load 'test_helper/common' function setup() { run_setup_file_if_necessary } function teardown() { run_teardown_file_if_necessary } function setup_file() { docker run -d --name mail_with_relays \ -v "`pwd`/test/config/relay-hosts":/tmp/docker-mailserver \ -v "`pwd`/test/test-files":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test:ro \ -e RELAY_HOST=default.relay.com \ -e RELAY_PORT=2525 \ -e RELAY_USER=smtp_user \ -e RELAY_PASSWORD=smtp_password \ --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \ -e PERMIT_DOCKER=host \ -e DMS_DEBUG=0 \ -h mail.my-domain.com -t ${NAME} wait_for_finished_setup_in_container mail_with_relays } function teardown_file() { docker rm -f mail_with_relays } @test "first" { # this test must come first to reliably identify when to run setup_file } @test "checking relay hosts: default mapping is added from env vars" { run docker exec mail_with_relays /bin/sh -c 'cat /etc/postfix/relayhost_map | grep -e "^@domainone.tld\s\+\[default.relay.com\]:2525" | wc -l | grep 1' assert_success } @test "checking relay hosts: custom mapping is added from file" { run docker exec mail_with_relays /bin/sh -c 'cat /etc/postfix/relayhost_map | grep -e "^@domaintwo.tld\s\+\[other.relay.com\]:587" | wc -l | grep 1' assert_success } @test "checking relay hosts: ignored domain is not added" { run docker exec mail_with_relays /bin/sh -c 'cat /etc/postfix/relayhost_map | grep -e "^@domainthree.tld\s\+\[any.relay.com\]:25" | wc -l | grep 0' assert_success } @test "checking relay hosts: auth entry is added" { run docker exec mail_with_relays /bin/sh -c 'cat /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd | grep -e "^@domaintwo.tld\s\+smtp_user_2:smtp_password_2" | wc -l | grep 1' assert_success } @test "checking relay hosts: default auth entry is added" { run docker exec mail_with_relays /bin/sh -c 'cat /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd | grep -e "^\[default.relay.com\]:2525\s\+smtp_user:smtp_password" | wc -l | grep 1' assert_success } @test "last" { # this test is only there to reliably mark the end for the teardown_file }