ChangeLog ========= 0.2.1 (unreleased) ------------------ * Bugfixes: * HTML/Epub rendering no longer incorrectly increment chapter count for unnumbered chapters, * Latex: makes what is possible to avoid orverflowing the page. * Minor changes: * Latex: improvement of the default way URLs are displayed 0.2.0 (2016-02-25) ------------------ * Command line arguments: * New argument `--print-template` now allows to print a built-in template to stdout. * New argument `--list-options` prints out all valid options in a config file (or in `set`), their type and default value. * New argument `--set` allows to define or override whatever option set in a book configuration. * `--create` can now be used without specifying a `BOOK`, printing its result on `stdout`. * Configuration file: * Added support for multiline strings in `.book` files, with either '|' (preserving line returns) or '>' (transforming line returns in spaces) * New option `display_toc` allows to display the table of contents (whose name, at least for HTML, is specified by `toc_name`) in HTML and PDF documents. * Option `numbering` now takes an int instead of a boolean, allowing to specify the maximum level to number (e.g. `1`: chapters only, `2`: chapters and sectino, ..., `6`: everything). * Rendering: * Added support for numbering all headers, not just level-1 (e.g., having a subsection numbered `2.3.1`). * Tables and Footnotes are now implemented for HTML/Epub and LaTeX output. * Internal: * Refactored `Book` to use an HashMap of `BookOption`s instead of having like 42 fields. 0.1.0 (2016-02-21) ------------------ * initial release