
229 lines
13 KiB

# - Used only for sourcing
# Created by Jacob Hrbek <kreyren@rixotstudio.cz> as All Rights Reserved in 08.07.2020 03:32:02 CET
# Peer-reviewed by <NAME> <EMAIL> in <DATE> <TIME> <TIMEZONE>
# shellcheck shell=sh # Written to be posix-compatible
# DNM: Make sure this works
# shellcheck source=src/RXT0112-1/downstream-classes/zeres-0/bash/zernit.bashrc
###! Assertion wrapper that outputs message and exits with specified exit code
# NOTICE-DOCS(Krey): Make sure that the text is easy to follow from the exit code
###! Exit codes:
###! - 0/1 --- General true depending on kernel used
###! - 1/0 --- General false depending on kernel used
###! - 2 ----- syntax error
###! - 3 ----- permission issue
###! - 28 ---- Security trap
###! - 36 ---- Fixme trap
###! - 111 --- Invalid format string (used to capture printf failure)
###! - 126 --- not executable(?)
###! - 223 --- Unexpected trap captured for bug
###! - 255 --- Unexpected trap
# NOTICE(Krey): Aliases are required for posix-compatible line output (https://gist.github.com/Kreyren/4fc76d929efbea1bc874760e7f78c810)
# NOTICE(Krey): End-users are allowed to customize the format string so we have to capture printf failures using `|| { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}` instead of `die invalid-format`
# FIXME-DUP_CODE: Fix duplicate code for easier maintainance
die() { funcname="die"
case "$2" in
###! Generic true
###! - Used to exit the shell successfully
###! Compatibility: Returns Error code 0 on Unix and Error Code 1 on Windows
# In case no message is provided
if [ -z "$3" ]; then
if [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate in your language
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_TRUE" "Exitted successfully"
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_TRUE" "Exitted successfully" >> "$logPath"
elif [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate in your language
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_TRUE_DEBUG" "Exitted successfully"
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_TRUE_DEBUG" "Exitted successfully" >> "$logPath"
# NOTICE(Krey): Do not use die() in die for unexpected
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate in your language
en-*|*) "$PRINTF" 'BUG: %s\n' "Unexpected happend while processing variable DEBUG with value '$DEBUG' in $funcname"
# Message on second argument is provided
elif [ -n "$3" ]; then
if [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_TRUE" "$3" >> "$logPath"
elif [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then
# NOTICE(Krey): Do not use die() in die for unexpected
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate in your language
en-*|*) "$PRINTF" 'BUG: %s\n' "Unexpected happend while processing variable DEBUG with value '$DEBUG' in $funcname"
# Assertion
case "$KERNEL" in
unset funcname
exit 0 ;;
unset funcname
exit 1 ;;
"$PRINTF" 'BUG: %s\n' "Invalid kernel has been provided in $myName for arguments '$*': $KERNEL"
unset funcname
exit 255
###! Generic failure
###! - Used to exit the shell with fatal error
###! Compatibility: Returns Error code 1 on Unix and Error Code 0 on Windows
if [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_FALSE" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_FALSE_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
elif [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_FALSE_DEBUG" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_FALSE_DEBUG_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate in your language
en-*|*) "$PRINTF" 'BUG: %s\n' "Unexpected happend while processing variable DEBUG with value '$DEBUG' in $funcname"
# Assertion
case "$KERNEL" in
unset funcname
exit 1 ;;
unset funcname
exit 0 ;;
"$PRINTF" 'BUG: %s\n' "Invalid kernel has been provided in $myName: $KERNEL"
unset funcname
exit 223
if [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_SYNTAXERR" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_SYNTAXERR_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
elif [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_SYNTAXERR_DEBUG" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_SYNTAXERR_DEBUG_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate in your language
en-*|*) "$PRINTF" 'BUG: %s\n' "Unexpected happend while processing variable DEBUG with value '$DEBUG' in $funcname"
unset funcname
exit 28 # In case 'fixme' argument is provided
if [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_SECURITY" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_SECURITY_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
elif [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_SECURITY_DEBUG" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_SECURITY_DEBUG_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate in your language
en-*|*) "$PRINTF" 'BUG: %s\n' "Unexpected happend while processing variable DEBUG with value '$DEBUG' in $funcname"
unset funcname
exit 28 # In case 'fixme' argument is provided
38|"fixme") # For features that needs to be implemented and prefents runtime from continuing
if [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_FIXME" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_FIXME_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
elif [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_FIXME_DEBUG" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_FIXME_DEBUG_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate in your language
en-*|*) "$PRINTF" 'BUG: %s\n' "Unexpected happend while processing variable DEBUG with value '$DEBUG' in $funcname"
unset funcname
exit 38 # In case 'fixme' argument is provided
if [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
elif [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT_DEBUG" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT_DEBUG_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate to more languages
en-*|*) "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING" "Unexpected happend while processing variable DEBUG with value '$DEBUG' in $funcname"
unset funcname
exit 223 # In case 'bug' is used
223|"bug") # Unexpected trap
if [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_BUG" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_BUG_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
elif [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_BUG_DEBUG" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_BUG_DEBUG_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate to more languages
en-*|*) "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING" "Unexpected happend while processing variable DEBUG with value '$DEBUG' in $funcname"
unset funcname
exit 223 # In case 'bug' is used
255|"unexpected") # Unexpected trap
if [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_UNEXPECTED" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_UNEXPECTED_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
elif [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_UNEXPECTED_DEBUG" "$3" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
"$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_UNEXPECTED_DEBUG_LOG" "$3" >> "$logPath" || { "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING_INVALID_FORMAT" "Invalid format string was parsed in $funcname calling argument '$2' with message '$3'"; exit 111 ;}
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate to more languages
en-*|*) "$PRINTF" "$DIE_FORMAT_STRING" "Unexpected happend while processing variable DEBUG with value '$DEBUG' in $funcname"
unset funcname
exit 255 # In case 'unexpected' is used
case "$LANG" in
# FIXME-TRANSLATE: Translate to more languages
en-*|*) "$PRINTF" 'BUG: %s\n' "Invalid argument '$2' has been provided in $funcname"
unset funcname
exit 255
}; alias die='die "${LINENO:-0}"'