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;;; viewer.scm
;;; Copyright 2018 Kavalogic, Inc.
;;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;; This file is part of Inspekt3d.
;;; Inspekt3d is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; Inspekt3d is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
;;; License along with this program. If not, see
;;; <>.
;;; Derived from Guile-OpenGL 0.1.0
;;; File: ./examples/particle-system/vbo.scm
;;; Original License: LGPL 3+
(define-module (inspekt3d viewer)
#:use-module (inspekt3d library)
#:use-module (inspekt3d camera)
#:use-module (inspekt3d shader)
#:use-module (inspekt3d gl-missing)
#:use-module (glut)
#:use-module (gl)
#:use-module (glu)
#:use-module (ice-9 threads)
#:use-module (ice-9 receive)
#:use-module (system foreign)
#:use-module (oop goops))
;;; Globals
(define *full-screen?* #f)
;;; object buffers
(define *vertex-buffer* 0)
(define *index-buffer* 0)
;;; main window
(define *main-window* #nil)
;;; shape
(define *shape-changed?* #f)
;;; set by external thread, used when shape is changed
(define *new-mesh* #nil)
(define *new-bounds* #nil)
;;; set by viewer thread, used to display
(define *mesh* #nil)
(define *bounds* #nil)
;;; mutexes
(define *run-mutex* (make-mutex))
(define *shape-mutex* (make-mutex))
;;; camera
(define *camera* #nil)
;;; shader
(define *shader* #nil)
(define (draw-shape)
(unless (null? *mesh*)
(gl-enable-client-state (enable-cap vertex-array))
(gl-bind-buffer (version-1-5 array-buffer) *vertex-buffer*)
(set-gl-vertex-array (vertex-pointer-type float) #f)
(gl-bind-buffer (version-1-5 element-array-buffer) *index-buffer*)
(gl-draw-elements (begin-mode triangles)
(* 3 (call-with-values
(lambda () (get-mesh-members *mesh*))
(lambda (v t triangle-count vc) triangle-count)))
(data-type unsigned-int)
(gl-disable-client-state (enable-cap vertex-array))
(gl-disable-client-state (enable-cap index-array))))
(define (exit-viewer)
(unless (null? *main-window*) (glut-destroy-window *main-window*)))
(define (cleanup-for-exit)
;; clean up the shaders
(cleanup *shader*)
;; cleanup up the mesh
(unless (null? *mesh*) (delete-mesh *mesh*))
(set! *main-window* #nil)
(set-shape #nil #nil #nil))
(define (on-display)
(gl-clear (clear-buffer-mask color-buffer depth-buffer))
(establish-modelview-matrix *camera*)
;; With double-buffering, swap-buffers will wait for the frame to be shown,
;; which limits this program to the frame rate.
(define (reshape)
;; use the whole window
(let ((width (get-width *camera*))
(height (get-height *camera*)))
(gl-viewport 0 0 width height))
;; update the projection matrix
(set-gl-matrix-mode (matrix-mode projection))
(unless (null? *bounds*)
(establish-projection-matrix *camera* *bounds*))
(set-gl-matrix-mode (matrix-mode modelview)))
(define (on-reshape width height)
;; update the camera
(set-width *camera* width)
(set-height *camera* height)
(define (on-special keycode x y)
(define (on-mouse button state x y)
(cond (;; left button rotates
(eq? button (button-name left-button))
(let ((rotator (get-rotator *camera*)))
(if (eq? state (button-state down))
(rotation-start rotator x y)
(rotation-end rotator x y))))
(;; mouse wheel button rotate upwards
(eq? button 3)
(let ((zoomer (get-zoomer *camera*)))
(zoom-in zoomer)
(post-redisplay *main-window*)))
(;; mouse wheel button rotate downwards
(eq? button 4)
(let ((zoomer (get-zoomer *camera*)))
(zoom-out zoomer)
(post-redisplay *main-window*)))))
(define (on-motion x y)
(let ((rotator (get-rotator *camera*)))
(if (is-rotating? rotator)
;; update rotation
(rotation-rotate rotator x y)
(post-redisplay *main-window*)))))
(define (on-visibility visible?)
