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// Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Élisabeth HENRY.
// This file is part of Crowbook.
// Crowbook is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Crowbook is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Crowbook. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use error::{Error, Result, Source};
use cleaner::{Cleaner, CleanerParams, French, Off, Default};
use bookoptions::BookOptions;
use parser::Parser;
use parser::Features;
use epub::{Epub};
use html_single::{HtmlSingle, ProofHtmlSingle};
use html_dir::{HtmlDir, ProofHtmlDir};
use html_if::{HtmlIf};
use latex::{Latex, ProofLatex, Pdf, ProofPdf};
use odt::{Odt};
use templates::{epub, html, epub3, latex, html_dir, highlight, html_single, html_if};
use number::Number;
use resource_handler::ResourceHandler;
use lang;
use misc;
use book_renderer::BookRenderer;
use chapter::Chapter;
use token::Token;
use text_view::view_as_text;
use book_bars::Bars;
use std::thread;
use std::sync::Arc;
use indicatif::{ProgressBar, MultiProgress};
#[cfg(feature = "proofread")]
use repetition_check::RepetitionDetector;
#[cfg(feature = "proofread")]
use grammar_check::GrammarChecker;
#[cfg(feature = "proofread")]
use grammalecte::GrammalecteChecker;
// Dummy grammarchecker thas does nothing to let the compiler compile
#[cfg(not(feature = "proofread"))]
struct GrammarChecker {}
#[cfg(not(feature = "proofread"))]
impl GrammarChecker {
fn check_chapter(&self, _: &[Token]) -> Result<()> {
// Dummy grammalectechecker thas does nothing to let the compiler compile
#[cfg(not(feature = "proofread"))]
struct GrammalecteChecker {}
#[cfg(not(feature = "proofread"))]
impl GrammalecteChecker {
fn check_chapter(&self, _: &[Token]) -> Result<()> {
// Dummy RepetitionDetector thas does nothing to let the compiler compile
#[cfg(not(feature = "proofread"))]
struct RepetitionDetector {}
#[cfg(not(feature = "proofread"))]
impl RepetitionDetector {
fn check_chapter(&self, _: &[Token]) -> Result<()> {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Write, Read};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::iter::IntoIterator;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use mustache;
use mustache::{MapBuilder, Template};
use yaml_rust::{YamlLoader, Yaml};
use numerals::roman::Roman;
/// Type of header (part or chapter)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Header {
/// Chapter (default)
/// Part (or "book" or "episode" or whatever)
/// Header data (for chapter or part)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct HeaderData {
/// A string containnig the full text version, for e.g. TOCs
pub text: String,
/// The title of the header, e.g. "Part" or "Chapter" or nothing
pub header: String,
/// The number, formatted in roman or arabic
pub number: String,
/// Only the title
pub title: String,
impl fmt::Display for HeaderData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.text)
/// A Book.
/// Probably the central structure for of Crowbook, as it is the one
/// that calls the other ones.
/// It has the tasks of loading a configuration file, loading chapters
/// and using `Parser`to parse them, and then calling various renderers
/// (`HtmlRendrer`, `LatexRenderer`, `EpubRenderer` and/or `OdtRenderer`)
/// to convert the AST into documents.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use crowbook::{Book, Number};
/// // Create a book with some options
/// let mut book = Book::new();
/// book.set_options(&[("author", "Joan Doe"),
/// ("title", "An untitled book"),
/// ("lang", "en")]);
/// // Add a chapter to the book
/// book.add_chapter_from_source(Number::Default, "# The beginning#\nBla, bla, bla".as_bytes()).unwrap();
/// // Render the book as html to stdout
/// book.render_format_to("html", &mut std::io::stdout()).unwrap();
/// ```
pub struct Book {
/// Internal structure. You should not accesss this directly except if
/// you are writing a new renderer.
