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mirror of https://github.com/lise-henry/crowbook synced 2024-05-10 08:36:12 +02:00

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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Elisabeth Henry a5f710ead8 Start porting fr translation 2023-08-23 06:37:53 +02:00
Elisabeth Henry 7c45f3ff5a Remove references to proofread options 2023-08-23 06:37:41 +02:00
2 changed files with 315 additions and 5 deletions

lang/lib/fr.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
parsing: "Analyse en cours..."
parsing_file: "Analyse de %{file} en cours"
rendering: "Rendu en cours..."
rendering_format: "rendu en cours..."
waiting: "en attente..."
options: "mise en place des options"
chapters: "Analyse des chapitres"
processing: Analyse...
processing_file: "Analyse de %{file} en cours..."
finished: "Terminé"
generated: "généré %{path}"
error: ERREUR
markdown: "Erreur dans l'analyse du Markdown : %{error}"
config: "Erreur dans l'analyse du fichier de configuration : "
template: "Erreur dans la compilation du template : %{template}"
render_error: "Erreur dans le rendu : "
zipper: "Erreur durant l'édition de fichiers temporaires :"
bookoption: "Erreur en convertissant l'option de livre :"
invalid_option: "Erreur en accèdant à l'option de livrre : "
syntect: "Erreur de coloration syntaxique : "
file_not_found: "Impossible de trouver le fichier '%{file}' pour %{description}"
utf8_error: "Erreur UTF-8 : %{error}"
initial: "jeton str vide, impossible de trouver la lettrine"
no_string: "%{s} n'est pas une chaine de caractères"
no_string_vector: "%{s} n'est pas une liste de chaines de caractères"
no_path: "%{s} n'est pas un chemin"
no_bool: "%{s} n'est pas un booléen"
no_char: "%{s} n'est pas un caractère"
no_i32: "%{s} n'est past un entier"
no_f32: "%{s} n'est pas un flottant"
book_init: "Erreur à l'initialisation du livre : impossible de positionner %{key} à %{value}: %{error}"
parse_book: |
"impossible d'analyser %{file} comme un fichier de livre."
Vous voulez peut-être lancer crowbook avec l'argument --single ?
yaml_block: "Le bloc YAML n'était pas valide : %{error}"
yaml_hash: "La partie YAML du livre n'est pas une hashmap valide"
chapter_whitspace: "les noms de fichier des chapitres ne doivent pas contenir d'espace"
no_chapter_name: "pas de nom de chapitre spécifié"
source: "impossible de lire la source : %{error}"
format_line: "ligne spécifiant un numéro de chapitre mal formattée"
chapter_number: "erreur dans l'analyse du numéro de chapitre: %{error}"
part_number_line: "ligne spécifiant un numéro de partie mal formattée"
part_number: "erreur dans l'analyse du numéro de partie : %{error}"
part_definition: "définition de partie invalide trouvée dans la liste des chapitres"
chapter_definition: "définition de chapitre invalide trouvée dans la liste des chapitres"
rendering: "Erreur dans le rendu de %{name}: %{error}"
infer: "sortie de %{format} mise à auto mais impossible de trouver le nom de fichier du livre pour l'inférer"
support: "le moteur de rendu pour %{format} ne supporte pas auto comme chemin de sortie"
unknown: "format inconnu %{format}"
unknown_short: "format inconnu"
utf8: "le fichier %{file} contient de l'UTF-8 invalide"
heading: "ce sous-chapitre contient un titre qui, après ajustement, n'est pas à un niveau valide (%{n} au lieu de [0-6])"
invalid_template: "modèle invalide '%{template}'"
read_file: "impossible de lire le fichier '%{file}'"
compile_template: "impossible de compiler le modèle '%{template}' : %{error}"
roman_numerals: "impossible d'utiliser des chiffres romain avec des nombres négatifs ou nuls (%{n})"
render_key: "impossible de faire le rendu de `%{key}` comme metadonnée :\n%{error}"
yaml_set: "Le bloc en ligne n'a pas pu positionner la clé %{key} à %{value}: %{err}"
yaml_lang: "Le fichier YAML pour le langage %{lang} no contient pas de hashmap"
yaml_translation: "Impossible de trouver une traduction pour %{key} dans la langue %{lang}"
yaml_translation_sring: "Yaml for %{key} in lang %{lang} is not a string"
no_output: This renderer does not support the auto output
file_creation: "could not create file '%{file}': '%{err}"
write: "could not write book content to file '%{file}': %{err}"
above: "Warning: book contains chapter '%{file}' in a directory above the book file, this might cause problems"
image: image
markdown: markdown file
book: book
book_chapter: book chapter
html_single: HTML (standalone page)
html_dir: HTML (multiple pages)
tex: LaTeX
pdf: PDF
epub: EPUB
html_if: HTML (interactive fiction)
yaml_replace: "Inline YAML block replaced %{key} previously set to %{old_val} to %{new_val}"
yaml_set: "Inline YAML block set %{key} to %{value}"
yaml_ignore: "Ignoring YAML block:\n%{block}"
found_yaml_block: "Found something that looked like a YAML block:\n%{block}"
found_yaml_block2: "... but it didn't parse correctly as YAML('%{error}'), so treating it like Markdown."
