Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/nachoparker/btrfs-sync synced 2024-05-03 22:27:33 +02:00
Jens Nachtigall 43f0fcb6b8
Check for sudo (#14)
* Ensuring bash to be used by remote user

Signed-off-by: jenszo <6693266+jenszo@users.noreply.github.com>

* missed the executable bit. my bad

Signed-off-by: jenszo <6693266+jenszo@users.noreply.github.com>

* Checking for sudo privileges for remote user up front

Signed-off-by: jenszo <6693266+jenszo@users.noreply.github.com>
2021-11-01 10:07:24 -06:00

347 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

# Simple script that synchronizes BTRFS snapshots locally or through SSH.
# Features compression, retention policy and automatic incremental sync
# Usage:
# btrfs-sync [options] <src> [<src>...] [[user@]host:]<dir>
# -k|--keep NUM keep only last <NUM> sync'ed snapshots
# -d|--delete delete snapshots in <dst> that don't exist in <src>
# -z|--xz use xz compression. Saves bandwidth, but uses one CPU
# -Z|--pbzip2 use pbzip2 compression. Saves bandwidth, but uses all CPUs
# -q|--quiet don't display progress
# -v|--verbose display more information
# -h|--help show usage
# <src> can either be a single snapshot, or a folder containing snapshots
# <user> requires privileged permissions at <host> for the 'btrfs' command
# Cron example: daily synchronization over the internet, keep only last 50
# cat > /etc/cron.daily/btrfs-sync <<EOF
# #!/bin/bash
# /usr/local/sbin/btrfs-sync -q -k50 -z /home user@host:/path/to/snaps
# chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/btrfs-sync
# Copyleft 2018 by Ignacio Nunez Hernanz <nacho _a_t_ ownyourbits _d_o_t_ com>
# GPL licensed (see end of file) * Use at your own risk!
# More at https://ownyourbits.com
set -e -o pipefail
# help
print_usage() {
echo "Usage:
$BIN [options] [[user@]host:]<src> [<src>...] [[user@]host:]<dir>
-k|--keep NUM keep only last <NUM> sync'ed snapshots
-d|--delete delete snapshots in <dst> that don't exist in <src>
-z|--xz use xz compression. Saves bandwidth, but uses one CPU
-Z|--pbzip2 use pbzip2 compression. Saves bandwidth, but uses all CPUs
-p|--port SSH port. Default 22
-q|--quiet don't display progress
-v|--verbose display more information
-h|--help show usage
<src> can either be a single snapshot, or a folder containing snapshots
<user> requires privileged permissions at <host> for the 'btrfs' command
Cron example: daily synchronization over the internet, keep only last 50
cat > /etc/cron.daily/btrfs-sync <<EOF
/usr/local/sbin/btrfs-sync -q -k50 -z /home user@host:/path/to/snaps
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/btrfs-sync
echov() { if [[ "$VERBOSE" == 1 ]]; then echo "$@"; fi }
# preliminary checks
[[ $# -lt 2 ]] && { print_usage ; exit 1; }
[[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]] && { echo "Must be run as root. Try 'sudo $BIN'"; exit 1; }
# parse arguments
ZIP=cat PIZ=cat
OPTS=$( getopt -o hqzZk:p:dv -l quiet -l help -l xz -l pbzip2 -l keep: -l port: -l delete -l verbose -- "$@" 2>/dev/null )
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && { echo "error parsing arguments"; exit 1; }
eval set -- "$OPTS"
while true; do
case "$1" in
-h|--help ) print_usage; exit 0 ;;
-q|--quiet ) QUIET=1 ; shift 1 ;;
-d|--delete ) DELETE=1 ; shift 1 ;;
-k|--keep ) KEEP=$2 ; shift 2 ;;
-p|--port ) PORT=$2 ; shift 2 ;;
-z|--xz ) ZIP=xz PIZ=( xz -d ); shift 1 ;;
-Z|--pbzip2 ) ZIP=pbzip2 PIZ=( pbzip2 -d ); shift 1 ;;
-v|--verbose) SILENT="" VERBOSE=1 ; shift 1 ;;
