--- # This is a YAML block. It should not appear in the final result title: A test --- --- # This is another YAML block. foo: "this should not be parsed" ... foo --- Sub-chapter ----------- # Chapter # Section ------- # Another chapter # ## Another section ## ### Subsection ### #### Subsubsection #### ##### Sub-3-section ##### ###### Sub-4 section ###### ####### Normally does not exist ####### A normal paragraph. Another one, with *emphasis* and _more emphasis_. One with **strong** and __more strong__. Combination of *empasis and __bold__* a dash-yes two dashes -- cool three dashes --- neat ## Unordered list ## * a * b * b.foo * c ## Ordered list ## 1. one 2. two 3. tree ## Links ## [inline link](http://foo.bar) [inline- link with title](https://foo.bar "foobar") [reference link][3] [3]: http://foo.bar ## Code ## Ìnline `
*foo*\text`[^code] [^code]: inline code should escape markdown, latex or HTML characters inside of it. ``` code block ``` ### `code in title` ### ## Table ## | A | B | C | |---|---|---| | 1 | 2 | 3 | ## Blockquote ## > A blockquote wih *emphasis*, `some code`, and > on multiple lines ## horizontal rule ## --- *** ___ ## Footnotes ## A normal footnote[^foo] [^foo]: hello [^bar]: world! This footnote is defined before used, is that a problem?[^bar] Again a reference to first footnote[^foo] ## Auto clean ? ## Should autoclean here ! `But maybe not here ?` *Here, definitely !* ``` definetly *not* here ! ``` ## Escaping ## ### html < \latex ? ### Just testing, not trolling, I could have said `html > \latex{}` ore even ``` html & \latex{} ~can be ^friends\\ ```