attempting: "Attempting to generate %{format}..."
generated: "Succesfully generated %{format}: %{path}"
generated_short: "Succesfully generated %{format}"
zip_command: "Could not run zip command, falling back to zip library"
cover: cover
image_or_cover: image or cover
resources: additional resource from resources.files
ambiguous: "EPUB (%{source}): detected two chapters inside the same markdown file."
ambiguous_invisible: "EPUB (%{source}): detected two chapter titles inside the same markdown file, in a file where chapter titles are not even rendered."
title_conflict: "EPUB ({source}): conflict between: %{title1} and %{title2}"
guess: "EPUB: could not guess the format of %{file} based on extension. Assuming png."
exist_not_dir: "%{path} already exists and is not a directory"
delete_dir: "%{path} already exists, deleting it"
delete_dir_error: "error deleting directory %{path}: %{error}"
create_dir_error: "could not create HTML directory %{path}: %{error}"
reading_image_error: "error while reading image file %{file}: %{error}"
resource_error: "error while reading resource file: %{error}"
create_file_error: "could not create file %{file}: %{error}"
write_file_error: "could not write to file %{file}: %{error}"
write_error: "problem when writing HTML: %{error}"
dir_to_stream_error: "can only render HTML directory to a path, not to a stream"
if_error: "problem when writing interactive fiction: %{error}"
highlight: "rendering.highlight set to '%{value}', not a valid value"
footer_template_error: "rendering 'html.footer' template:\n%{error}"
header_template_error: "rendering 'html.header' template:\n%{error}"
attempting: "Attempting to run LaTeX on generated file"
image_error: "error while reading image file: %{error}"
lang_error: "LaTeX: can't find a tex equivalent for lang '%{lang}', fallbacking on english"
lists: "found %{n} indented ordered lists, LaTeX only allows for 4"
remote_image: "LaTeX (%{source}): image '%{url}' doesn't seem to be local; ignoring it."
write_error: "problem when writing LaTeX: %{error}"
ignore_html: "ignoring HTML block '%{block}'"
non_local: "Resources: book includes non-local image %{file}, which might cause problem for proper inclusion."
no_ext: "Resources: book includes image %{file} which doesn't have an extension"
read_error: "Resources: could not read file %{file}"
guess: "Resources: could not guess mime type of file %{file}"
no_match: "Resources: could not find an in-book match for link %{file} or %{new_from}"
read_file: "error reading file %{file}: %{error}"
no_path: "error: %{path} is neither a file nor a directory"
no_advanced: "This version of crowboook has been compiled without support for advanced statistics"
advanced: "For more advanced statistics, use the --verbose or -v option"
chapter: Chapter
chars: Chars
syllables: Syllables
words: Words
sentences: Sentences
chars_word: Chars/Word
words_sentence: Words/Sentence
flesch: Flesch reading index
total: "TOTAL:"
default_theme: "could not set syntect theme to %{theme}, defaulting to \"InspiredGitHub\""
valid_themes: "valid theme names are: %{themes}"
no_support: "crowbook was compiled without syntect support, syntax highlighting will be disabled"
tmp_dir: "could not create temporary directory in %{path}"
verboten: |
"file %{file} refers to an absolute or a parent path."
"This is forbidden because we are supposed to create a temporary file in a temporary dir."