pub chapters: Vec<Chapter>,
/// Options of the book
pub options: BookOptions,
/// Root path of the book
pub root: PathBuf,
/// Source for error files
pub source: Source,
/// Features used in the book content
pub features: Features,
cleaner: Box<Cleaner>,
chapter_template: Option<Template>,
part_template: Option<Template>,
checker: Option<GrammarChecker>,
grammalecte: Option<GrammalecteChecker>,
detector: Option<RepetitionDetector>,
formats: HashMap<&'static str, (String, Box<BookRenderer>)>,
pub bars: Bars,
impl Book {
/// Creates a new, empty `Book`
pub fn new() -> Book {
let mut book = Book {
source: Source::empty(),
chapters: vec![],
cleaner: Box::new(Off),
root: PathBuf::new(),
options: BookOptions::new(),
chapter_template: None,
part_template: None,
checker: None,
grammalecte: None,
detector: None,
formats: HashMap::new(),
features: Features::new(),
bars: Bars::new(),
book.add_format("html", lformat!("HTML (standalone page)"), Box::new(HtmlSingle{}))
.add_format("proofread.html", lformat!("HTML (standalone page/proofreading)"), Box::new(ProofHtmlSingle{}))
.add_format("html.dir", lformat!("HTML (multiple pages)"), Box::new(HtmlDir{}))
.add_format("proofread.html.dir", lformat!("HTML (multiple pages/proofreading)"), Box::new(ProofHtmlDir{}))
.add_format("tex", lformat!("LaTeX"), Box::new(Latex{}))
.add_format("proofread.tex", lformat!("LaTeX (proofreading)"), Box::new(ProofLatex{}))
.add_format("pdf", lformat!("PDF"), Box::new(Pdf{}))
.add_format("proofread.pdf", lformat!("PDF (proofreading)"), Box::new(ProofPdf{}))
.add_format("epub", lformat!("EPUB"), Box::new(Epub{}))
.add_format("odt", lformat!("ODT"), Box::new(Odt{}))
.add_format("html.if", lformat!("HTML (interactive fiction)"), Box::new(HtmlIf{}));
/// Sets an error message to the progress bar, if it is set
pub fn set_error(&self, msg: &str) {
/// Adds a progress bar where where info should be written.
/// See [indicatif doc](https://docs.rs/indicatif) for more information.
pub fn add_progress_bar(&mut self) {
/// Register a format that can be rendered.
/// The renderer for this format must implement the `BookRenderer` trait.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use crowbook::{Result, Book, BookRenderer};
/// use std::io::Write;
/// struct Dummy {}
/// impl BookRenderer for Dummy {
/// fn render(&self, book: &Book, to: &mut Write) -> Result<()> {
/// write!(to, "This does nothing useful").unwrap();
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// }
/// let mut book = Book::new();
/// book.add_format("foo",
/// "Some dummy implementation",
/// Box::new(Dummy{}));
/// ```
pub fn add_format<S: Into<String>>(&mut self,
format: &'static str,
description: S,
renderer: Box<BookRenderer>) -> &mut Self {
self.formats.insert(format, (description.into(), renderer));
/// Sets the options of a `Book`
/// # Arguments
/// * `options`: a (possibly empty) list (or other iterator) of (key, value) tuples.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use crowbook::Book;
/// let mut book = Book::new();
/// book.set_options(&[("author", "Foo"), ("title", "Bar")]);
/// assert_eq!(book.options.get_str("author").unwrap(), "Foo");
/// assert_eq!(book.options.get_str("title").unwrap(), "Bar");
/// ```
pub fn set_options<'a, I>(&mut self, options: I) -> &mut Book
where I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a (&'a str, &'a str)>
// set options
for &(key, value) in options {
if let Err(err) = self.options.set(key, value) {
error!("{}", lformat!("Error initializing book: could not set {key} to {value}: {error}",
key = key,
value = value,
error = err));
// set cleaner according to lang and autoclean settings
/// Loads a book configuration file
/// # Argument
/// * `path`: the path of the file to load. The directory of this file is used as
/// a "root" directory for all paths referenced in books, whether chapter files,
/// templates, cover images, and so on.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use crowbook::Book;
/// let mut book = Book::new();
/// let result = book.load_file("some.book");
/// ```
pub fn load_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<&mut Book> {
let filename = format!("{}", path.as_ref().display());
self.source = Source::new(filename.as_str());
self.options.source = Source::new(filename.as_str());
let f = File::open(path.as_ref())
.map_err(|_| {
Error::file_not_found(Source::empty(), lformat!("book"), filename.clone())
// Set book path to book's directory
if let Some(parent) = path.as_ref().parent() {
self.root = parent.to_owned();
self.options.root = self.root.clone();
let result = self.read_config(&f);
match result {
Ok(book) => Ok(book),
Err(err) => {
if err.is_config_parser() && path.as_ref().ends_with(".md") {
let err = Error::default(Source::empty(),
lformat!("could not parse {file} as a book \
file.\nMaybe you meant to run crowbook \
with the --single argument?",
file = misc::normalize(path)));
} else {
/// Loads a single markdown file
/// This is *not* used to add a chapter to an existing book, but to to load the
/// book configuration file from a single Markdown file.
/// Since it is designed for single-chapter short stories, this method also sets
/// the `tex.class` option to `article`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use crowbook::Book;
/// let mut book = Book::new();
/// book.load_markdown_file("foo.md"); // not unwraping since foo.md doesn't exist
/// ```
pub fn load_markdown_file<P:AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<&mut Self> {
let filename = format!("{}", path.as_ref().display());
self.source = Source::new(filename.as_str());
// Set book path to book's directory
if let Some(parent) = path.as_ref().parent() {
self.root = parent.to_owned();
self.options.root = self.root.clone();
self.options.set("tex.class", "article").unwrap();
self.options.set("input.yaml_blocks", "true").unwrap();
// Add the file as chapter with hidden title
// hideous line, but basically transforms foo/bar/baz.md to baz.md
let relative_path = Path::new(path
// Update grammar checker according to options
self.add_chapter(Number::Hidden, &relative_path.to_string_lossy())?;
/// Reads a single markdown config from a `Read`able object.
