[[ -z "${VHOST_DIR:-}" ]] && \ declare -r VHOST_DIR=/etc/nginx/vhost.d [[ -z "${START_HEADER:-}" ]] && \ declare -r START_HEADER='## Start of configuration add by letsencrypt container' [[ -z "${END_HEADER:-}" ]] && \ declare -r END_HEADER='## End of configuration add by letsencrypt container' add_location_configuration() { local domain="${1:-}" [[ -z "$domain" || ! -f "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}" ]] && domain=default [[ -f "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}" && \ -n $(sed -n "/$START_HEADER/,/$END_HEADER/p" "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}") ]] && return 0 echo "$START_HEADER" > "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}".new cat /app/nginx_location.conf >> "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}".new echo "$END_HEADER" >> "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}".new [[ -f "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}" ]] && cat "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}" >> "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}".new mv -f "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}".new "${VHOST_DIR}/${domain}" return 1 } remove_all_location_configurations() { local old_shopt_options=$(shopt -p) # Backup shopt options shopt -s nullglob for file in "${VHOST_DIR}"/*; do [[ -n $(sed -n "/$START_HEADER/,/$END_HEADER/p" "$file") ]] && \ sed -i "/$START_HEADER/,/$END_HEADER/d" "$file" done eval "$old_shopt_options" # Restore shopt options } ## Docker API function docker_api { local scheme local curl_opts=(-s) local method=${2:-GET} # data to POST if [[ -n "${3:-}" ]]; then curl_opts+=(-d "$3") fi if [[ -z "$DOCKER_HOST" ]];then echo "Error DOCKER_HOST variable not set" >&2 return 1 fi if [[ $DOCKER_HOST == unix://* ]]; then curl_opts+=(--unix-socket ${DOCKER_HOST#unix://}) scheme='http://localhost' else scheme="http://${DOCKER_HOST#*://}" fi [[ $method = "POST" ]] && curl_opts+=(-H 'Content-Type: application/json') curl "${curl_opts[@]}" -X${method} ${scheme}$1 } function docker_exec { local id="${1?missing id}" local cmd="${2?missing command}" local data=$(printf '{ "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": true, "AttachStderr": true, "Tty":false,"Cmd": %s }' "$cmd") exec_id=$(docker_api "/containers/$id/exec" "POST" "$data" | jq -r .Id) if [[ -n "$exec_id" ]]; then docker_api /exec/$exec_id/start "POST" '{"Detach": false, "Tty":false}' fi } function docker_kill { local id="${1?missing id}" local signal="${2?missing signal}" docker_api "/containers/$id/kill?signal=$signal" "POST" } ## Nginx reload_nginx() { if [[ -n "${NGINX_DOCKER_GEN_CONTAINER:-}" ]]; then # Using docker-gen separate container echo "Reloading nginx proxy (using separate container ${NGINX_DOCKER_GEN_CONTAINER})..." docker_kill "$NGINX_DOCKER_GEN_CONTAINER" SIGHUP else if [[ -n "${NGINX_PROXY_CONTAINER:-}" ]]; then echo "Reloading nginx proxy..." docker_exec "$NGINX_PROXY_CONTAINER" \ '[ "sh", "-c", "/usr/local/bin/docker-gen -only-exposed /app/nginx.tmpl /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf; /usr/sbin/nginx -s reload" ]' fi fi } # Convert argument to lowercase (bash 4 only) function lc() { echo "${@,,}" }