ChangeLog ========= unreleased ---------- * **Breaking change for users**: removed `tex.short` option, replaced by a more generic `tex.class` (default being `book`). * Renamed options. Using the old name will print a deprecation warning but will still work for a while. * `temp_dir` -> `crowbook.temp_dir` * `zip.command` -> `` * `verbose` -> `crowbook.verbose` * `html.display_chapter` -> `html_single.one_chapter` * `numbering` -> `rendering.num_depth` * `numbering_template` -> `rendering.chapter_template` * `display_toc` -> `rendering.inline_toc` * `toc_name` -> `` * `enable_yaml_blocks` -> `input.yaml_blocks` * `use_initials` -> `rendering.initials` * `autoclean` -> `input.autoclean` * New options: * More metadata: `license`, `version` and `date`. These metadata are not treated by the renderers, but they are exported to the templates: `{{{metadata}}}` allows to access the content. If they are present, a `has_metadata` is also set to true, allowing to do something like `{{{title}}} {{#has_version}}version {{{version}}} {{/has_version}}`. * Yet more metadata: it is possible to add custom metadata by prefixing it with `metadata.`. They will then be accessible in the templates, with dots ('.') replaced by underscores ('_'). E.g., with ` bar` you can access it in your templates with `{{{metadata_foo}}}`. * Rendering: * Metadata can now contain Markdown and will be rendered by the renderers. This might not be a good idea for common fields (e.g. "title"), though. Use with caution. * HTML: * `` and `hstml.footer` are now considered as templates, so you can use some `{{{metadata}}}` in it. * LaTeX: * If `tex.class` is set to `article`, chapters will be displayed as `\sections` since `article` class doesn't handle chapters. * Except if `tex.class` is set to `book`, margins are now symmetrical. * Bugfixes: * `import_config` only import options from another book file that are not equal to the default ones and that haven't already been set by the caller. E.g., `author: foo` then `import_config:` won't erase the author previously set. * Crowbook program: * Still working to improve error messages. * Display an error message when mustache can't compile a template, instead of panicking. * Internal/API: * Added static methods to `Logger` to allows displaying messages more easily/prettily. * Reduce pubic API's surface so less changes will need to be considered breaking in the future. 0.8.0 (2016-09-19) ------------------ This release adds support for syntax higlighting in code blocks, customized top and footer blocks for HTML rendering, and the special `import_config` option that allows to import options from another book file. It also provides (hopefully) better error messages. * New options: * `import_config`is not really an option, but allows to import another configuration file, useful if you share a same set of options between multiple books. * `use_initials` (set to false by default) makes Crowbook use initials ("lettrines") at start of each chapter. Support is still experimental. * `html.highlight_code` (set to true by default) allows syntax highlighting for code blocks, using highlight.js. * `html.higlight.css` and `html.highlight.js` can be used to provide other themes (default is default.css) and an highlight.js build that support other languages. * `html.footer` allows to specify custom footer. If not set, `html.crowbook_link` allows to disable "Generated by Crowbook" message. * `` allows to specify a custom header that will be displayed at the top of HTML file(s). * Deprecated options: * `side_notes` has been renamed `html.side_notes`. * Crowbook program: * All output formats are now rendered concurrently. * Better error messages. Crowbook now tries to give more information when displaying an error, with the file name where a problem was found, and, in some cases, the line. It also tries to detect errors (such as files not found) sooner. * Some "warning" messages have also been "moved" to error messages, to make sure they are displayed even when crowbook isn't runned with `--verbose`. * Rendering: * Hidden chapter now produce empty `\chapter*{}` and `

` in LaTeX and HTML. This allow to delimit a chapter break even if nothing is displayed. * Bugfixes: * Navigation menu of standalone HTML didn't include a call to javascript when `html.display_chapter` was set to true, meaning it didn't display the chapter correctly. * Implementations of `Image` and `StandaloneImage` were reversed in LaTeX. * `StandaloneImage` urls were not adjusted (meanning that running `crowbook` from another directory failed). * Image paths are now found correctly in HtmlDir rendering even if `crowbook` is called from another directory (same fix as 0.6's for Epub and LaTeX, which was forgotten for HtmlDir). * Internal/API: * In order to have better error messages, there was a need to refactor the `Error` type, and make more methods return `Result` instead of `X`. The API is, therefore, quite