/// Similar to `load_markdown_file`, except it reads a source instead of a file.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use crowbook::Book;
/// let content = "\
/// ---
/// author: Foo
/// title: Bar
/// ---
/// # Book #
/// Some content in *markdown*.";
/// let mut book = Book::new();
/// book.read_markdown_config(content.as_bytes()).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(book.options.get_str("title").unwrap(), "Bar");
/// ```
pub fn read_markdown_config<R: Read>(&mut self, source: R) -> Result<&mut Self> {
self.options.set("tex.class", "article").unwrap();
self.options.set("input.yaml_blocks", "true").unwrap();
// Update grammar checker according to options
self.add_chapter_from_source(Number::Hidden, source)?;
/// Sets options from a YAML block
fn set_options_from_yaml(&mut self, yaml: &str) -> Result<&mut Book> {
self.options.source = self.source.clone();
match YamlLoader::load_from_str(yaml) {
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::config_parser(&self.source,
lformat!("YAML block was not valid YAML: {error}",
error = err)))
Ok(mut docs) => {
if docs.len() == 1 && docs[0].as_hash().is_some() {
if let Yaml::Hash(hash) = docs.pop().unwrap() {
for (key, value) in hash {
if let Err(err) = self.options.set_yaml(key, value) {
error!("{}", err);
} else {
} else {
return Err(Error::config_parser(&self.source,
lformat!("YAML part of the book is not a \
valid hashmap")));
/// Reads a book configuration from a `Read`able source.
/// # Book configuration
/// A line with "option: value" sets the option to value
/// + chapter_name.md adds the (default numbered) chapter
/// - chapter_name.md adds the (unnumbered) chapter
/// 3. chapter_name.md adds the (custom numbered) chapter
/// # See also
/// * `load_file`
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use crowbook::Book;
/// let content = "\
/// author: Foo
/// title: Bar
/// ! intro.md
/// + chapter_01.md";
/// let mut book = Book::new();
/// book.read_config(content.as_bytes()); // no unwraping as `intro.md` and `chapter_01.md` don't exist
/// ```
pub fn read_config<R: Read>(&mut self, mut source: R) -> Result<&mut Book> {
fn get_filename<'a>(source: &Source, s: &'a str) -> Result<&'a str> {
let words: Vec<&str> = (&s[1..]).split_whitespace().collect();
if words.len() > 1 {
return Err(Error::config_parser(source,
lformat!("chapter filenames must not contain \
} else if words.len() < 1 {
return Err(Error::config_parser(source, lformat!("no chapter name specified")));
self.mainbar_set_message(&lformat!("setting options"));
let mut s = String::new();
source.read_to_string(&mut s)
.map_err(|err| Error::config_parser(Source::empty(),
lformat!("could not read source: {error}",
error = err)))?;
// Parse the YAML block, that is, until first chapter
let mut yaml = String::new();
let mut lines = s.lines().peekable();
let mut line;
let mut line_number = 0;
let mut is_next_line_ok: bool;
loop {
if let Some(next_line) = lines.peek() {
if next_line.starts_with(|c| match c {
'-' | '+' | '!' | '@' => true,
_ => c.is_digit(10),
}) {
} else {
line = lines.next().unwrap();
line_number += 1;
if line.trim().ends_with(|c| match c {
'>' | '|' | ':' | '-' => true,
_ => false,
}) {
// line ends with the start of a block indicator
if let Some(next_line) = lines.peek() {
let doc = YamlLoader::load_from_str(next_line);
if !doc.is_ok() {
is_next_line_ok = false;
} else {
let doc = doc.unwrap();
if !doc.is_empty() && doc[0].as_hash().is_some() {
is_next_line_ok = true;
} else {
is_next_line_ok = false;
} else {
if !is_next_line_ok {
// If next line is not valid yaml, probably means we are in a multistring
let result = self.set_options_from_yaml(&yaml);
match result {
Ok(_) => {
// Fine, we can remove previous lines
yaml = String::new();
Err(err) => {
if err.is_book_option() {
// book option error: abort
return Err(err);
} else {
// Other error: we do nothing, hoping it will work
// itself out when more lines are added to yaml
// Update cleaner according to options (autoclean/lang)
// Update grammar checker according to options (proofread.*)
self.mainbar_set_message(&lformat!("Parsing chapters"));
// Parse chapters
let lines: Vec<_> = lines.collect();
self.add_second_bar(&lformat!("Processing..."), lines.len() as u64);
for line in lines {
line_number += 1;
let line = line.trim();
if line.is_empty() || line.starts_with('#') {
} if line.starts_with("--") {
// Subchapter
let mut level = 0;
for b in line.bytes() {