write_error: "could not write to temporary file %{file}"
create_error: "could not create temporary file %{file}"
command_output: "output for command %{name}:\n%{error}"
command_error: "failed to run command '%{name}'"
command_result_error: "could not open result of command %'{command}'\nCommand output:\n%{output}'"
command_result_err: "could not open result of command '%{command}'"
copy_error: "error copying file '%{file}'"
command_no_success: "%{command} didn't return succesfully"
metadata: Metadata
add_metadata: Additional metadata
output_opt: Output options
output: Specify a list of output formats to render
render: Rendering options
special: Special options
html: HTML options
html_single: Standalone HTML options
html_dir: Multifile HTML options
html_if: Interactive fiction HTML options
epub: EPUB options
tex: LaTeX options
resources: Resources options
input: Input options
crowbook: Crowbook options
deprecated: Deprecated options
author: Author of the book
title: Title of the book
lang: Language of the book
subject: Subject of the book (used for EPUB metadata)
description: Description of the book (used for EPUB metadata)
cover: Path to the cover of the book
subtitle: Subtitle of the book
license: License of the book
version: Version of the book
date: Date the book was revised
autograph: An autograph
output_epub: Output file name for EPUB rendering
output_html: Output file name for HTML rendering
output_tex: Output file name for LaTeX rendering
output_pdf: Output file name for PDF rendering
output_if: Output file name for HTML interactive fiction rendering
output_html_dir: Output directory name for HTML rendering
output_base_path: Directory where those output files will we written
rendering_highlight: "If/how highligh code blocks. Possible values: \"syntect\" (default, performed at runtime), \"highlight.js\" (HTML-only, uses Javascript), \"none\""
rendering_highlight_theme: "Theme for syntax highlighting (if rendering.highlight is set to 'syntect')"
rendering_initials: "Use initials ('lettrines') for first letter of a chapter"
inline_toc: Display a table of content in the document
toc_name: Name of the table of contents if it is displayed in document
num_depth: "The maximum heading levels that should be numbered (0: no numbering, 1: only chapters, ..., 6: all)"
part: "How to call parts (or 'books', 'episodes', ...)"
chapter: How to call chapters
chapter_template: Naming scheme of chapters, for TOC
part_template: Naming scheme of parts, for TOC
roman_numeral_parts: If set to true, display part number with roman numerals
roman_numeral_chapters: If set to true, display chapter number with roman numerals
reset_counter: If set to true, reset chapter number at each part
import: Import another book configuration file
html_icon: Path to an icon to be used for the HTML files(s)
html_header: Custom header to display at the beginning of html file(s)
html_footer: Custom footer to display at the end of HTML file(s)
html_css: Path of a stylesheet for HTML rendering
html_css_add: Some inline CSS added to the stylesheet template
css_colors: Path of a stylesheet for the colors for HTML
html_js: Path of a javascript file
css_print: Path of a media print stylesheet for HTML rendering
highlight_js: Set another highlight.js version than the bundled one
highlight_css: Set another highlight.js CSS theme than the default one
side_notes: Display footnotes as side notes in HTML/Epub (experimental)
nb_spaces: Replace unicode non breaking spaces with HTML entities and CSS
nb_spaces_tex: Replace unicode non breaking spaces with TeX code
one_chapter: Display only one chapter at a time (with a button to display all)
single_html: Path of an HTML template for standalone HTML
single_js: Path of a javascript file
if_js: Path of a javascript file
if_new_turn: Javascript code that will be run at the beginning of each segment
if_end_turn: Javascript code that will be run at the end of each segment
if_new_game: "Javascript code that will be run at the beginning of a 'game'"
html_chapter_template: Inline template for HTML chapter formatting
html_part_template: Inline template for HTML part formatting
html_dir_template: Path of a HTML template for multifile HTML
epub_ver: EPUB version to generate (2 or 3)
epub_css: Path of a stylesheet for EPUB
epub_css_add: Inline CSS added to the EPUB stylesheet template
chapter_xhtml: Path of an xhtml template for each chapter
titlepage_xhtml: Path of an xhtml template for the title page
epub_toc: "Add 'Title' and (if set) 'Cover' in the EPUB table of contents"
tex_links: Add foontotes to URL of links so they are readable when printed
tex_command: LaTeX command to use for generating PDF
tex_tmpl: Path of a LaTeX template file
tex_tmpl_add: Inline code added in the LaTeX template
tex_class: LaTeX class to use
tex_title: If true, generate a title with \\maketitle
tex_paper_size: Specifies the size of the page
tex_margin_left: "Specifies left margin (note that with book class left and right margins are reversed for odd pages, thus the default value is 1.5cm for book class and 2cm else)"
tex_margin_right: "Specifies right margin(note that with book class left and right margins are reversed for odd pages, thus the default value is 2.5cm for book class and 2cm else)"
tex_margin_top: Specifies top margin
tex_margin_bottom: Specifies bottom margin
tex_font_size: Specify latex font size (in pt, 10 (default), 11, or 12 are accepted)
tex_hyperref: If disabled, don't try to find references inside the document
tex_stdpage: "If set to true, use 'stdpage' package to format a manuscript according to standards"
rs_files: Whitespace-separated list of files to embed in e.g. EPUB file; useful for including e.g. fonts
rs_out: Paths where additional resources should be copied in the EPUB file or HTML directory
rs_base: Path where to find resources (in the source tree). By default, links and images are relative to the Markdown file. If this is set, it will be to this path.
