--- Name: CL_Invocation.ps1 Description: Aero diagnostics script Author: 'Oddvar Moe' Created: '2018-05-25' Commands: - Command: . C:\\Windows\\diagnostics\\system\\AERO\\CL_Invocation.ps1 \nSyncInvoke [args] Description: Import the PowerShell Diagnostic CL_Invocation script and call SyncInvoke to launch an executable. Usecase: Proxy execution Category: Execute Privileges: User MitreID: T1216 MitreLink: https://attack.mitre.org/wiki/Technique/T1216 OperatingSystem: Windows 10 Full Path: - Path: C:\Windows\diagnostics\system\AERO\CL_Invocation.ps1 - Path: C:\Windows\diagnostics\system\Audio\CL_Invocation.ps1 - Path: C:\Windows\diagnostics\system\WindowsUpdate\CL_Invocation.ps1 Code Sample: - Code: Detection: - IOC: Resources: - Link: Acknowledgement: - Person: Jimmy Handle: '@bohops' - Person: Pierre-Alexandre Braeken Handle: '@pabraeken' ---