sudo: false language: rust # NOTE This configuration has only be tested on the stable channel rust: stable os: - linux - osx env: global: # This will be part of the release tarball # TODO change the project name - PROJECT_NAME=crowbook matrix: # Clear the whole matrix exclude: - os: linux - os: osx # Add each target manually # pattern shown below include: # WARNING Experimental target. Tests are executed using qemu user emulation, but this approach # may have problems when too many threads are spawned. Also, by the next Rust stable release, # this target will be replaced by `armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf`. # - os: linux # env: TARGET=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf # # Extra packages only for this build job # addons: # apt: # packages: # # Cross compiler and cross compiled C libraries # - gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf # - libc6-armhf-cross # - libc6-dev-armhf-cross # # Emulator # - qemu-user # - os: linux # env: TARGET=i686-unknown-linux-gnu # addons: # apt: # packages: # # Cross compiler and cross compiled C libraries # - gcc-multilib # - os: linux # env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu # - os: linux # env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl # - os: osx # env: TARGET=i686-apple-darwin - os: osx env: TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin install: - sh ci/ script: - sh ci/ before_deploy: - sh ci/ deploy: provider: releases # TODO Regenerate this api_key for your project, this one won't work for you. Here's how: # - Go to '' and generate a Token with only the # `public_repo` scope enabled # - Call `travis encrypt $github_token` where $github_token is the token you got in the previous # step and `travis` is the official Travis CI gem (see # - Enter the "encrypted value" below api_key: secure: WN+505gb8SCS+KEPXN2bVcLIArrNV0/xbesSXfwJDBej+e2EjVKrsE9QeqWewhZL461pkYy2PfQPpNst3phgBK61qc2qvSO2R1C3G3Vzg+BD/ySHGNko0W2sYCG7fywrsLDsfNN367aMYUt3UweEvuL2ySd64iQwmvk10Wf4wyl8JdBWgBhzIDy97u0hkh2DaO3EyyM8HSfkWsa5X2uOtM50+OhLEg2SqMVXtaHvhzgBOkT4Qz0USpM9zqyJ12SeMJ7+PoWSgsZRfL5mQUStJnxURyffIiL2guUBRNALHpWTgqjyKrj97t76r9hUywoZwOkA+UCbmNbVCFOzklEl5+ocrbzRWuD+AdLQI3+fVSzgLvVg5cIjXPUApfSPWkiSlxfYEsK2XrVIDZu8QemaMSABaeyzkBt2cNiy2jIHYMBPTxD1aOxKn5bKmh5rQNJvAxBOX7oNwFdrNrj6soerJhZlmOJvUPdkA7H4vbT43cq6UgM1N8vs3sMmeaDifK5HFzA5XYHlkfSKWy3zNrM918oP8B5WxFEDns4WzjXL9CEJZsD3c9+PwvF3w6NnkxR7mjCm6QPoA2NZ1MZdaR1KM15nCwP5znbhBfSGELCMI/4ahhfRafAmCXzDdJ7M1Yx+Kl0H9Xm9HRLEWGTzbYwTOBBH1xooFN1xLKti09iykcM= file: ${PROJECT_NAME}-${TRAVIS_TAG}-${TARGET}.tar.gz # don't delete the artifacts from previous phases skip_cleanup: true # deploy when a new tag is pushed on: tags: true branches: only: # Pushes and PR to the master branch - master # IMPORTANT Ruby regex to match tags. Required, or travis won't trigger deploys when a new tag # is pushed. This regex matches semantic versions like v1.2.3-rc4+2016.02.22 - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/ notifications: email: on_success: never