modified. * Added a `Renderer` trait used by the various renderers. * Removed some methods from public API. 0.7.0 (2016-09-11) ------------------ This releases renders images differently when they are on a standalone paragraph or inside a paragraph. * Internal/API: * `Token` has a new variant, `StandaloneImage`. This is used to distinguish an image that is alone in a paragraph of an image that is inlined alongside text. * `Parser.parse` method now distingues between `Image` and `StandaloneImage`. Currently, an image is considered "standalone" if it is the sole element of a paragraph, even if it is among a link. * `Token` has a new `is_image` method. * Rendering: * Standalone images are now rendered differently than inline images (80% of width VS original size) in HTML/EPUB and LaTeX. 0.6.0 (2016-09-09) ------------------ * Deprecated options: * `nb_char`: since it was only used for french cleaner and for typography reasons it's better to use different non breaking spaces according to context, this option was not really useful anymore. * Rendering: * Images are now displayed at 80% width of the page. * Bugfixes: * Image paths are now found correctly in LaTeX and EPUB rendering even if `crowbook` is called from another directory. * Fixed a bug in `French` cleaner when a string to clean ended by a non-breaking space (space was doubled with a breaking one). * LaTeX/PDF: * "Autocleaning" is now also activated (for french at least) for LaTeX rendering, since it doesn't correctly insert non-breaking spaces for e.g. '«' or '»'. * Fixed escaping of `--` to `-{}-` to avoid tex ligatures. * HTML/EPUB: * `html.display_chapter` now defaults to `false` (e.g., by default the HTML displays the entirety of a book). * Fixed rendering of lists when `lang` is set to `fr`. * Links are now HTML-escaped, fixing errors in XHTML (for EPUB rendering) when links contained '&' character. 0.5.1 (2016-04-14) ------------------ Mostly rendering fixes: * Epub: * Fix a validation problem when book contained hidden chapters. * French cleaner: * Use semi-cadratine space instead of cadratine space for dialogs. * Use non-narrow non-breaking spapce instead of narrow one for ':', '«' and '»' (following * HTML: * Add viewport meta tags. * Standalone HTML: * Don't display the button to display chapter and the previous/next chapter link if `html.display_chapter` is set to `false`. * Fix chapter displaying when some chapters are not numbered. * Multi-files HTML: * Fix previous/next chapter display to make it consistent with standalone HTML. 0.5.0 (2016-04-02) ------------------ * Crowbook now requires Rustc 1.7.0. * It is now possible to render HTML in multiple files: * `output.html_dir` will activate this renderer, and specify in which directory to render these files; * `html_dir.css` allows to override the CSS for this rendering; * `html_dir.index.html` allows to specify a template for the `index.html` page; * `html_dir.chapter.html` allows to specify a template for the chapters pages. * New book options: * `tex.short`: if set to true, the LaTeX renderer will use `article` instead of `book` as document class, and will use the default `\maketitle` command for article. This option is by default set to false, except when Crowbook is called with `--single`. * `enable_yaml_blocks`: parsing YAML blocks is no longer activated by default, except when using `--single`. This is because you might want to have e.g. multiple short stories using YAML blocks to set their titles and so on, *and* a separate `.book` file to render a book as a collection of short stories. In this case, you wouldn't want the displayed title or the output.pdf/html/epub files be redefined by the short stories .md files. * `html.print_css`: allows to specify a stylesheet for media print * `html.display_chapter`: displays one chapter at a time in standalone HTML * `html.script`: allows to specify a custom javascript file for standalone HTML * `html_dir.script`: same thing for multipage HTML * `resources.base_path`: by default, Crowbook resolves local links in markdown files relatively to the markdown file. This option allows to resolve them relatively to a base path. This option comes with two variants, `resources.base_path.images` and `resources.base_path.links`, which only activate it for respectively images tags and links tags. These two options are ignored when `base_path` is set. There is also `resources.base_path.files` which specify where additional files (see below) should be read, but this is one is set to `.