the Dhall config package formerly in ./config/schema has been moved to, meaning the schema
has been decoupled from this repository.
the schema is now being versioned, which makes it easier to progress
without breaking stuff (unless we wanted to reference the versions by
commit hashes...).
* use schema version 0.0.0
* add log messages telling the user what went wrong if the app fails to
* improve existing log messages
* cleanup: close channels when exiting
* cleanup: stop listening for signals when exiting
* add handlers for signin,singup,logout...
* introduce ent ORM and add user schema
* add live mode, devel mode to selectively turn on features via
* add templates, handle embedding moar smarter:
* live mode uses live folder structure, else embedded templates are
* start using tailwindcss to style stuff
* add development goodies for hot-reloading (browser-sync - bs.js)
* pimp-up config.dhall with actual custom config Type (enables remote
schema and local values only as needed)
* add justfile (alternative to makefile for process automation)