if b == b'-' {
level += 1;
} else {
assert!(level > 1);
level -= 1;
let file = get_filename(&self.source, &line[level..])?;
self.add_subchapter(level as i32, file)?;
} else if line.starts_with('-') {
// unnumbered chapter
let file = get_filename(&self.source, line)?;
self.add_chapter(Number::Unnumbered, file)?;
} else if line.starts_with('+') {
// numbered chapter
let file = get_filename(&self.source, line)?;
self.add_chapter(Number::Default, file)?;
} else if line.starts_with('!') {
// hidden chapter
let file = get_filename(&self.source, line)?;
self.add_chapter(Number::Hidden, file)?;
} else if line.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_digit(10)) {
// chapter with specific number
let parts: Vec<_> = line.splitn(2, |c: char| c == '.' || c == ':' || c == '+')
if parts.len() != 2 {
return Err(Error::config_parser(&self.source,
lformat!("ill-formatted line specifying \
chapter number")));
let file = get_filename(&self.source, parts[1])?;
let number = parts[0].parse::<i32>()
.map_err(|err| {
lformat!("error parsing chapter number: {error}",
error = err))})?;
self.add_chapter(Number::Specified(number), file)?;
} else if line.starts_with('@') {
/* Part */
let subline = &line[1..];
if subline.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_whitespace()) {
let subline = subline.trim();
let ast = Parser::from(&self)
let ast = vec!(Token::Header(1, ast));
self.chapters.push(Chapter::new(Number::DefaultPart, String::new(), ast));
} else if subline.starts_with('+') {
/* Numbered part */
let file = get_filename(&self.source, subline)?;
self.add_chapter(Number::DefaultPart, file)?;
} else if subline.starts_with('-') {
/* Unnumbered part */
let file = get_filename(&self.source, line)?;
self.add_chapter(Number::UnnumberedPart, file)?;
} else if subline.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_digit(10)) {
/* Specified part*/
let parts: Vec<_> = subline.splitn(2, |c: char| c == '.' || c == ':' || c == '+')
if parts.len() != 2 {
return Err(Error::config_parser(&self.source,
lformat!("ill-formatted line specifying \
part number")));
let file = get_filename(&self.source, parts[1])?;
let number = parts[0].parse::<i32>()
.map_err(|err| {
lformat!("error parsing part number: {error}",
error = err))})?;
self.add_chapter(Number::SpecifiedPart(number), file)?;
} else {
return Err(Error::config_parser(&self.source,
lformat!("found invalid part definition in the chapter list")));
} else {
return Err(Error::config_parser(&self.source,
lformat!("found invalid chapter definition in \
the chapter list")));
/// Determine whether proofreading is activated or not
fn is_proofread(&self) -> bool {
self.options.get_bool("proofread").unwrap() &&
(self.options.get("output.proofread.html").is_ok() ||
self.options.get("output.proofread.html.dir").is_ok() ||
/// Initialize the grammar checker and repetetion detector if they needs to be
#[cfg(feature = "proofread")]
fn init_checker(&mut self) {
if self.is_proofread() {
if self.options.get_bool("proofread.languagetool").unwrap() {
let port = self.options.get_i32("proofread.languagetool.port").unwrap() as usize;
let lang = self.options.get_str("lang").unwrap();
let checker = GrammarChecker::new(port, lang);
match checker {
Ok(checker) => self.checker = Some(checker),
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", lformat!("{error}. Proceeding without using languagetool.", error = e))
if self.options.get_bool("proofread.grammalecte").unwrap() {
let port = self.options.get_i32("proofread.grammalecte.port").unwrap() as usize;
let lang = self.options.get_str("lang").unwrap();
let checker = GrammalecteChecker::new(port, lang);
match checker {
Ok(checker) => self.grammalecte = Some(checker),
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", lformat!("{error}. Proceeding without using grammalecte.", error = e))
if self.options.get_bool("proofread.repetitions").unwrap() {
self.detector = Some(RepetitionDetector::new(self));
#[cfg(not(feature = "proofread"))]
fn init_checker(&mut self) {}
/// Renders the book to the given format if output.{format} is set;
/// do nothing otherwise.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use crowbook::Book;
/// let mut book = Book::new();
/// /* Will do nothing as book is empty and has no output format specified */
/// book.render_format("pdf");
/// ```
pub fn render_format(&self, format: &str) -> () {
// TODO: check that it doesn't break everything, or use option?
