#!/bin/bash set -euE -o pipefail # shellcheck source=../scripts/helpers/index.sh source /usr/local/bin/helpers/index.sh function _usage { # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf '%s' "${PURPLE}SETUP${RED}(${YELLOW}1${RED}) ${ORANGE}NAME${RESET} setup - 'docker-mailserver' Administration & Configuration CLI ${ORANGE}SYNOPSIS${RESET} setup [ OPTIONS${RED}...${RESET} ] COMMAND [ help ${RED}|${RESET} ARGUMENTS${RED}...${RESET} ] COMMAND ${RED}:=${RESET} { email ${RED}|${RESET} alias ${RED}|${RESET} quota ${RED}|${RESET} dovecot-master ${RED}|${RESET} config ${RED}|${RESET} relay ${RED}|${RESET} debug } SUBCOMMAND ${ORANGE}DESCRIPTION${RESET} This is the main administration command that you use for all your interactions with 'docker-mailserver'. Initial setup, configuration, and much more is done with this CLI tool. Most subcommands can provide additional information and examples by appending 'help'. For example: 'setup email add help' ${RED}[${ORANGE}SUB${RED}]${ORANGE}COMMANDS${RESET} ${LBLUE}COMMAND${RESET} email ${RED}:=${RESET} setup email ${CYAN}add${RESET} [] setup email ${CYAN}update${RESET} [] setup email ${CYAN}del${RESET} [ OPTIONS${RED}...${RESET} ] [ ${RED}...${RESET} ] setup email ${CYAN}restrict${RESET} [] setup email ${CYAN}list${RESET} ${LBLUE}COMMAND${RESET} alias ${RED}:=${RESET} setup alias ${CYAN}add${RESET} setup alias ${CYAN}del${RESET} setup alias ${CYAN}list${RESET} ${LBLUE}COMMAND${RESET} quota ${RED}:=${RESET} setup quota ${CYAN}set${RESET} [] setup quota ${CYAN}del${RESET} ${LBLUE}COMMAND${RESET} dovecot-master ${RED}:=${RESET} setup dovecot-master ${CYAN}add${RESET} [] setup dovecot-master ${CYAN}update${RESET} [] setup dovecot-master ${CYAN}del${RESET} [ OPTIONS${RED}...${RESET} ] [ ${RED}...${RESET} ] setup dovecot-master ${CYAN}list${RESET} ${LBLUE}COMMAND${RESET} config ${RED}:=${RESET} setup config ${CYAN}dkim${RESET} [ ARGUMENTS${RED}...${RESET} ] ${LBLUE}COMMAND${RESET} relay ${RED}:=${RESET} setup relay ${CYAN}add-auth${RESET} [] setup relay ${CYAN}add-domain${RESET} [] setup relay ${CYAN}exclude-domain${RESET} ${LBLUE}COMMAND${RESET} fail2ban ${RED}:=${RESET} setup fail2ban ${RESET} setup fail2ban ${CYAN}ban${RESET} setup fail2ban ${CYAN}unban${RESET} ${LBLUE}COMMAND${RESET} debug ${RED}:=${RESET} setup debug ${CYAN}fetchmail${RESET} setup debug ${CYAN}login${RESET} setup debug ${CYAN}show-mail-logs${RESET} ${ORANGE}EXAMPLES${RESET} ${LWHITE}setup email add test@example.com${RESET} Add the email account ${LWHITE}test@example.com${RESET}. You will be prompted to input a password afterwards since no password was supplied. ${LWHITE}setup config dkim keysize 2048 domain 'example.com,not-example.com'${RESET} Creates keys of length 2048 for the domains in comma-seperated list. This is necessary when using LDAP as the required domains cannot be inferred. ${LWHITE}setup config dkim help${RESET} This will provide you with a detailed explanation on how to use the ${LWHITE} config dkim${RESET} command, showing what arguments can be passed and what they do. " } function _invalid_command { echo "The command '${*}' is invalid. Use \`setup help\` to get an overview of all commands." >&2 exit 2 } function _main { case ${1:-} in ( email ) case ${2:-} in ( add ) shift 2 ; addmailuser "${@}" ;; ( update ) shift 2 ; updatemailuser "${@}" ;; ( del ) shift 2 ; delmailuser "${@}" ;; ( restrict ) shift 2 ; restrict-access "${@}" ;; ( list ) listmailuser ;; ( * ) _invalid_command "${@}" ;; esac ;; ( alias ) case ${2:-} in ( add ) shift 2 ; addalias "${@}" ;; ( del ) shift 2 ; delalias "${@}" ;; ( list ) shift 2 ; listalias ;; ( * ) _invalid_command "${@}" ;; esac ;; ( quota ) case ${2:-} in ( set ) shift 2 ; setquota "${@}" ;; ( del ) shift 2 ; delquota "${@}" ;; ( * ) _invalid_command "${@}" ;; esac ;; ( dovecot-master ) case ${2:-} in ( add ) shift 2 ; adddovecotmasteruser "${@}" ;; ( update ) shift 2 ; updatedovecotmasteruser "${@}" ;; ( del ) shift 2 ; deldovecotmasteruser "${@}" ;; ( list ) listdovecotmasteruser ;; ( * ) _invalid_command "${@}" ;; esac ;; ( config ) case ${2:-} in ( dkim ) shift 2 ; open-dkim "${@}" ;; ( * ) _invalid_command "${@}" ;; esac ;; ( relay ) case ${2:-} in ( add-domain ) shift 2 ; addrelayhost "${@}" ;; ( add-auth ) shift 2 ; addsaslpassword "${@}" ;; ( exclude-domain ) shift 2 ; excluderelaydomain "${@}" ;; ( * ) _invalid_command "${@}" ;; esac ;; ( fail2ban ) shift 1 ; fail2ban "${@}" ;; ( debug ) case ${2:-} in ( fetchmail ) debug-fetchmail ;; ( show-mail-logs ) cat /var/log/mail/mail.log ;; ( login ) shift 2 if [[ -z ${1:-} ]] then /bin/bash else /bin/bash -c "${@}" fi ;; ( * ) _invalid_command "${*}" ;; esac ;; ( help ) _usage ;; ( * ) _invalid_command "${*}" ;; esac } if [[ -z ${1:-} ]] then _usage else _main "${@}" fi