leo b1ab686493
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
go: add db module for preps/checks
2023-05-05 22:52:59 +02:00

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// Code generated by ent, DO NOT EDIT.
package ent
import (
// The init function reads all schema descriptors with runtime code
// (default values, validators, hooks and policies) and stitches it
// to their package variables.
func init() {
hibpFields := schema.HIBP{}.Fields()
_ = hibpFields
// hibpDescIsVerified is the schema descriptor for is_verified field.
hibpDescIsVerified := hibpFields[9].Descriptor()
// hibp.DefaultIsVerified holds the default value on creation for the is_verified field.
hibp.DefaultIsVerified = hibpDescIsVerified.Default.(bool)
// hibpDescIsFabricated is the schema descriptor for is_fabricated field.
hibpDescIsFabricated := hibpFields[10].Descriptor()
// hibp.DefaultIsFabricated holds the default value on creation for the is_fabricated field.
hibp.DefaultIsFabricated = hibpDescIsFabricated.Default.(bool)
// hibpDescIsSensitive is the schema descriptor for is_sensitive field.
hibpDescIsSensitive := hibpFields[11].Descriptor()
// hibp.DefaultIsSensitive holds the default value on creation for the is_sensitive field.
hibp.DefaultIsSensitive = hibpDescIsSensitive.Default.(bool)
// hibpDescIsRetired is the schema descriptor for is_retired field.
hibpDescIsRetired := hibpFields[12].Descriptor()
// hibp.DefaultIsRetired holds the default value on creation for the is_retired field.
hibp.DefaultIsRetired = hibpDescIsRetired.Default.(bool)
// hibpDescIsSpamList is the schema descriptor for is_spamList field.
hibpDescIsSpamList := hibpFields[13].Descriptor()
// hibp.DefaultIsSpamList holds the default value on creation for the is_spamList field.
hibp.DefaultIsSpamList = hibpDescIsSpamList.Default.(bool)
// hibpDescIsMalware is the schema descriptor for is_malware field.
hibpDescIsMalware := hibpFields[14].Descriptor()
// hibp.DefaultIsMalware holds the default value on creation for the is_malware field.
hibp.DefaultIsMalware = hibpDescIsMalware.Default.(bool)
setupFields := schema.Setup{}.Fields()
_ = setupFields
// setupDescSetUpAt is the schema descriptor for set_up_at field.
setupDescSetUpAt := setupFields[1].Descriptor()
// setup.DefaultSetUpAt holds the default value on creation for the set_up_at field.
setup.DefaultSetUpAt = setupDescSetUpAt.Default.(func() time.Time)
// setupDescID is the schema descriptor for id field.
setupDescID := setupFields[0].Descriptor()
// setup.DefaultID holds the default value on creation for the id field.
setup.DefaultID = setupDescID.Default.(func() uuid.UUID)
userFields := schema.User{}.Fields()
_ = userFields
// userDescUsername is the schema descriptor for username field.
userDescUsername := userFields[1].Descriptor()
// user.UsernameValidator is a validator for the "username" field. It is called by the builders before save.
user.UsernameValidator = userDescUsername.Validators[0].(func(string) error)
// userDescEmail is the schema descriptor for email field.
userDescEmail := userFields[2].Descriptor()
// user.EmailValidator is a validator for the "email" field. It is called by the builders before save.
user.EmailValidator = userDescEmail.Validators[0].(func(string) error)
// userDescPassword is the schema descriptor for password field.
userDescPassword := userFields[3].Descriptor()
// user.PasswordValidator is a validator for the "password" field. It is called by the builders before save.
user.PasswordValidator = userDescPassword.Validators[0].(func([]byte) error)
// userDescIsAdmin is the schema descriptor for is_admin field.
userDescIsAdmin := userFields[4].Descriptor()
// user.DefaultIsAdmin holds the default value on creation for the is_admin field.
user.DefaultIsAdmin = userDescIsAdmin.Default.(bool)
// userDescIsActive is the schema descriptor for is_active field.
userDescIsActive := userFields[5].Descriptor()
// user.DefaultIsActive holds the default value on creation for the is_active field.
user.DefaultIsActive = userDescIsActive.Default.(bool)
// userDescCreatedAt is the schema descriptor for created_at field.
userDescCreatedAt := userFields[6].Descriptor()
// user.DefaultCreatedAt holds the default value on creation for the created_at field.
user.DefaultCreatedAt = userDescCreatedAt.Default.(func() time.Time)
// userDescUpdatedAt is the schema descriptor for updated_at field.
userDescUpdatedAt := userFields[7].Descriptor()
// user.DefaultUpdatedAt holds the default value on creation for the updated_at field.
user.DefaultUpdatedAt = userDescUpdatedAt.Default.(func() time.Time)
// user.UpdateDefaultUpdatedAt holds the default value on update for the updated_at field.
user.UpdateDefaultUpdatedAt = userDescUpdatedAt.UpdateDefault.(func() time.Time)
// userDescID is the schema descriptor for id field.
userDescID := userFields[0].Descriptor()
// user.DefaultID holds the default value on creation for the id field.
user.DefaultID = userDescID.Default.(func() uuid.UUID)