--- Name: Msdt.exe Description: Execute Author: '' Created: '2018-05-25' Categories: [] Commands: - Command: Open .diagcab package Description: '' - Command: msdt.exe -path C:\WINDOWS\diagnostics\index\PCWDiagnostic.xml -af C:\PCW8E57.xml /skip TRUE Description: Executes the Microsoft Diagnostics Tool and executes the malicious .MSI referenced in the PCW8E57.xml file. Full Path: - 'C:\Windows\System32\Msdt.exe ' - 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Msdt.exe ' Code Sample: [] Detection: [] Resources: - https://cybersyndicates.com/2015/10/a-no-bull-guide-to-malicious-windows-trouble-shooting-packs-and-application-whitelist-bypass/ - https://oddvar.moe/2017/12/21/applocker-case-study-how-insecure-is-it-really-part-2/ - https://twitter.com/harr0ey/status/991338229952598016 Notes: | Thanks to: See the Payloads folder for an example PCW8E57.xml file.