# Tips and tricks # ## Using Crowbook with Emacs' markdown mode ## If you use [Emacs](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/) as a text editor, there is a nice [Markdown mode](http://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/) to edit Markdown files. It is possible to use Crowbook for HTML previewing in this mode, which [requires only minimal configuration and tweaking](http://xkcd.com/1742/): ```lisp (custom-set-variables '(markdown-command "crowbook - -qs --to html --output -")) ``` You can then use `markdown-preview` (or `C-c C-c p`) to run Crowbook on this file and preview it in your browser, or run `markdown-live-preview-mode` to see a live preview (updated each time you save you file) in Emacs' integrated browser. ### Some explanations if it looks a bit cryptic to you We set `markdown-command` to `crowbook`, the reason for this is a bit obvious. The arguments we give to crowbook might be a bit less obvious: * the fist argument, `-`, is actually the book file: it tells `crowbook` to read it from standard input. * `-qs` or `--quiet --single` tells Crowbook that is a a standalone markdown file, and not a book configuration file, and to be a bit quiet on error/info messages; * `--to html` specifies that HTML must be generated; * `--output -` tells Crowbook to display the result on the stdout, even if you set `output.html` to `some_file.html`. ### Limitations While it renders correctly, this only works really nicely on standalone Markdown files where you have specified, e.g.: ```markdown --- author: Your name title: Some title --- ``` Else, it will sets `author` and `title` to the default values. ## Embedding fonts in an EPUB file In order to embed fonts in an EPUB file, you'll first have to edit the stylesheet, which you can first obtain with: ```bash $ crowbook --print-template epub.css > my_epub_stylesheet.css ``` You'll need to use the [`@font-face` attribute](https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face): ```css @font-face { font-family: MyFont; src: url(data/my_font.ttf); } ``` Then you can add `my_font.ttf` to the files that need to be added to the EPUB zip file: ```yaml title: My Book author: Me cover: cover.png output.epub: book.epub resources.files: my_font.ttf ``` (Note that you'll have to repeat the process the different `font-weight` and `font-style` variants of your font if you want it to display correctly when there is some text in **bold**, *italics*, or **_both_**.)