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tex: reword bits in CI section

This commit is contained in:
surtur 2023-08-18 17:54:44 +02:00
parent 2e4fd6bb6c
commit d68cf1a77a
Signed by: wanderer
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:MdCZyJ2sHLltrLBp0xQO0O1qTW9BT/xl5nXkDvhlMCI

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@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ The entire configuration used to run the pipelines can be found in a file named
workflow consists of four pipelines, which are run in parallel. Two main
pipelines are defined to build the frontend assets, the \texttt{pcmt} binary
and run tests on \texttt{x86\_64} GNU/Linux targets, one for each of Arch and
Alpine (version 3.17). These two pipelines are identical apart from OS-specific
bits such as installing a certain package, etc. For the record, other
OS-architecture combinations were not tested.
Alpine (version 3.1\{7,8\}). These two pipelines are identical apart from
OS-specific bits such as installing a certain package, etc. For the record,
other OS-architecture combinations were not tested.
A third pipeline contains instructions to build a popular static analysis tool
called \texttt{golangci-lint}, which is sort of a meta-linter, bundling a
@ -164,9 +164,10 @@ tool itself (such as what linters are enabled/disabled and with what settings)
can be found in the root of the repository in the file named
The fourth pipeline focuses on linting the Containerfile and building the
container, although the latter action is only performed on feature branches,
\emph{pull requests} or \emph{tag} events.
The fourth pipeline focuses on linting the \texttt{Containerfile} and building
the container and pushing in to a public container registry, although the
latter action is only performed on feature branches, \emph{pull request} or
\emph{tag} events.
\obr{Drone CI median build
@ -174,9 +175,9 @@ time}{fig:drone-median-build}{.84}{graphics/drone-median-build}
The median build time as of writing was 1 minute, which includes running all
four pipelines, and that is acceptable. Build times might of course vary
depending on the hardware, for reference, these builds were run on a machine
equipped with a Zen 3 Ryzen 5 5600 CPU with nominal clock times, DDR4 3200MHz
RAM, a couple of PCIe Gen 4 NVMe drives in a mirrored setup (using ZFS) and a
400Mbps downlink, software-wise running Arch with an author-flavoured Xanmod
equipped with a Zen 3 Ryzen 5 5600 CPU with nominal clock times, DDR4 @ 3200
MHz RAM, a couple of PCIe Gen 4 NVMe drives in a mirrored setup (using ZFS) and
a 600 Mbps downlink, software-wise running Arch with an author-flavoured Xanmod
kernel version 6.\{2,3,4\}.x.