self.render_format_with_bar(format, 0)
/// Generates output files acccording to book options.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use crowbook::Book;
/// let content = "\
/// ---
/// title: Foo
/// output.tex: /tmp/foo.tex
/// ---
/// # Foo
/// Bar and baz, too.";
/// Book::new()
/// .read_markdown_config(content.as_bytes())
/// .unwrap()
/// .render_all(); // renders foo.tex in /tmp
/// ```
pub fn render_all(&mut self) -> () {
let mut keys: Vec<_> = self.formats
.filter(|fmt| {
if !self.is_proofread() {
if fmt.contains("proofread") {
return false;
self.options.get_path(&format!("output.{}", fmt)).is_ok()
.map(|s| s.to_string())
// Make sure that PDF comes first since running latex takes lots of time
keys.sort_by(|fmt1, fmt2| {
if fmt1.contains("pdf") {
} else if fmt2.contains("pdf") {
} else {
for key in &keys {
.for_each(|(i, fmt)| {
self.render_format_with_bar(fmt, i);
// if handles.is_empty() {
// Logger::display_warning(lformat!("Crowbook generated no file because no output file was \
// specified. Add output.{{format}} to your config file."));
// }
/// Renders the book to the given format and reports to progress bar if set
pub fn render_format_with_bar(&self, format: &str, bar: usize) -> () {
let mut key = String::from("output.");
if let Ok(path) = self.options.get_path(&key) {
self.nth_bar_set_message(bar, &lformat!("rendering..."));
let result = self.render_format_to_file_with_bar(format, path, bar);
if let Err(err) = result {
self.finish_nth_spinner_error(bar, format, &format!("{}", err));
error!("{}", lformat!("Error rendering {name}: {error}", name = format, error = err));
pub fn render_format_to_file_with_bar<P:Into<PathBuf>>(&self,
format: &str,
path: P,
bar: usize) -> Result<()> {
debug!("{}", lformat!("Attempting to generate {format}...",
format = format));
let path = path.into();
match self.formats.get(format) {
Some(&(ref description, ref renderer)) => {
let path = if path.ends_with("auto") {
let file = if let Some(s) = self.source
.and_then(|f| Path::new(f).file_stem()) {
} else {
return Err(Error::default(&self.source, lformat!("output to {format} set to auto but can't find book file name to infer it",
format = description)));
let file = renderer.auto_path(&file)
.map_err(|_| Error::default(&self.source,
lformat!("the {format} renderer does not support auto for output path",
format = description)))?;
} else {
renderer.render_to_file(self, &path)?;
let path = misc::normalize(path);
let msg = lformat!("Succesfully generated {format}: {path}",
format = description,
path = &path);
info!("{}", &msg);
&lformat!("generated {path}",
path = path));
None => {
lformat!("unknown format {format}",
format = format)))
/// Render book to specified format according to book options, and write the results
/// in the `Write` object.
/// This method will fail if the format is not handled by the book, or if there is a
/// problem during rendering, or if the renderer can't render to a byte stream (e.g.
/// multiple files HTML renderer can't, as it must create a directory.)
/// # See also
/// * `render_format_to_file`, which creates a new file (that *can* be a directory).
/// * `render_format`, which won't do anything if `output.{format}` isn't specified
/// in the book configuration file.
pub fn render_format_to<T: Write>(&mut self, format: &str, f: &mut T) -> Result<()> {
debug!("{}", lformat!("Attempting to generate {format}...",
format = format));
let bar = self.add_spinner_to_multibar(format);
match self.formats.get(format) {
Some(&(ref description, ref renderer)) => {
renderer.render(self, f)?;
&lformat!("generated {format}",
format = format));
info!("{}", lformat!("Succesfully generated {format}",
format = description));
None => {
&lformat!("unknown format"));
lformat!("unknown format {format}",
format = format)))
/// Render book to specified format according to book options. Creates a new file
/// and write the result in it.
/// This method will fail if the format is not handled by the book, or if there is a
/// problem during rendering.
/// # Arguments
/// * `format`: the format to render;
/// * `path`: a path to the file that will be created;
/// * `bar`: a Progressbar, or `None`
/// # See also
/// * `render_format_to`, which writes in any `Write`able object.
/// * `render_format`, which won't do anything if `output.{format}` isn't specified
/// in the book configuration file.
pub fn render_format_to_file<P:Into<PathBuf>>(&mut self,
format: &str,
path: P) -> Result<()> {
let bar = self.add_spinner_to_multibar(format);
let path = path.into();
let normalized = misc::normalize(&path);
self.render_format_to_file_with_bar(format, path, bar)?;
&lformat!("generated {path}",
path = normalized));
/// Adds a chapter to the book.
