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# Variables
set {
# Super_L (Meta-Key)
$meta Mod4
# Alt_L (Mesa-Key)
$mesa Mod1
# Modifier (Slightly changes the keybind)
$mod Shift
# Defaults
$term alacritty
$menu dmenu_path | dmenu | xargs swaymsg exec --
$browser firefox
$filemanager thunar
# Moving
$up Up
$down Down
$right Right
$left Left
# Enable floating by default
for_window [title=".*"] floating enable
# Remove annoying borders
default_border none
# Scaling
output LVDS-1 resolution 1600x900 scale 0.8
# Allow dragging of windows
floating_modifier $mesa normal
# Bar
include /home/kreyren/.config/sway/bar/status.sway
# Distro - For distribution-specific configs
include /home/kreyren/.config/sway/distro/nixos.sway
# Keybinds
include /home/kreyren/.config/sway/keybinds/admin.sway
include /home/kreyren/.config/sway/keybinds/defaults.sway
include /home/kreyren/.config/sway/keybinds/navigation.sway
include /home/kreyren/.config/sway/keybinds/scratchpad.sway
include /home/kreyren/.config/sway/keybinds/screenshots.sway
# Modes
include /home/kreyren/.config/sway/modes/resize.sway
# DNR(Krey): Figure out how to use $HOME here
include /home/kreyren/.config/sway/config.d/*