% =========================================================================== % % Encoding: UTF-8 (žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelšké ódy) % =========================================================================== % \seznamzkr{} \begin{tabular}{ll} SHA & Secure Hash Algorithm \\ AES & Advanced Encryption Standard \\ ID & Identity \\ PID & Process ID \\ Cgroup & Control group \\ TLS & Transport Layer Security \\ TCP & Transmission Control Protocol \\ SSH & Secure Shell \\ DNS & Domain Name System \\ ZSTD & Z Standard \\ ZFS & The Zettabyte File System \\ ISP & Internet Service Provider \\ GPG & GNU Privacy Guard \\ GNU & GNU's Not Unix! \\ CSS & Cascading Style Sheets \\ API & Application Programming Interface \\ CLI & Command Line Interface \\ SCM & Source Code Management \\ HIBP & Have I Been Pwned \\ TDD & Test Driven Development \\ TOML & Tom's Obvious Minimal Language \\ YAML & Yet Another Markup Language \\ JSON & Java Script Object Notation \\ INI & Initialization file \\ CPU & Central Processing Unit \\ RAM & Random Access Memory \\ NVMe & Non-Volatile Memory Express \\ PCIe & Peripheral Component Interconnect Express \\ HPC & High Performance Computing \\ OOM & Out of Memory \\ OWASP & Open Web Application Security Project \\ NIST & National Institute of Standards and Technology \\ SEO & Search-Engine Optimisation \\ \end{tabular} % =========================================================================== %