/// This method is the backend used both by `add_chapter` and `add_chapter_from_source`.
pub fn add_chapter_from_named_source<R: Read>(&mut self,
number: Number,
file: &str,
mut source: R)
-> Result<&mut Self> {
self.mainbar_set_message(&lformat!("Processing {file}...", file = file));
let mut content = String::new();
source.read_to_string(&mut content)
.map_err(|_| {
lformat!("file {file} contains invalid UTF-8",
file = misc::normalize(file)))
// Ignore YAML blocks (or not)
self.parse_yaml(&mut content);
// parse the file
let mut parser = Parser::from(self);
let mut tokens = parser.parse(&content)?;
self.features = self.features | parser.features();
// transform the AST to make local links and images relative to `book` directory
let offset = if let Some(f) = Path::new(file).parent() {
} else {
if offset.starts_with("..") {
debug!("{}", lformat!("Warning: book contains chapter '{file}' in a directory above \
the book file, this might cause problems",
file = misc::normalize(file)));
// For offset: if nothing is specified, it is the filename's directory
// If base_path.{images/links} is specified, override it for one of them.
// If base_path is specified, override it for both.
let res_base = self.options.get_path("resources.base_path");
let res_base_img = self.options.get_path("resources.base_path.images");
let res_base_lnk = self.options.get_path("resources.base_path.links");
let mut link_offset = offset;
let mut image_offset = offset;
if let Ok(ref path) = res_base {
link_offset = Path::new(path);
image_offset = Path::new(path);
} else {
if let Ok(ref path) = res_base_img {
image_offset = Path::new(path);
if let Ok(ref path) = res_base_lnk {
link_offset = Path::new(path);
// add offset
ResourceHandler::add_offset(link_offset.as_ref(), image_offset.as_ref(), &mut tokens);
// Add a title if there is none in the chapter
misc::insert_title(&mut tokens);
// If one of the renderers requires it, perform grammarcheck
if cfg!(feature = "proofread") && self.is_proofread() {
let normalized = misc::normalize(file);
if let Some(ref checker) = self.checker {
self.secondbar_set_message(&lformat!("Running languagetool"));
info!("{}", lformat!("Trying to run languagetool on {file}, this might take a \
file = &normalized));
if let Err(err) = checker.check_chapter(&mut tokens) {
error!("{}", lformat!("Error running languagetool on {file}: {error}",
file = &normalized,
error = err));
if let Some(ref checker) = self.grammalecte {
self.secondbar_set_message(&lformat!("Running grammalecte"));
info!("{}", lformat!("Trying to run grammalecte on {file}, this might take a \
file = &normalized));
if let Err(err) = checker.check_chapter(&mut tokens) {
error!("{}", lformat!("Error running grammalecte on {file}: {error}",
file = &normalized,
error = err));
if let Some(ref detector) = self.detector {
self.secondbar_set_message(&lformat!("Detecting repetitions"));
info!("{}", lformat!("Trying to run repetition detector on {file}, this might take a \
file = &normalized));
if let Err(err) = detector.check_chapter(&mut tokens) {
error!("{}", lformat!("Error running repetition detector on {file}: {error}",
file = &normalized,
error = err));
self.chapters.push(Chapter::new(number, file, tokens));
/// Adds a chapter, as a file name, to the book
pub fn add_subchapter(&mut self, level: i32, file: &str) -> Result<&mut Self> {
let number = {
if let Some(chapter) = self.chapters.last() {
} else {
self.add_chapter(number, file)?;
// Adjust header levels
let last = self.chapters.last_mut().unwrap();
for token in &mut last.content {
match *token {
Token::Header(ref mut n, _) => {
let new = *n + level;
if new > 6 || new < 0 {
return Err(Error::parser(Source::new(file),
lformat!("this subchapter contains a heading that, when adjusted, is not in the right range ({} instead of [0-6])", new)));
*n = new;
_ => {},
/// Adds a chapter, as a file name, to the book
/// `Book` will then parse the file and store the AST (i.e., a vector
/// of `Token`s).
/// # Arguments
/// * `number`: specifies if the chapter must be numbered, not numbered, or if its title
/// must be hidden. See `Number`.
/// * `file`: path of the file for this chapter
/// **Returns** an error if `file` does not exist, could not be read, of if there was
/// some error parsing it.
pub fn add_chapter(&mut self, number: Number, file: &str) -> Result<&mut Self> {
self.mainbar_set_message(&lformat!("Parsing {file}",
file = misc::normalize(file)));
debug!("{}", lformat!("Parsing chapter: {file}...",
file = misc::normalize(file)));
// try to open file
let path = self.root.join(file);
let f = File::open(&path)
.map_err(|_| {
lformat!("book chapter"),
format!("{}", path.display()))
self.add_chapter_from_named_source(number, file, f)
/// Adds a chapter to the book from a source (any object implementing `Read`)
/// `Book` will then parse the string and store the AST (i.e., a vector
/// of `Token`s).
/// # Arguments
/// * `number`: specifies if the chapter must be numbered, not numbered, or if its title
/// must be hidden. See `Number`.
/// * `content`: the content of the chapter.
