conky.config = { -- Remove the gaps gap_x = 0, gap_y = 20, -- Define ancor alignment = 'bottom_middle', -- TODO(Krey): Decide on the implementation minimum_width = 500, -- TODO(Krey): To be processed background = false, border_width = 0.5, cpu_avg_samples = 4, default_color = 'white', default_outline_color = 'grey', default_shade_color = 'black', draw_borders = true, draw_graph_borders = true, draw_outline = false, draw_shades = false, use_xft = true, font = 'Unifont:size=16', net_avg_samples = 2, double_buffer = true, out_to_console = false, out_to_stderr = false, extra_newline = false, own_window = true, own_window_colour = '000000', own_window_class = 'Conky', own_window_argb_visual = true, own_window_type = 'dock', own_window_transparent = true, own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager', stippled_borders = 0, update_interval = 0.5, uppercase = false, show_graph_scale = false, show_graph_range = false, } -- |-${alignc}X${alignr}-| conky.text = [[ ${execi 1 ps -Ao "priority,comm,pid,pcpu,size" --sort=-pcpu | sed -n 1,10p} ]] -- conky.text = [[ -- ${offset 20} ${alignc}Procs: $processes Run: $running_processes -- ${offset 20}Name ${alignr}PID CPU% MEM% -- -- ${alignc}${top name 1}[${top pid 1}](${top cpu 1}%)${top mem 1}${color} -- -- ${offset 20}${top name 2} ${alignr}${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2} -- ${offset 20}${color red}${top name 3} ${alignr}${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}${color} -- ${offset 20}${top name 4} ${alignr}${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4} -- ${offset 20}${color red}${top name 5} ${alignr}${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5}${color} -- ${offset 20}${top name 6} ${alignr}${top pid 6} ${top cpu 6} ${top mem 6} -- ${offset 20}${color red}${top name 7} ${alignr}${top pid 7} ${top cpu 7} ${top mem 7}${color} -- ${offset 20}${top name 8} ${alignr}${top pid 8} ${top cpu 8} ${top mem 8} -- ${offset 20}${color red}${top name 9} ${alignr}${top pid 9} ${top cpu 9} ${top mem 9}${color} -- ${offset 20}${top name 10} ${alignr}${top pid 10} ${top cpu 10} ${top mem 10} -- ]]