rs_links: Set base path but only for links. Useless if resources.base_path is set
rs_img: Set base path but only for images. Useless if resources.base_path is set
rs_base_files: Set base path but only for additional files. Useless if resources.base_path is set.
rs_tmpl: Set base path but only for templates files. Useless if resources.base_path is set
autoclean: Toggle typographic cleaning of input markdown according to lang
smart: If enabled, tries to replace vertical quotations marks to curly ones
dashes: "If enabled, replaces '--' to en dash ('') and '---' to em dash ('—')"
guillemets: "If enabled, replaces '<<' and '>>' to french \"guillemets\" ('«' and '»')"
superscript: "If enabled, allow support for superscript and subscript using respectively foo^up^ and bar~down~ syntax."
yaml: Enable/disable inline YAML blocks to override options set in config file
html_as_text: Consider HTML blocks as text. This avoids having <foo> being considered as HTML and thus ignored.
files_mean_chapters: "Consider that a new file is always a new chapter, even if it does not include heading (default: only for numbered chapters)"
tmp_dir: "Path where to create a temporary directory (default: uses result from Rust's std::env::temp_dir())"
zip: "Command to use to zip files (for EPUB/ODT)"
tex_theme: "If set, set theme for syntax highlighting for LaTeX/PDF output (syntect only)"
html_theme: If set, set theme for syntax highlighting for HTML output (syntect only)
epub_theme: If set, set theme for syntax highlighting for EPUB output (syntect only)
renamed: Renamed
removed: Removed
ill_formatted: "Ill-formatted OPTIONS string: unrecognized type %{opption_type}'"
expected_string: "Expected a String as a key, found %{key}"
expected_strings: "Expected only strings in the list for key %{key}, found %{value}"
expected_string_value: "Expected a string as value for key %{key}, found %{value}"
format_not_recognized: "The output format %{format} for key %{key} is not recognized"
expected_list: "Expected a list as value for key %{key}, found %{value}"
invalid_utf8: "'%{value}''s path contains invalid UTF-8 code"
expected_char: "could not parse '%{value}' as a char: does not contain exactly one char"
expected_char_value: "expected a string as value containing a char for key '%{key}', found %{value}"
expected_bool: "expected a boolean as value for key '%{key}', found %{value}"
expected_int: "expected an integer as value for key '%{key}', found %{value}"
expected_float: "could not parse '%{value}' as a float for key '%{key}'"
warn_deprecated: "'%{old_key}' has been deprecated, you should now use '%{new_key}'"
err_deprecated: "key '%{key}' has been deprecated."
unrecognized: "unrecognized key '%{key}'"
one_yaml: "value '%{value}' for key '%{key}' does not contain one and only one YAML value"
yaml_value: "could not parse '%{value}' as a valid YAML value"
miss_key: "option '%{key}' is not present"
curr_dir: could not get current directory
not_set: not set
option_description_md: |
"- **`%{key}`**"
"- **type**: %{option_type}"
"- **default value**: `%{default}`"
"- %{comment}\n""
type: "type:"
default: "default:"
bool: boolean
float: float
int: integer
char: char
str: string
path: path
tpl: template path
meta: metadata
strvec: list of strings

View File

@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ resources.base_path.images:path:. # {rs_img}
resources.base_path.files:path:. # {rs_base_files}
resources.base_path.templates:path:. # {rs_tmpl}
# {input_opt}
# {input_opt} #[serde(flatten)]
input.clean:bool:true # {autoclean}
input.clean.smart_quotes:bool:true # {smart_quotes}
input.clean.ligature.dashes:bool:false # {ligature_dashes}
@ -177,10 +178,10 @@ html_single.js:alias:html.standalone.js # {renamed}
output.html_dir:alias:output.html.dir # {renamed}
html_dir.index.html:alias:html.dir.template # {renamed}
html_dir.chapter.html:alias:html.dir.template # {renamed}
output.proofread.html_dir:alias:output.proofread.html.dir # {renamed}
tex.paper_size:alias:tex.paper.size # {renamed}
tex.font_size:alias:tex.font.size # {renamed}
html.highlight_code:alias:rendering.highlight # {renamed}
output.proofread.html_dir:alias:output.proofread.html.dir # {removed}
proofread.nb_spaces:alias # {removed}
nb_char:alias # {removed}
tex.short:alias # {removed}
@ -820,9 +821,6 @@ impl BookOptions {
| "output.html.dir"
| "output.pdf"
| "output.tex"
| "output.proofread.html"
| "output.proofread.html.dir"
| "output.proofread.pdf"
| "output.html.if" => {
// Translate according to output.base_path
let base = self.get_path("output.base_path").unwrap();