/// **Returns** an error if there was some errror parsing `content`.
pub fn add_chapter_from_source<R: Read>(&mut self, number: Number, source: R) -> Result<&mut Self> {
self.add_chapter_from_named_source(number, "", source)
/// Either clean a string or does nothing,
/// according to book `lang` and `autoclean` options
pub fn clean<'s, S: Into<Cow<'s, str>>>(&self, text: S, tex: bool) -> Cow<'s, str> {
self.cleaner.clean(text.into(), tex)
/// Returns a template
/// Returns the default one if no option was set, or the one set by the user.
/// Returns an error if `template` isn't a valid template name.
pub fn get_template(&self, template: &str) -> Result<Cow<'static, str>> {
let option = self.options.get_path(template);
let fallback = match template {
"epub.css" => epub::CSS,
"epub.chapter.xhtml" => {
if self.options.get_i32("epub.version")? == 3 {
} else {
"html.css" => html::CSS,
"html.css.colours" => html::CSS_COLOURS,
"html.css.print" => html::PRINT_CSS,
"html.standalone.template" => html_single::HTML,
"html.standalone.js" => html_single::JS,
"html.js" => html::JS,
"html.dir.template" => html_dir::TEMPLATE,
"html.highlight.js" => highlight::JS,
"html.highlight.css" => highlight::CSS,
"html.if.js" => html_if::JS,
"html.if.new_game" => html_if::NEW_GAME,
"tex.template" => latex::TEMPLATE,
_ => {
return Err(Error::config_parser(&self.source,
lformat!("invalid template '{template}'",
template = template)))
if let Ok(ref s) = option {
let mut f = File::open(s)
.map_err(|_| {
format!("template '{template}'", template = template),
let mut res = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut res)
.map_err(|_| {
lformat!("file '{file}' could not be read", file = s))
} else {
/// Sets the chapter_template once and for all
fn set_chapter_template(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let template =
self.chapter_template = Some(template);
/// Returns the formatted (roman or arabic) number of chapter
pub fn get_header_number(&self, header: Header, n: i32) -> Result<String> {
let boolean = match header {
Header::Part => self.options.get_bool("rendering.part.roman_numerals").unwrap(),
Header::Chapter => self.options.get_bool("rendering.chapter.roman_numerals").unwrap(),
let number = if boolean {
if n <= 0 {
return Err(Error::render(Source::empty(),
lformat!("can not use roman numerals with zero or negative chapter numbers ({n})",
n = n)));
format!("{:X}", Roman::from(n as i16))
} else {
format!("{}", n)
/// Returns the string corresponding to a number, title, and the numbering template for chapter
pub fn get_header<F>(&self, header: Header, n: i32, title: String, mut f: F) -> Result<HeaderData>
where F: FnMut(&str) -> Result<String>
let header_type = match header {
Header::Part => "part",
Header::Chapter => "chapter",
let mut data = self.get_metadata(&mut f)?;
if !title.is_empty() {
data = data.insert_bool(&format!("has_{}_title", header_type),
let number = self.get_header_number(header, n)?;
let header_name = self
.get_str(&format!("rendering.{}", header_type))
.map(|s| s.to_owned())
.unwrap_or_else(|_| lang::get_str(self.options.get_str("lang").unwrap(),
data = data.insert_str(format!("{}_title", header_type),
.insert_str(header_type, header_name.clone())
.insert_str("number", number.clone());
let data = data.build();
let mut res: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let opt_template = match header {
Header::Part => &self.part_template,
Header::Chapter => &self.chapter_template,
if let Some(ref template) = *opt_template {
template.render_data(&mut res, &data)?;
} else {
let template =
compile_str(self.options.get_str(&format!("rendering.{}.template", header_type))
&format!("rendering.{}.template", header_type))?;
template.render_data(&mut res, &data)?;
match String::from_utf8(res) {
Err(_) => panic!(lformat!("header generated by mustache was not valid utf-8")),
Ok(res) => Ok(HeaderData {
text: res,
number: number,
header: header_name,
title: title,
/// Returns the string corresponding to a number, title, and the numbering template for chapter
pub fn get_chapter_header<F>(&self, n: i32, title: String, f: F) -> Result<HeaderData>
where F: FnMut(&str) -> Result<String>
self.get_header(Header::Chapter, n, title, f)
/// Returns the string corresponding to a number, title, and the numbering template for part
pub fn get_part_header<F>(&self, n: i32, title: String, f: F) -> Result<HeaderData>
where F: FnMut(&str) -> Result<String>
self.get_header(Header::Part, n, title, f)
/// Returns a `MapBuilder` (used by `Mustache` for templating), to be used (and completed)
/// by renderers. It fills it with the metadata options.
/// It also uses the lang/xx.yaml file corresponding to the language and fills
/// `loc_xxx` fiels with it that corresponds to translated versions.
