Kreyren d256ff6c67
Master init (#40)
* fdjfgjdfg

* jghkfghkf

* fgdfjfghj

* sgassg

* jksdhgjkasdnh

* Adapted code

* add vlang

* hkghkgh

* sdgasdg

* sagsdag

* gjghfj

* hjfghkf

* dgsghafh

* gjfgjfd

* fdhfhfgj

* Update gitpod.Dockerfile

* fixes

* fixes

* gjhfhghk

* xdgad

* dsgasdg

* shebang test

* sagaga

* shash

* jfhjgh

* hfgdj

* dgsdfhsdf

* Update gitpod.Dockerfile

* dshsfd

* hgkgk

* ffhdfgj

* Update vlang_init.sh

* Update vlang_init.sh

* agsah

* ffgjghjfgh

* jghkfg

* jghjfh

* hdhsfdh

* fdhfgj

* fdhsfdh

* fghdfgh

* sdgag

* dshas

* vcmvmvb

* sdagasdg

* shfdh

* sdagsdag

* dfhfgd

* Update cargo-make requirement from 0.26.2 to 0.27.0

Updates the requirements on [cargo-make](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make) to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make/compare/0.26.2...0.27.0)

Signed-off-by: dependabot-preview[bot] <support@dependabot.com>

* test

* Bump termcolor from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0

Bumps [termcolor](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/termcolor) from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0.

Signed-off-by: dependabot-preview[bot] <support@dependabot.com>

* fdhsfh

* Create jekyll.yml

* dsadsh

* fdhgj

* sagsag

* sagag

* hfgj

* sdgsdag

* dgasdga

* hghkh

* sagas

* gjkghkf

* safsaf

* gjfkf

* stub

* djknsfdjknh

* sdgasdg

* asasg

* safsa

* gagsd


* shfdhsfd

* gfgj

* dfhfgdj

* fgkfhg

* fdhhsf

* fghkjgh

* fhdfjh

* safsa

* sagasga

* sdgdsfh

* saagsga

* gjhlghl

* jklhj

* gfghkg

* gfjdfgj

* nm,;n

* kljlk'j

* jk'jkl'

* saasga

* sdgasdg

* gjghk

* dhsfh

* fdhsfdj

* hkgjkgh

* asgsa

* fhfgjfg


* asgas

* sasgd

* fdfgj

* dsfhdsf

* fhdfhs

* sagasg

* sagasg

* Fix C and adapt more sanity checks

* shdfh

* sagsag

* safasf

* sag

* hgjl

* asgasg

* sgagsa

* asfasf

* safasf

* sasag

* fdjfgj

* fjdgj

* sagasg

* Why can't i see the hugging source for this GUI? #ThanksMicrosoft

* saksdakhla

* jhlgj

* hjglh

* sdgdasg

* saga

* safsaf

* sagag

* fdhsfdh

* safasf

* fdhjsfdh



* sagasg

* agaahds

* end my suffering

* hgkkfkg

* all hail twofifths the savior

* sagasga

* fdhfgh

* dgsgh

* khgk

* asgasg

* ddfjhfg

* asgagasg

* fhdshfd

* asasgsagas

* hgkg

* saasg

* saagg

* ffdjgf

* hlj

* vbbghkk

* safasf

* safsaf

* sdhdfh

* fdhsdh

* saag

* sagag

* safasf

* asgasg

* ffgjfg

* f54hs6f5d4h

* sagasg

* dsgasg

* sgasdg

* gfjfgj

* cfghd

* fhddfgj

* dsgsagd

* shsadh

* fhdf

* fdjhfg

* asgasga

* sdgag

* fjfdgjdf

* fdhsfdh

* asgsa

* sagasg

* sagasg

* sagasg

* dsgsdha

* fdhsfhd

* YoU cAnT dO tHiS iN ShElL kReY

* tetats

* gfjdfgj

* sagsag

* fgj

* bvghkf

* gfhdfghfg

* sdagsadg

* sdgasdg

* agaas

* dassfd

* vbghf

* jghkgh

* hfgdj

* gjkjlg

* sdgfdg

* asgag

* fgkgkh

* fdhsfdh

* dsgasdg

* dsgsg

* fgj

* safsaf

* agsgd

* Finally we have theia config

Relevant: https://github.com/gitpod-io/gitpod/issues/800#issuecomment-587381366

* agsdgh

* kjghkgg

* vjfgjfgd

* add dia

* flowchart: init

* adgasdg

* Update Zernit.drawio

* Update Zernit.drawio

* Update Zernit.drawio

* asdgsdag

* fddfhs

* saasg

* sasag

* dgasdgasd

* dsgasdg

* Create question.md

* Update labels.yml

* do not bother bug wranglers with questions

* sasaasgd

* dhfdh

* safasf

* dsgasdg

* Update debian.Dockerfile

* dsagasdg

* Update debian.Dockerfile

* sdghsdf

* agasd

* Update cargo-make requirement from 0.27.0 to 0.28.0 (#58)

Updates the requirements on [cargo-make](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make) to permit the latest version.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make/compare/0.27.0...0.28.0)

Signed-off-by: dependabot-preview[bot] <support@dependabot.com>

* stub for RXT ownership

* Create other.md

* Create legal-request.yml

* Rename legal-request.yml to legal-request.md

* Update bug_report.md

* sgsfdh

* saga

* stub license

* Initial configuration

Co-authored-by: @Klairm <ivangardis@hotmail.com>
- Thanks for C contrib!
Co-authored-by: @Uniminin <uniminin@zoho.com> 
- Thanks for the contribution of annoyance and python!
Co-authored-by: @JesterOrNot <seanhellum45@gmail.com>
- Thanks for gitpod contrib! https://github.com/RXT0112/Zernit/pull/32
- Thanks for issue-meggage in https://github.com/RXT0112/Zernit/pull/23!
Co-authored-by: dependabot-preview[bot] <27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-03-18 07:23:24 +01:00

639 lines
11 KiB

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