external@gmail.com ## Environment variables * DMS_SSL * *empty* (default) => SSL disabled * letsencrypt => Enables Let's Encrypt certificates * self-signed => Enables self-signed certificates * ENABLE_POP3 * *empty* (default) => POP3 service disabled * 1 => Enables POP3 service * SMTP_ONLY * *empty* (default) => courier daemons might start * *1 => do not launch any courier daemons (imap, pop3) * SA_TAG * *2.0* (default) => add spam info headers if at, or above that level * SA_TAG2 * *6.31* (default) => add 'spam detected' headers at that level * SA_KILL * *6.31* (default) => triggers spam evasive actions * SASL_PASSWD * *empty* (default) => No sasl_passwd will be created * *string* => A /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd will be created with that content and postmap will be run on it * ENABLE_FAIL2BAN * *empty* (default) => fail2ban service disabled * 1 => Enables fail2ban service Please check [how the container starts](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/blob/v2/start-mailserver.sh) to understand what's expected. ## SSL Please read [the SSL page in the wiki](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/wiki/SSL) for more information. ## Todo Things to do or to improve are stored on [Github](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/issues). Feel free to improve this docker image. ## Contribute - Fork - Improve - Add integration tests in `test/tests.bats` - Build image and run tests using `make` - Document your improvements - Commit, push and make a pull-request