(define (setup-for-display)
(let ((need-redisplay? #f))
(when (try-mutex *shape-mutex*)
(with-throw-handler #t
(lambda ()
(when *shape-changed?*
(unless (null? *mesh*)
(delete-mesh *mesh*))
(set! *mesh* *new-mesh*)
(set! *bounds* *new-bounds*)
(set! *new-mesh* #nil)
(set! *new-bounds* #nil)
(set! *shape-changed?* #f)
(set! need-redisplay? #t)))
(unlock-mutex *shape-mutex*))
(when need-redisplay?
(receive (vertices triangles triangle-count vertex-count)
(get-mesh-members *mesh*)
;; set vertex buffer
(gl-delete-buffer *vertex-buffer*) ; no-op if 0
(set! *vertex-buffer* (gl-generate-buffer))
(gl-bind-buffer (version-1-5 array-buffer) *vertex-buffer*)
(set-gl-buffer-data (version-1-5 array-buffer)
(version-1-5 static-draw)
(* 3 (sizeof float) vertex-count))
;; set index buffer
(gl-delete-buffer *index-buffer*) ; no-op if 0
(set! *index-buffer* (gl-generate-buffer))
(gl-bind-buffer (version-1-5 element-array-buffer) *index-buffer*)
(set-gl-buffer-data (version-1-5 element-array-buffer)
(version-1-5 static-draw)
(* 3 (sizeof uint32) triangle-count))
;;; unbind buffers
(gl-bind-buffer (version-1-5 array-buffer) 0)
(gl-bind-buffer (version-1-5 element-array-buffer) 0)))
(define (on-idle)
(when (setup-for-display)
(post-redisplay *main-window*)))
(define (on-keyboard keycode x y)
(let ((c (integer->char keycode)))
(case c
(set! *full-screen?* (not *full-screen?*))
(full-screen *main-window* *full-screen?*))
((#\esc #\etx #\q)
(let ((zoomer (get-zoomer *camera*)))
(zoom-in zoomer)
(post-redisplay *main-window*)))
(let ((zoomer (get-zoomer *camera*)))
(zoom-out zoomer)
(post-redisplay *main-window*))))))
(define (register-glut-callbacks)
;; The trampolines allow the handlers to be overridden at runtime by
;; an attached Guile REPL client.
(set-display-callback (lambda () (on-display)))
(set-reshape-callback (lambda (w h) (on-reshape w h)))
(set-keyboard-callback (lambda (k x y) (on-keyboard k x y)))
(set-special-callback (lambda (k x y) (on-special k x y)))
(set-mouse-callback (lambda (b s x y) (on-mouse b s x y)))
(set-motion-callback (lambda (x y) (on-motion x y)))
(set-visibility-callback (lambda (visible?) (on-visibility visible?)))
(set-idle-callback (lambda () (on-idle))))
(define* (run-main #:key
(position #f)
(size #f)
(title "Inspekt3d"))
(initialize-glut #:window-position position
#:window-size size
#:display-mode (display-mode rgba alpha double depth))
(set! *main-window* (make-window title))
(set! *camera* (make <camera>))
(set! *shader* (make <shader>))
(setup *shader*)
(glut-set-option (glut-option glut-action-on-window-close)
(set-gl-clear-color 0 0 0 1)
(set-gl-clear-depth 1)
(gl-enable (enable-cap depth-test))
(unlock-mutex *run-mutex*))
(define (viewer-main args)
(if (not (try-mutex *run-mutex*))
(error "Viewer already running.")
(apply run-main args)))
(define (set-shape new-shape new-bounds new-resolution)
"set-shape shape bounds resolution
Sets the shape to display. When the shape parameter is #nil, this
function deallocates the current mesh."
(lock-mutex *shape-mutex*)
(with-throw-handler #t
(lambda ()
(unless (null? *new-mesh*)
(delete-mesh *new-mesh*))
(if (null? new-shape)
(set! *new-mesh* #nil)
(set! *new-bounds* #nil))
(set! *new-mesh*
(shape->in-memory-mesh new-shape new-bounds new-resolution))
(set! *new-bounds* new-bounds)))
(set! *shape-changed?* #t))
(unlock-mutex *shape-mutex*))
(export set-shape)
;;; TODO: make multiple viewers possible (using a class)
;;; TODO: for now, only one viewer allowed
(define (make-viewer . args)
(lambda ()
(viewer-main args))))
(export make-viewer)