Andreas Grapentin 7b0ebe3148
applying GPL
2017-12-31 22:58:55 +01:00

169 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File

# parabola-arm-imagebuilder #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2017 Andreas Grapentin #
# #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <>. #
set -eu
_loopdev=$(sudo losetup -f --show $_outfile)
# register cleanup handler to stop the started VM
function cleanup {
test -f $_pidfile && (kill -9 $(cat $_pidfile) || true)
rm -f $_pidfile
umount ${_loopdev}p1
losetup -d $_loopdev
rm -rf $_bootdir
rm -f $_scriptfile
trap cleanup ERR
# create the package build preparation script, adapted from
(source /etc/makepkg.conf && cat > $_scriptfile << EOF
set -eu
# setup parabola login keys
cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys >> /home/parabola/.ssh/authorized_keys
# fix key permissions and ownership
chown -R parabola:parabola /home/parabola/{.gnupg,.ssh,.gitconfig}
chmod 600 /home/parabola/.ssh/authorized_keys
# install needed packages
pacman --noconfirm -S libretools base-devel vim sudo rxvt-unicode-terminfo bash-completion
# update configuration
sed -i \
-e 's_^#PKGDEST.*_PKGDEST="/home/parabola/output/packages_' \
-e 's_^#SRCDEST.*_SRCDEST="/home/parabola/output/sources_' \
-e 's_^#SRCPKGDEST.*_SRCPKGDEST="/home/parabola/output/srcpackages_' \
-e 's_^#LOGDEST.*_LOGDEST="/home/parabola/output/makepkglogs_' \
-e 's_^#GPGKEY.*_GPGKEY="$GPGKEY"_' \
sed -i \
-e 's_^CHROOTDIR.*_CHROOTDIR="/home/parabola/build"_' \
sed -i \
# create directories
mkdir -p /home/parabola/output/{packages,sources,srcpackages,makepkglogs}
chown -R parabola:parabola /home/parabola/output
# disable systemd-stdin hack...
sed -i '/XXX: SYSTEMD-STDIN HACK/,+9d' /usr/bin/librechroot
# setup sudo
cat > /etc/sudoers.d/parabola << IEOF
# grant full permissions to user parabola
# setup work directories
su - parabola -c createworkdir
su - parabola -c "sudo librechroot make"
# setup batch building
pacman --noconfirm -S task-spooler
cat >> /home/parabola/.bashrc << 'IEOF'
alias sudo='sudo '
function librespool() {
local cmd
printf -v cmd '%q ' "\$@"
tsp -d script --return --quiet --command "\$cmd" /dev/null
alias librechroot-spool='librespool sudo /usr/bin/librechroot'
alias libremakepkg-spool='librespool sudo /usr/bin/libremakepkg'
alias qbuild='if tsp | grep " \$(basename \$(pwd))\\$" >/dev/null; then tspr; fi && tsp echo \$(basename \$(pwd)) && librechroot-spool update && libremakepkg-spool && tsp -d librestage'
alias tspr='d=\$(tsp | grep " \$(basename \$(pwd))\\$" | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f1) && for i in \$(seq \$d \$((\$d+3))); do tsp -r \$i; done'
alias tspl='watch -n5 tsp'
alias tspc='while tsp -c; do sleep 5; done'
alias librecommit='if tsp | grep " \$(basename \$(pwd))\\$" >/dev/null; then tspr; fi && git commit -m "\$(pwd | rev | cut -d"/" -f1-2 | rev): updated to \$(bash -c "source PKGBUILD && echo \\\$pkgver")"'
# enable UTF-8 locale
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen
sed -i 's/LANG.*/LANG=en_US.UTF-8/' /etc/locale.conf
chmod +x $_scriptfile
# start the VM
mkdir -p $_bootdir
mount ${_loopdev}p1 $_bootdir
QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=none qemu-system-arm \
-M vexpress-a9 \
-m 1G \
-dtb $_bootdir/dtbs/vexpress-v2p-ca9.dtb \
-kernel $_bootdir/zImage \
--append "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw roottype=ext4 console=ttyAMA0" \
-drive if=sd,driver=raw,cache=writeback,file=$_outfile \
-display none \
-net user,hostfwd=tcp::2022-:22 \
-net nic \
-daemonize \
-pidfile $_pidfile
# wait for ssh to be up
while ! ssh -p 2022 -i keys/id_rsa root@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no true 2>/dev/null; do
echo -n . && sleep 5
done && echo
# copy the current users keys keys to the VM
scp -rP 2022 -i keys/id_rsa $(sudo -iu $(logname) pwd)/.gnupg root@localhost:/home/parabola/
scp -rP 2022 -i keys/id_rsa $(sudo -iu $(logname) pwd)/.ssh root@localhost:/home/parabola/
scp -rP 2022 -i keys/id_rsa $(sudo -iu $(logname) pwd)/.gitconfig root@localhost:/home/parabola/
# copy and execute the migration script
scp -P 2022 -i keys/id_rsa $_scriptfile root@localhost:
ssh -p 2022 -i keys/id_rsa root@localhost "./$(basename $_scriptfile)"
# open a shell for debugging
# ssh -p 2022 -i keys/id_rsa root@localhost
# stop the VM
ssh -p 2022 -i keys/id_rsa root@localhost "nohup shutdown -h now &>/dev/null & exit"
while kill -0 $(cat $_pidfile) 2> /dev/null; do echo -n . && sleep 5; done && echo
rm -f $_pidfile
# cleanup
umount ${_loopdev}p1
losetup -d $_loopdev
rm -rf $_bootdir
rm $_scriptfile