Fork 0

83 lines
5.0 KiB
Go HTML Template

# shellcheck disable=SC2034
{{ $orderedContainers := sortObjectsByKeysDesc $ "Created" }}
{{ range $_, $container := whereExist $orderedContainers "Env.LETSENCRYPT_HOST" }}
{{ if trim $container.Env.LETSENCRYPT_HOST }}
{{ if parseBool (coalesce $container.Env.LETSENCRYPT_SINGLE_DOMAIN_CERTS "false") }}
{{/* Explicit per-domain splitting of the certificate */}}
{{ range $host := split $container.Env.LETSENCRYPT_HOST "," }}
{{ $host := trim $host }}
{{- "\n " }}'{{ printf "%.12s" $container.ID }}_{{ sha1 $host }}' # {{ $container.Name }}, created at {{ $container.Created }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{/* Default: multi-domain (SAN) certificate */}}
{{- "\n " }}'{{ printf "%.12s" $container.ID }}' # {{ $container.Name }}, created at {{ $container.Created }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $hosts, $containers := groupBy $ "Env.LETSENCRYPT_HOST" }}
{{ $hosts := trimSuffix "," $hosts }}
{{ range $container := $containers }}
{{/* Trim spaces and set empty values on per-container environment variables */}}
{{ $KEYSIZE := trim (coalesce $container.Env.LETSENCRYPT_KEYSIZE "") }}
{{ $STAGING := trim (coalesce $container.Env.LETSENCRYPT_TEST "") }}
{{ $EMAIL := trim (coalesce $container.Env.LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL "") }}
{{ $CA_URI := trim (coalesce $container.Env.ACME_CA_URI "") }}
{{ $PREFERRED_CHAIN := trim (coalesce $container.Env.ACME_PREFERRED_CHAIN "") }}
{{ $OCSP := trim (coalesce $container.Env.ACME_OCSP "") }}
{{ $EAB_KID := trim (coalesce $container.Env.ACME_EAB_KID "") }}
{{ $EAB_HMAC_KEY := trim (coalesce $container.Env.ACME_EAB_HMAC_KEY "") }}
{{ $ZEROSSL_API_KEY := trim (coalesce $container.Env.ZEROSSL_API_KEY "") }}
{{ $RESTART_CONTAINER := trim (coalesce $container.Env.LETSENCRYPT_RESTART_CONTAINER "") }}
{{ $PRE_HOOK := trim (coalesce $container.Env.ACME_PRE_HOOK "") }}
{{ $POST_HOOK := trim (coalesce $container.Env.ACME_POST_HOOK "") }}
{{ $cid := printf "%.12s" $container.ID }}
{{- "\n" }}# Container {{ $cid }} ({{ $container.Name }})
{{ if parseBool (coalesce $container.Env.LETSENCRYPT_SINGLE_DOMAIN_CERTS "false") }}
{{/* Explicit per-domain splitting of the certificate */}}
{{ range $host := split $hosts "," }}
{{ $host := trim $host }}
{{ $host := trimSuffix "." $host }}
{{ $hostHash := sha1 $host }}
{{- "\n" }}LETSENCRYPT_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_HOST=('{{ $host }}')
{{- "\n" }}LETSENCRYPT_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_KEYSIZE="{{ $KEYSIZE }}"
{{- "\n" }}LETSENCRYPT_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_TEST="{{ $STAGING }}"
{{- "\n" }}LETSENCRYPT_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_EMAIL="{{ $EMAIL }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_CA_URI="{{ $CA_URI }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_PREFERRED_CHAIN="{{ $PREFERRED_CHAIN }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_OCSP="{{ $OCSP }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_EAB_KID="{{ $EAB_KID }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_EAB_HMAC_KEY="{{ $EAB_HMAC_KEY }}"
{{- "\n" }}ZEROSSL_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_API_KEY="{{ $ZEROSSL_API_KEY }}"
{{- "\n" }}LETSENCRYPT_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_RESTART_CONTAINER="{{ $RESTART_CONTAINER }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_PRE_HOOK="{{ $PRE_HOOK }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_{{ $hostHash }}_POST_HOOK="{{ $POST_HOOK }}"
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{/* Default: multi-domain (SAN) certificate */}}
{{- "\n" }}LETSENCRYPT_{{ $cid }}_HOST=(
{{- range $host := split $hosts "," }}
{{- $host := trim $host }}
{{- $host := trimSuffix "." $host -}}
'{{ $host }}'{{ " " }}
{{- end -}}
{{- "\n" }}LETSENCRYPT_{{ $cid }}_KEYSIZE="{{ $KEYSIZE }}"
{{- "\n" }}LETSENCRYPT_{{ $cid }}_TEST="{{ $STAGING }}"
{{- "\n" }}LETSENCRYPT_{{ $cid }}_EMAIL="{{ $EMAIL }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_CA_URI="{{ $CA_URI }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_PREFERRED_CHAIN="{{ $PREFERRED_CHAIN }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_OCSP="{{ $OCSP }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_EAB_KID="{{ $EAB_KID }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_EAB_HMAC_KEY="{{ $EAB_HMAC_KEY }}"
{{- "\n" }}ZEROSSL_{{ $cid }}_API_KEY="{{ $ZEROSSL_API_KEY }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_PRE_HOOK="{{ $PRE_HOOK }}"
{{- "\n" }}ACME_{{ $cid }}_POST_HOOK="{{ $POST_HOOK }}"
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}