--) shift; break ;;
SRC=( "${@:1:$#-1}" )
DST="${@: -1}"
# detect remote src argument
[[ "$SRC" =~ : ]] && {
NET_SRC="$( sed 's|:.*||' <<<"$SRC" )"
SRC="$( sed 's|.*:||' <<<"$SRC" )"
SSH_SRC=( ssh -p "$PORT" -o ServerAliveInterval=5 -o ConnectTimeout=1 -o BatchMode=yes "$NET_SRC" )
[[ "$SSH_SRC" != "" ]] && SRC_CMD=( ${SSH_SRC[@]} ) || SRC_CMD=( eval )
${SRC_CMD[@]} test -x "$SRC" &>/dev/null || {
[[ "$SSH_SRC" != "" ]] && echo "SSH access error to $NET_SRC. Do you have passwordless login setup, and adequate permissions for $SRC?"
[[ "$SSH_SRC" == "" ]] && echo "Access error. Do you have adequate permissions for $SRC?"
exit 1
# detect remote dst argument
[[ "$DST" =~ : ]] && {
NET="$( sed 's|:.*||' <<<"$DST" )"
DST="$( sed 's|.*:||' <<<"$DST" )"
SSH=( ssh -p "$PORT" -o ServerAliveInterval=5 -o ConnectTimeout=1 -o BatchMode=yes "$NET" )
[[ "$SSH" != "" ]] && DST_CMD=( ${SSH[@]} ) || DST_CMD=( eval )
${DST_CMD[@]} test -x "$DST" &>/dev/null || {
[[ "$SSH" != "" ]] && echo "SSH access error to $NET. Do you have passwordless login setup, and adequate permissions for $DST?"
[[ "$SSH" == "" ]] && echo "Access error. Do you have adequate permissions for $DST?"
exit 1
# more checks
## don't overlap
pgrep -F /run/btrfs-sync.pid &>/dev/null && { echo "$BIN is already running"; exit 1; }
echo $$ > /run/btrfs-sync.pid
## Make sure, the user's remote shell is bash (not sh)
${DST_CMD[@]} "echo \$0 | grep bash > /dev/null" || { echo "Remote user's shell not bash. Shells other than bash are not supported at the moment"; exit 1; }
## Making sure, the remote user has sudo privileges
${DST_CMD[@]} "sudo echo &> /dev/null" || { echo "Remote user requires sudo privileges"; exit 1; }
${DST_CMD[@]} "pgrep -f btrfs\ receive &>/dev/null" && { echo "btrfs-sync already running at destination"; exit 1; }
## src checks
echov "* Check source"
while read entry; do SRCS+=( "$entry" ); done < <(
"${SRC_CMD[@]}" "
for s in "${SRC[@]}"; do
src=\"\$(cd \"\$s\" &>/dev/null && pwd)\" || { echo \"\$s not found\"; exit 1; } #abspath
btrfs subvolume show \"\$src\" &>/dev/null && echo \"0|\$src\" || \
for dir in \$( ls -drt \"\$src\"/* 2>/dev/null ); do
DATE=\"\$( btrfs su sh \"\$dir\" 2>/dev/null | grep \"Creation time:\" | awk '{ print \$3, \$4 }' )\" \
|| continue # not a subvolume
SECS=\$( date -d \"\$DATE\" +\"%s\" )
echo \"\$SECS|\$dir\"
done | sort -V | sed 's=.*|=='
[[ ${#SRCS[@]} -eq 0 ]] && { echo "no BTRFS subvolumes found"; exit 1; }
## check pbzip2
[[ "$ZIP" == "pbzip2" ]] && {
"${SRC_CMD[@]}" type pbzip2 &>/dev/null && \
"${DST_CMD[@]}" type pbzip2 &>/dev/null || {
echo "INFO: 'pbzip2' not installed on both ends, fallback to 'xz'"
ZIP=xz PIZ=unxz
## use 'pv' command if available
PV=( pv -F"time elapsed [%t] | rate %r | total size [%b]" )
[[ "$QUIET" == "1" ]] && PV=( cat ) || type pv &>/dev/null || {
echo "INFO: install the 'pv' package in order to get a progress indicator"
PV=( cat )
# sync snapshots
get_dst_snapshots() { # sets DSTS DST_UUIDS
local DST="$1"
while read entry; do
DST_UUIDS+=( "$( sed 's=|.*==' <<<"$entry" )" )
DSTS+=( "$( sed 's=.*|==' <<<"$entry" )" )
done < <(
"${DST_CMD[@]}" "
DSTS=( \$( ls -d \"$DST\"/* 2>/dev/null ) )
for dst in \${DSTS[@]}; do
UUID=\$( sudo btrfs su sh \"\$dst\" 2>/dev/null | grep 'Received UUID' | awk '{ print \$3 }' )
[[ \"\$UUID\" == \"-\" ]] || [[ \"\$UUID\" == \"\" ]] && continue
echo \"\$UUID|\$dst\"
choose_seed() { # sets SEED
local SRC="$1"
if [[ "$SEED" == "" ]]; then
