**FIXME:** Markdownlint has to be optimized for this file
**FIXME:** Source the header in different markdown file to make GitHub README different from GitLab. **FIXME:** Change the name based on name repository used.

Zernit (RXT0112)

Community maintained (FIXME: Unknown clarification) designed to work cross-platform and using multiple programming languages depending on which one provides the most efficiency per required runtime on target system

**NOTICE:** Code-related implementation merge requests are currently not accepted due to the lack of repository management for multi-language project which is currently being worked on, however merge request will be processed if submitted with a priority affected by this restriction. **FIXME:** Change the URL based on the website used
[![Open in Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/button/open-in-gitpod.svg)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/RXT0112/RXT0112) **FIXME:** Add a pretty button
**FIXME:** codesandbox currently cannot be used for zernit
**FIXME:** Add tracking for scodsandbox usage on zernit
https://codesandbox.io/sgithub/RXT0112/RXT0112 **FIXME:** Change the URL based on the website used
**FIXME:** repl.it currently cannot be used for zernit
**FIXME:** Add tracking for scodsandbox usage on zernit
[![Run on Repl.it](https://repl.it/badge/github/RXT0112/Zernit)](https://repl.it/github/RXT0112/Zernit) ## When to make a new issue? ### Questions All relavant questions are welcomed and will be answered as soon as possible depending on the lenght of the question and the understanding of the supporter. ### Bugs Everything relevant that does not work as expected or can be improved. The more issues we are aware of the more work we can put in to resolve them. ### Feature requests Propose anything we will listen and consider it as long as it's relevant. ### Legal requests **NOTICE:** This is currently being implemented so there might be a delay in responses due to the lack of resources This project has custom community maintained license which is designed to avoid common issues related to FSF/GNU/OSS-endorsed licenses while directing the workflow, see License below for more info. Anything relevant to legal is welcomed in: - Our bug tracker - Mentioning `@RXT0112/legal-team` in your relevant GitHub tickets - Sending an e-mail on [zernit-legal@rixotstudio.cz](mailto:zernit-legal@rixotstudio.cz) ## Mentoring program **NOTICE:** This is currently work in progress and provided with limited resources This project provides a free mentoring program for anyone who makes a new merge request with (TBD) This mentoring support is provided by the community for the community to provide a free education to improve the community-wide code quality and to ensure that everyone who wants to code has the resources to start and learn. If you need a help on projects outside of project RXT0112 then mension `@RXT0112/mentors` in your GitHub tickets. Mentoring support is also provided on community server (TBD) Project RXT0112 hopes to provide an environment for everyone to learn, freel free to mension our mentoring program in your repositories. ## Where to get support 1. For simple questions, guidance and mentoring use chat on https://webchat.freenode.net/#zernit-support 2. For complicated issues either: - Mension `@RXT0112/support` in your issues or relevant merge requests on GitHub - Make a new issue in relevant RXT0112 organization (anything relevant is welcomed!) 3. Sent an email on [zernit-support@rixotstudio.cz](mailto:zernit-support@rixotstudio.cz) ## License This project is designed around a community maintained license that is used to direct a workflow while preserving end-user's freedoms to fix common FSF/GNU/OSS-endorsed license issues (FIXME: Reference the issues) that would allow blockchain implementation and for-profit business plan. **NOTICE:** The for-profit business plan is currently being investigated to make it suitable for this project, might be turned in non-profit