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*/ .table { margin: 1em; } .table table { width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; border-style: solid; border-width: thin; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse; } .table table th, .table table td { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; text-align: center; } .table table th { font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; } span.initial { float: left; font-size: 285%; font-weight: bold; margin-right: 0.05em; line-height: 0.8em; } p.first-para { text-indent: 0; } /* Use this for escape narrow space so it is non-breaking */ .nnbsp { /* white-space: nowrap;*/ word-spacing: -0.13em; /* Following necessary for Kobo EPUB3 reader??? */ margin: 0; padding: 0; } /* Default HTML CSS file includes default EPUB CSS file */ /* Colours for the navigation menu (toc) */ nav { background: #181818; color: #cdd4da; border-right-color: #cdd4da; } nav { border-right: solid thin #cdd4da; } #nav a:link { color: #cdd4da; } #nav a:visited { color: #cdd4da; } a:link { color: #3399ff; } a:visited { color: #0066cc; } a:hover { color: #66b3ff; } body { background-color: #181818; color: #cdd4da; } pre, code { background-color: #1d1f21; } /* Colours for top and footer */ #top { background-color: #cdd4da; color: #181818; } footer { background-color: #cdd4da; color: #181818; } footer a, #top a { color: #040C62; } footer a:hover, #top a:hover { color: #00A8F6; } /* Additional elements */ /* Grammar error */ .grammar-error { color: red; text-decoration-line: underline; text-decoration-style: double; } p.first-para:first-letter { font-size: 300%; float: left; font-weight: bold; margin-right: 0.05em; line-height: 1em; } /* The nav element corresponding to the navigation menu */ nav { z-index: 2; position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 20%; overflow-y: auto; font-size: 80%; margin-left: 0; border-right-width: 2px; border-right-style: dashed; } #nav code { background-color: transparent; } #nav a:link { text-decoration: none; } #nav a:visited { text-decoration: none; } #nav { text-align: left; } #nav h2 { text-align: center; } #nav li { list-style-type: none; text-indent: -1em; } #nav li:before { content: none; } #nav ul { padding-right: 1em; padding-left: 1.5em; } /* The menu containing the button to display the navigation bar */ #menu { position: fixed; z-index: 2; top: 0em; left: 1em; transition: left 1s; } #menu img { opacity: 0.5; } #menu img:hover { opacity: 1.0; cursor: pointer; } #menu-button { height: 1.5em; padding: 0.5em; } #book-button { height: 1.5em; padding: 0.5em; float: left; } /* Hide navigation bar */ #nav { left: -21%; transition: left 1s; } /* The main content of the book */ #content { overflow-y: auto; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; transition: margin-left 1s; } /* Used for multifiles HTML */ .prev_chapter { text-align: left; text-indent: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; font-size: 120%; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold; } .next_chapter { text-align: right; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; font-size: 120%; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold; } /* Improving readability for the HTML format only */ p, blockquote, li, .image { margin-right: auto; max-width: 33em; } blockquote { padding: 1em; } #content { text-align: center; } #page { display: inline-block; text-align: justify; max-width: 33em; } #nav-container { top: 0; width: 100%; } #nav-title { top: 0; } #toolbar { top: 0; float: left; } #toolbar img { cursor: pointer; } footer { margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 0; } #top { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; } #top p { font-family: "Linux Biolinum"; font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; } footer, #top { padding-top: .25em; padding-bottom: .25em; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; text-align: center; transition: margin-left 1s; } footer a, #top a { text-decoration: none; } footer p, #top p { text-indent: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-top: 0.5em; max-width: 33em; }