` (i.e., the directory where the `.book` file is) by default. * `resources.files`: indicate a (whitespace-separated) list of files that should be embedded. Currently only used with the EPUB renderer. * `resources.out_path`: indicate where `resources.files` should be copied in the final document. Default to `data`, meaning that files will be placed in a `data` directory in the EPUB. * Rendering: * Templates can now use localized strings according to the `lang` option * Standalone HTML now includes locale files using base64. * Standalone HTML displays one chapter at a time, thouht it can be changed via a button in the menu. * HTML/EPUB: default CSS now uses the `lang` value do determine how to display lists (currently the only difference is it uses "–" when `lang` is set to "fr" and standard bullets for other languages). * Bugfixes: * Fixed a bug of filename "resolution" when Crowbook was called with `--single` (e.g., `crowbook -s tests/` would previously try to load `tests/tests/ * Epub renderer now uses the `mime_guess` library to guess the mime type based on extension, which should fix the mime type guessed for a wide range of extensions (e.g., svg). * Internal/API: * The `Book::new`, `new_from_file`, and `new_from_markdown_file` take an additional `options` parameter. To create a book with default options, set it to `&[]`. 0.4.0 (2016-03-01) ------------------ * Crowbook now internally uses a true YAML parser, `yaml_rust`, for its options. Since the "old" Crowbooks's config format was similar, but had some subtle differences, this is somewhat of a breaking change: * strings should now be escaped with "" in some cases (e.g. if it contains special characters). On the other hand, it *allows* to optionally escape a string with these quotes, which wasn't possible until then and might be useful in some cases. * multiline strings now follow the YAML format, instead of the previous "YAML-ish" format. This can impact the way newlines are added at the end of a multiline string. See e.g. [this link]( for the various ways to include mulitiline strings in Yaml. * Crowbook now parses YAML blocks (delimited by two lines with "---") in Markdown files, ignoring keys that it doesn't recognize. This allows crowbook to be compatible(-ish) with Markdown that contains YAML blocks for Jekyll or Pandoc. * New option `--single` allows to give Crowbook a single Markdown file (which can contain options within an inline YAML block) instead of a book configuration file. This is useful for e.g. short stories. * Enhanced the way debugging/warning/info messages are handled and displayed: * Added a `--debug` option to the binary. * Internal: added a `Logger` struct. * Different levels of information (debug/warning/info/error) get different colours. * Bugfixes: * Crowbook no longer crashes when called with the `--to` argument if it can't create a file. 0.3.0 (2016-02-27) ------------------ * Crowbook now tries to convert local links. That is, if you link to a Markdown file that is used in the book. (e.g. [](, it *should* link to an appropriate inner reference inside the book. * Latex renderer now supports (local) images. * Epub renderer now embed (local) images in the EPUB file. * Some changes to the HTML/Epub stylesheets. * Internal (or usage as a library): * Crowbook no longer changes current directory, which worked in the binary but could cause problem if library was used in multithreaded environment (e.g. in `cargo test`). * More modules and methods are now private. * Improved documentation. * Added more unit tests. * Bugfixes: * Epub renderer now correctly renders unnumbered chapter without a number in its toc.ncx file 0.2.2 (2016-02-25) ------------------ * Bugfixes: * French cleaner now correctly replaces space after — (in e.g. dialogs) with "em space". 0.2.1 (2016-02-25) ------------------ * Bugfixes: * HTML/Epub rendering no longer incorrectly increment chapter count for unnumbered chapters. * Latex: makes what is possible to avoid orverflowing the page. * Minor changes: * Latex: improvement of the default way URLs are displayed. 0.2.0 (2016-02-25) ------------------ * Command line arguments: * New argument `--print-template` now allows to print a built-in template to stdout. * New argument `--list-options` prints out all valid options in a config file (or in `set`), their type and default value. * New argument `--set` allows to define or override whatever option set in a book configuration. * `--create` can now be used without specifying a `BOOK`, printing its result on `stdout`. * Configuration file: * Added support for multiline strings in `.book` files, with either '|' (preserving line returns) or '>' (transforming line returns in spaces) * New option `display_toc` allows to display the table of contents (whose name, at least for HTML, is specified by `toc_name`) in HTML and PDF documents. * Option `numbering` now takes an int instead of a boolean, allowing to specify the maximum level to number (e.g. `1`: chapters only, `2`: chapters and sectino, ..., `6`: everything). * Rendering: * Added support for numbering all headers, not just level-1 (e.g., having a subsection numbered `2.3.1`). * Tables and Footnotes are now implemented for HTML/Epub and LaTeX output. * Internal: * Refactored `Book` to use an HashMap of `BookOption`s instead of having like 42 fields. 0.1.0 (2016-02-21) ------------------ * initial release