% ============================================================================ % % Encoding: UTF-8 (žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelšké ódy) % ============================================================================ % @BOOK{HRW1997, author = "D. Halliday and R. Resnick and J. Walker", title = "{Fundamentals of Physics}", publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.", edition = "5th", year = "1997", isbn = "978-0-471-28323-2", } @INBOOK{Delorme2006, author = {Arnaud Delorme}, chapter = "{Statistical Methods}", title = "{Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation}", publisher = "Wiley Interscience", pages = "240--264", volume = "6", doi = "10.1002/0471732877.emd318", year = "2006", isbn = "978-0-471-73287-7", } @ARTICLE{Bourreau2006, author = "D. Bourreau and A. Peden and S. Le Maguer", title = "{A Quasi-Optical Free-Space Measurement Setup Without Time-Domain Gating for Material Characterization in the W-Band}", journal = "{Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on}", year = "2006", month = "prosinec", volume = "55", number = "6", pages = "2022--2028", issn = "0018-9456", } @INPROCEEDINGS{Judish1999, author = "R. M. Judish and J. Splett", booktitle = "{IMTC/99. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (Cat. No.99CH36309)}", title = "{Robust Statistical Analysis of Vector Network Analyzer Intercomparisons}", month = "květen", year = "1999", volume = "3", pages = "1320--1324", doi = "10.1109/IMTC.1999.776019", issn = "1091-5281", } @PHDTHESIS{Valente2005, author = "Fabio Valente", title = "{Variational Bayesian Methods for Audio Indexing}", school = "Université Nice Sophia Antipolis", address = "", year = "2005", month = "září", language = "english", }% url = "http://www.eurecom.fr/en/publication/1739/download/mm-valefa-050923.pdf", @TECHREPORT{Fralick1997, author = "Dion T. Fralick", title = "{W-band Free Space Permittivity Measurement Setup for Candidate Radome Materials}", year = "1997", source = "http://www.ncstrl.org:8900/ncstrl/servlet/search?formname=detail\&id=oai%3ALTRS%3ANASA-97-cr201720", publisher = "NASA Langley Technical Report Server", institution = "NASA Langley Technical Report Server", } @MISC{WWWCST, author = {{3DEXPERIENCE® Company - Dassault Systèmes®}}, title = "{CST Studio Suite 3D EM simulation and analysis software [online]}", publisher = "3DEXPERIENCE® Company - Dassault Systèmes®", howpublished = "https://www.3ds.com/products-services/simulia/products/cst-studio-suite/", year = "2020", note = "[cit. 2020-01-26]", } % ============================================================================ %