/// This method treats the metadata as Markdown and thus calls `f` to render it.
pub fn get_metadata<F>(&self, mut f: F) -> Result<MapBuilder>
where F: FnMut(&str) -> Result<String>
let mut mapbuilder = MapBuilder::new();
mapbuilder = mapbuilder.insert_str("crowbook_version", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
mapbuilder =
mapbuilder.insert_bool(&format!("lang_{}", self.options.get_str("lang").unwrap()),
// Add metadata to mapbuilder
for key in self.options.get_metadata() {
if let Ok(s) = self.options.get_str(key) {
let key = key.replace(".", "_");
// Don't render lang as markdown
let content = match key.as_ref() {
"lang" => Ok(s.to_string()),
_ => f(s),
let raw = view_as_text(&Parser::from(&self).parse(s)?);
match content {
Ok(content) => {
if !content.is_empty() {
mapbuilder = mapbuilder.insert_str(&format!("{}_raw", key), raw);
mapbuilder = mapbuilder.insert_str(&key, content);
mapbuilder = mapbuilder.insert_bool(&format!("has_{}", key), true);
} else {
mapbuilder = mapbuilder.insert_bool(&format!("has_{}", key), false);
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::render(&self.source,
lformat!("could not render `{key}` for \
key = &key,
error = err)));
} else {
mapbuilder = mapbuilder.insert_bool(&format!("has_{}", key), false);
// Add localization strings
let hash = lang::get_hash(self.options.get_str("lang").unwrap());
for (key, value) in hash {
let key = format!("loc_{}", key.as_str().unwrap());
let value = value.as_str().unwrap();
mapbuilder = mapbuilder.insert_str(&key, value);
/// Remove YAML blocks from a string and try to parse them to set options
/// YAML blocks start with
/// ---
/// and end either with
/// ---
/// or
/// ...
fn parse_yaml(&mut self, content: &mut String) {
if !(content.starts_with("---\n") || content.contains("\n---\n") ||
content.starts_with("---\r\n") || content.contains("\n---\r\n")) {
// Content can't contain YAML, so aborting early
let mut new_content = String::new();
let mut previous_empty = true;
let mut lines = content.lines();
while let Some(line) = lines.next() {
if line == "---" && previous_empty {
previous_empty = false;
let mut yaml_block = String::new();
let mut valid_block = false;
while let Some(new_line) = lines.next() {
if new_line == "---" || new_line == "..." {
// Checks that this is valid YAML
match YamlLoader::load_from_str(&yaml_block) {
Ok(docs) => {
// Use this yaml block to set options only if 1) it is valid
// 2) the option is activated
if docs.len() == 1 && docs[0].as_hash().is_some() &&
self.options.get_bool("input.yaml_blocks") == Ok(true) {
let hash = docs[0].as_hash().unwrap();
for (key, value) in hash {
match self.options
//todo: remove clone
.set_yaml(key.clone(), value.clone()) {
Ok(opt) => {
if let Some(old_value) = opt {
debug!("{}", lformat!("Inline YAML block \
replaced {:?} \
previously set to \
{:?} to {:?}",
} else {
debug!("{}", lformat!("Inline YAML block \
set {:?} to {:?}",
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", lformat!("Inline YAML block could \
not set {:?} to {:?}: {}",
} else {
debug!("{}", lformat!("Ignoring YAML \
block = &yaml_block));
valid_block = true;
Err(err) => {
error!("{}", lformat!("Found something that looked like a \
YAML block:\n{block}",
block = &yaml_block));
error!("{}", lformat!("... but it didn't parse correctly as \
YAML('{error}'), so treating it like \
error = err));
} else {
if !valid_block {
// Block was invalid, so add it to markdown content
} else if line.is_empty() {
previous_empty = true;
} else {
previous_empty = false;
*content = new_content;
// Update the cleaner according to autoclean and lang options
fn update_cleaner(&mut self) {
let params = CleanerParams {
smart_quotes: self.options.get_bool("input.clean.smart_quotes").unwrap(),
ligature_dashes: self.options.get_bool("input.clean.ligature.dashes").unwrap(),
ligature_guillemets: self.options.get_bool("input.clean.ligature.guillemets").unwrap(),
if self.options.get_bool("input.clean").unwrap() {
let lang = self.options.get_str("lang").unwrap().to_lowercase();
let cleaner: Box<Cleaner> = if lang.starts_with("fr") {
} else {
self.cleaner = cleaner;
} else {
self.cleaner = Box::new(Off);
/// Calls mustache::compile_str but catches panics and returns a result
pub fn compile_str<O>(template: &str, source: O, template_name: &str) -> Result<mustache::Template>
where O: Into<Source>
let input: String = template.to_owned();
let result = mustache::compile_str(&input);
match result {
Ok(result) => Ok(result),
Err(err) => Err(Error::template(source, lformat!("could not compile '{template}': {error}",
template = template_name,
error = err))),