mirror of https://gitlab.com/somespace/dijkstra-shortest-path-algorithm.git synced 2025-03-01 03:41:07 +01:00
Martin Schneider 2a5d8d7dbf Initial commit
2020-10-03 15:36:57 +02:00

52 lines
1.5 KiB

#ifndef GRAPH_H
#define GRAPH_H
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
// constant value of "infinity" for float type
const float INF = numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
class Graph
// overloaded constructors generate graph with given/default parameters
Graph(int size = 25, float range = 9.9f, float density = 0.2f);
~Graph(); // destructor
const int V; // amount of nodes in the graph
inline float get_density() { return edge_density; }
inline void subtract_unvisited() { --unvisited; }
// reset src_node_dist, visited and parents before next calculation
void reset_path_calculation();
// print the matrix of the graph to the console
void print_graph();
// befriended class Shortest_Path can access private members of Graph class
friend class Shortest_Path;
// class members variables
// graph parameters
int unvisited = V; // count of unvisited nodes
float distance_range; // range within 1.0 and n for random edge value
float edge_density; // the average number of edges per node
// dynamic connectivity matrix
vector<vector<float>> graph_matrix;
// store minimal src -> node distances (initialised to INF)
vector<float> src_node_dist;
vector<bool> visited;
vector<int> parents; // store shortest path parents to each element
// class member functions
void generate_graph();
#endif // GRAPH_H