image: file: gitpod/debian.Dockerfile # FIXME: Change gitpod user on GITPOD_GIT_USER_NAME env value tasks: # Does not accept Quotation without '|' ? - init: | printf 'FIXME: %s\n' "Get rid of me" command: | printf 'FIXME: %s\n' "This is a hotfix for manipulating PS1 env var" # FIXME: The color of second line does not transfer to the environment unless Ctrl+C is pressed export PS1="\033[1m\e[38;5;201m[ \t : \w : EXIT \$? ]\033[0m\e[38;5;011m\n\u@gitpod \\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\]" # ^^^^^^^ - bolt # ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Purple color # ^^^^^^ - remove bolt # ^^^^^^^^^^^ - Gold color clear vscode: extensions: - kalitaalexey.vscode-rust@0.4.2:iw09QffwKU6Xcxr7C2zalA== - Swellaby.vscode-rust-test-adapter@0.11.0:Xg+YeZZQiVpVUsIkH+uiiw== - bungcip.better-toml@0.3.2:3QfgGxxYtGHfJKQU7H0nEw== - hbenl.vscode-test-explorer@2.15.0:koqDUMWDPJzELp/hdS/lWw== - - serayuzgur.crates@0.4.7:HMkoguLcXp9M3ud7ac3eIw== - timonwong.shellcheck@0.9.0:hsU/Rd39aqPYowTqL+DbXg== - krosf.vscode-valgrind@0.0.1:YTn5lOY8OnPKJYDqJPr/Sg== - matklad.rust-analyzer@0.1.20200217:zozmBmOg1N91pRISIsYXBg== - exiasr.hadolint@0.3.0:/FkAW3eTb+z9O7VZAyAa0w== - DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint@0.34.0:l4DL7iPpo7DdhfUHIUtcuQ== - yzhang.markdown-all-in-one@2.7.0:5+DmuGcePw8L9PtfgOAAHg==