# try to get most recent src snapshot that exists in dst to use as a seed
local LIST="$( "${SRC_CMD[@]}" sudo btrfs subvolume list -su "$SRC" )"
for id in "${DST_UUIDS[@]}"; do
# try to match by UUID
local PATH_=$( awk "{ if ( \$14 == \"$id\" ) print \$16 }" <<<"$LIST" )
local DATE=$( awk "{ if ( \$14 == \"$id\" ) print \$11, \$12 }" <<<"$LIST" )
# try to match by received UUID, only if necessary
[[ "$PATH_" == "" ]] && {
[[ "$RXID_CALCULATED" == "0" ]] && { # create table during the first iteration if needed
local PATHS=( $( "${SRC_CMD[@]}" sudo btrfs su list -u "$SRC" | awk '{ print $11 }' ) )
for p in "${PATHS[@]}"; do
SHOWP="$( "${SRC_CMD[@]}" sudo btrfs su sh "$( dirname "$SRC" )/$( basename "$p" )" 2>/dev/null )"
RXIDP="$( grep 'Received UUID' <<<"$SHOWP" | awk '{ print $3 }' )"
DATEP="$( grep 'Creation time' <<<"$SHOWP" | awk '{ print $3, $4 }' )"
[[ "$RXIDP" == "" ]] && continue
[[ "$PATH_" == "" ]] || [[ "$PATH_" == "$( basename "$SRC" )" ]] && continue
local SECS=$( date -d "$DATE" +"%s" )
echo "$SECS|$PATH_"
done | sort -V | tail -1 | cut -f2 -d'|'
exists_at_dst() {
local SHOW="$( "${SRC_CMD[@]}" sudo btrfs subvolume show "$SRC" )"
local SRC_UUID="$( grep 'UUID:' <<<"$SHOW" | head -1 | awk '{ print $2 }' )"
grep -q "$SRC_UUID" <<<"${DST_UUIDS[@]}" && return 0;
local SRC_RXID="$( grep 'Received UUID' <<<"$SHOW" | awk '{ print $3 }' )"
grep -q "^-$" <<<"$SRC_RXID" && return 1;
grep -q "$SRC_RXID" <<<"${DST_UUIDS[@]}" && return 0;
return 1
## sync incrementally
sync_snapshot() {
local SRC="$1"
"${SRC_CMD[@]}" test -d "$SRC" || return
exists_at_dst "$SRC" && { echov "* Skip existing '$SRC'"; return 0; }
choose_seed "$SRC" # sets SEED
# incremental sync argument
[[ "$SEED" != "" ]] && {
local SEED_PATH="$( dirname "$SRC" )/$( basename $SEED )"
"${SRC_CMD[@]}" test -d "$SEED_PATH" &&
local SEED_ARG=( -p "$SEED_PATH" ) || \
echo "INFO: couldn't find $SEED_PATH. Non-incremental mode"
# do it
echo -n "* Synchronizing '$src'"
[[ "$SEED_ARG" != "" ]] && echov -n " using seed '$SEED'"
echo "..."
"${SRC_CMD[@]}" \
sudo btrfs send -q ${SEED_ARG[@]} "$SRC" \
| "$ZIP" \
| "${PV[@]}" \
| "${DST_CMD[@]}" "${PIZ[@]} | sudo btrfs receive \"$DST\" 2>&1 |(grep -v -e'^At subvol ' -e'^At snapshot '||true)" \
|| {
"${DST_CMD[@]}" sudo btrfs subvolume delete "$DST"/"$( basename "$SRC" )" 2>/dev/null
return 1;
# update DST list
DSTS+=("$DST/$( basename "$SRC" )")
# sync all snapshots found in src
echov "* Check destination"
get_dst_snapshots "$DST" # sets DSTS DST_UUIDS
for src in "${SRCS[@]}"; do
sync_snapshot "$src" && RET=0 || RET=1
for i in $(seq 1 2); do
[[ "$RET" != "1" ]] && break
echo "* Retrying '$src'..."
sync_snapshot "$src" && RET=0 || RET=1
[[ "$RET" == "1" ]] && { echo "Abort"; exit 1; }
# retention policy
[[ "$KEEP" != 0 ]] && \
[[ ${#DSTS[@]} -gt $KEEP ]] && \
echov "* Pruning old snapshots..." && \
for (( i=0; i < $(( ${#DSTS[@]} - KEEP )); i++ )); do
PRUNE_LIST+=( "${DSTS[$i]}" )
done && \
${DST_CMD[@]} sudo btrfs subvolume delete "${PRUNE_LIST[@]}" $SILENT
# delete flag
[[ "$DELETE" == 1 ]] && \
for dst in "${DSTS[@]}"; do
for src in "${SRCS[@]}"; do
[[ "$( basename $src )" == "$( basename $dst )" ]] && { FOUND=1; break; }
[[ "$FOUND" == 0 ]] && DEL_LIST+=( "$dst" )
[[ "$DEL_LIST" != "" ]] && \
echov "* Deleting non existent snapshots..." && \
${DST_CMD[@]} sudo btrfs subvolume delete "${DEL_LIST[@]}" $SILENT
exit 0
# License
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this script; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,