tex: add CSP, delete sections

This commit is contained in:
leo 2023-05-25 03:11:32 +02:00
parent aab101da44
commit 46a48fdbb3
Signed by: wanderer
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:Dp8+iwKHSlrMEHzE3bJnPng70I7LEsa3IJXRH/U+idQ
2 changed files with 29 additions and 36 deletions

@ -343,4 +343,13 @@ institution = {International Organization for Standardization}
isbn = {978-1593278267},
title = {{CSP Is Dead, Long Live CSP! On the Insecurity of Whitelists and the Future of Content Security Policy}},
author = {Lukas Weichselbaum and Michele Spagnuolo and Artur Janc and Sebastian Lekies},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '16)},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
doi = {10.1145/297674},
year = 2016,
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@ -469,49 +469,33 @@ A header is additional information sent by both the server and the client.
\n{2}{Content Security Policy}\label{sec:csp}
Content Security Policy has been an important addition to the arsenal of
Content Security Policy (CSP) has been an important addition to the arsenal of
website operators, even though not everybody has necessarily been utilising it
properly or even taken notice. To understand what guarantees it provides and
what kind of protections it employs, it is first necessary to grok how websites
are parsed and displayed, which has been discussed in depth in previous
As per Weichselbaum et al.\ CSP is a mechanism designed to mitigate
XSS~\cite{longliveCSP}. It is a declarative policy mechanism that allows the
website operator to decide what client-side resources can load and what origins
are permitted. Scripts can be restricted to only load from a list of trusted
domains and inline scripts can be blocked completely. The scripts can also be
allowed based on a cryptographic hash based on their content, which should be a
known information to website operators prior to or at the time scripts are
\n{2}{User isolation}
Admin vs regular user, privilege escalation, least-privilege principle,
zero-trust principle.
\n{2}{Process isolation}
Sandbox escape.
\n{2}{Namespaced isolation}
Sandbox escape.
\n{1}{Data storage}
Among the key aspects of any security-minded system (application), the
following are certain to make the count:
\item data integrity
\item data authenticity
\item data confidentiality
\n{1}{Compromise checking and prevention}
\n{2}{HIBP and similar tools}
\n{2}{OWASP Top 10 for the implementers}
\n{2}{Password best practices}
CSP3, which is the current version, can be served either as a header or inside
website's \texttt{<meta>} tag. Directives are generally named after a topic
keyword and suffixed `-src', such as \texttt{script-src}, \texttt{img-src} or
\texttt{style-src}, although some directives don't follow this pattern,
\texttt{form-action}, \texttt{upgrade-insecure-requests} and \texttt{sandbox}
representing this group nicely. Sections are delimited using semicolons and
each section can only appear once. Special values exist for the origin itself
(\texttt{'self'}) and disallowing any source (\texttt{'none'}). A good CSP is
targeted and not overly broad. For instance, a website that loads no JavaScript
at all does not need to allow a popular CDN (Content Delivery Network) origin
in its \texttt{script-src}, instead it can be set to \texttt{'none'}.
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