mirror of https://github.com/lise-henry/crowbook synced 2024-09-25 12:00:45 +02:00
2017-07-14 18:51:13 +02:00

230 lines
8.2 KiB

use crowbook::Book;
use clap::{App, Arg, Format, ArgMatches, AppSettings};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::process::exit;
use std::fs;
use std::env;
/// Return the --lang option, if it is set
pub fn get_lang() -> Option<String> {
let mut found = false;
for arg in env::args() {
if found {
return Some(arg.clone());
} else if arg == "--lang" || arg == "-L" {
found = true;
/// Prints an error on stderr and exit the program
pub fn print_error(s: &str) -> ! {
writeln!(&mut io::stderr(),
"{} {}",
/// Gets the book options in a (key, value) list, or print an error
pub fn get_book_options<'a>(matches: &'a ArgMatches) -> Vec<(&'a str, &'a str)> {
let mut output = vec![];
if let Some(iter) = matches.values_of("set") {
let v: Vec<_> = iter.collect();
if v.len() % 2 != 0 {
print_error(&lformat!("An odd number of arguments was passed to --set, but it takes \
a list of key value pairs."));
for i in 0..v.len() / 2 {
let key = v[i * 2];
let value = v[i * 2 + 1];
output.push((key, value));
if matches.is_present("proofread") {
output.push(("proofread", "true"));
/// Sets the book options according to command line arguments
/// Also print these options to a string, so it can be used at
/// the creation of a book to check that parameters are OK and t
/// then print them to file
pub fn set_book_options(book: &mut Book, matches: &ArgMatches) -> String {
let mut output = String::new();
let options = get_book_options(matches);
for (key, value) in options {
let res = book.options.set(key, value);
if let Err(err) = res {
print_error(&lformat!("Error in setting key {}: {}", key, err));
output.push_str(&format!("{}: {}\n", key, value));
/// create a book file with the command line arguments
/// and exit the process at the end
pub fn create_book(matches: &ArgMatches) -> ! {
let mut f: Box<Write> = if let Some(book) = matches.value_of("BOOK") {
if fs::metadata(book).is_ok() {
print_error(&lformat!("Could not create file {}: it already exists!", book));
} else {
if let Some(values) = matches.values_of("create") {
if matches.is_present("set") {
let mut book = Book::new();
let s = set_book_options(&mut book, matches);
} else {
f.write_all(lformat!("author: Your name
title: Your title
lang: en
## Output formats
# Uncomment and fill to generate files
# output.html: some_file.html
# output.epub: some_file.epub
# output.pdf: some_file.pdf
# Or uncomment the following to generate PDF, HTML and EPUB files based on this file's name
# output: [pdf, epub, html]
# Uncomment and fill to set cover image (for EPUB)
# cover: some_cover.png\n").as_bytes())
f.write_all(lformat!("\n## List of chapters\n").as_bytes()).unwrap();
for file in values {
f.write_all(format!("+ {}\n", file).as_bytes()).unwrap();
if let Some(s) = matches.value_of("BOOK") {
lformat!("Created {}, now you'll have to complete it!", s));
} else {
unreachable!(); // because Clap takes care of it
pub fn create_matches<'a>() -> (ArgMatches<'a>, String, String) {
lazy_static! {
static ref HELP: String = lformat!("Print help information");
static ref VERSION: String = lformat!("Print version information");
static ref ABOUT: String = lformat!("Render a Markdown book in EPUB, PDF or HTML.");
static ref SINGLE: String = lformat!("Use a single Markdown file instead of a book configuration file");
static ref VERBOSE: String = lformat!("Print warnings in parsing/rendering");
static ref QUIET: String = lformat!("Don't print info/error messages");
static ref PROOFREAD: String = lformat!("Enable proofreading");
static ref CREATE: String = lformat!("Create a new book with existing Markdown files");
static ref OUTPUT: String = lformat!("Specify output file");
static ref LANG: String = lformat!("Set the runtime language used by Crowbook");
static ref TO: String = lformat!("Generate specific format");
static ref SET: String = lformat!("Set a list of book options");
static ref LIST_OPTIONS: String = lformat!("List all possible options");
static ref LIST_OPTIONS_MD: String = lformat!("List all possible options, formatted in Markdown");
static ref PRINT_TEMPLATE: String = lformat!("Prints the default content of a template");
static ref BOOK: String = lformat!("File containing the book configuration file, or a Markdown file when called with --single");
static ref STATS: String = lformat!("Print some project statistics");
static ref TEMPLATE: String = lformat!("\
{{bin}} {{version}} by {{author}}
let app = App::new("crowbook")
.author("Élisabeth Henry <liz.henry@ouvaton.org>")
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-s, --single").help(SINGLE.as_str()))
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-v, --verbose").help(VERBOSE.as_str()))
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-q, --quiet")
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-h, --help").help(HELP.as_str()))
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-V, --version").help(VERSION.as_str()))
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-p, --proofread").help(PROOFREAD.as_str()))
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-c, --create [FILES]...").help(CREATE.as_str()))
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-o, --output [FILE]")
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-t, --to [FORMAT]")
.arg(Arg::from_usage("--set [KEY_VALUES]")
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-l --list-options").help(LIST_OPTIONS.as_str()))
.arg(Arg::from_usage("-L --lang [LANG]")
.arg(Arg::from_usage("--print-template [TEMPLATE]").help(PRINT_TEMPLATE.as_str()))
.arg(Arg::from_usage("--stats -S").help(STATS.as_str()))
// Write help and version now since it `app` is moved when `get_matches` is run
let mut help = vec![];
app.write_help(&mut help).unwrap();
let help = String::from_utf8(help).unwrap();
let mut version = vec![];
app.write_version(&mut version).unwrap();
let version = String::from_utf8(version).unwrap();
let matches = app.get_matches();
(matches, help, version)
/// Pre-check the matches to see if there isn't illegal options not detected by clap
fn pre_check(matches: &ArgMatches) {
if matches.is_present("files") && !matches.is_present("create") {
print_error(&lformat!("A list of additional files is only valid with the --create \