* First round tuning
* Config tuning for heaters, fans, and temp inductive Z probe.
* Tuning for Z probe nozzle switch
* Z level
* Inductive probe speed change to be slower
* Making Z probes two-pass fast-slow. Adding macros for configuring Z probes.
* Run bed leveling twice.
Make fast probe configs have Z0.
Tweak slow mechanical Z offset.
* Tuning firmware retraction.
* COntinuing to tweak leveling and speeds.
* Slowing down acceleration.
* Add comments on motor locations
* Add comment re M587
* * Fix heater parameters to use the full model, rather than simplified PID.
* Up the accelerations a bit.
* * Slow down the fast probing temporarily while my PETG x-carriage is sagging, to reduce bed damage.
* Increase motor holding current to see if it stabilizes out bed leveling.
* * Increase acceleration again.
* Fix units (I think).
* Make pause.g home a bit farther back into the corner.
* Adding set_retract_clean.g and set_retract_quiet.g macros to enable and disable pressure advance. Tune some motor parameters to go with it.
* Re-tuning bed heater.
* Duet 1.21 updates:
* "G1 S2" for pre-homed moves.
* Using "M558 A" multi-tap probing.
* Another stab at homing compatibility for 1.21. Y is still not working right. (Not sure if that's a firmware bug.)
* Turning off multiprobe on the mechanical because it doesn't seem to be working the way I had it set up.
* Making retracts longer, faster, and hoppier.
* Duet 1.21 compatibility, features, and some cleanup.
* Use "S2" moves during homing.
* Enable multi-tap Z-probing.
* Add sensor recovery time "R0.1" to cover the input stability hiccup during probe switch transitions.
* Move the fast inductive Z-plunge from the center to the corner of the bed so if the nozzle impacts it's less damaging.
* Move the post-homeall rest position to the center of the build volume.
* Add some better documentation.
* Ease off on retraction.
* Re-mounting mechanical Z-switch.
* Tuning pressure advance and retraction.
* Add empty start.g, stop.g, cancel.g.
* * Change default retraction to "quiet".
* Faster retract on pause.g.
* Lower z-hop, less pressure advance.
* Height tune after resurfacing build plate.
* Cosmetics.
* ABS filament load and unload scripts.
* Comment text
* Z drive geometry
Motor currents
Decrease bed max PWM to stop blowing breakers
* Refactoring homing scripts
Changing some points and speeds
* * Refactoring homing scripts
* Changing some points and speeds
* Z drive geometry
* Motor currents
* Decrease bed max PWM to stop blowing breakers
* ABS filament load and unload scripts.
* Cosmetics
* * Renaming most of the macros to a different convention.
* Calling macros with quoted filenames for consistency.
* Adding macros for downcurrent motor configuration based on Maglin's changes.
* Adding a moveto_park_xy.g macro for pause.g, and eventually for stop.g after print.
* Reorganizing macros for the UI.
* Increase X/Y/Z currents.
* Fix filament load/unload delegations to macros
* bed.g use homezi.g rather than doing it manually.
* Make drive_z_fullcurrent.g moves more aggressive.
Make drive_z_downcurrent.g moves more aggressive, but with 0 jerk.
* Z homing moves should return to full current after the fast probe, before the slow probe.
* Make all the utility moves run at max speed.
* Macros for setting drive current profiles from the UI.
* Add scripts and macros for testing motor current, acceleration, and jerk settings.
* "torture" motor profiles for mechanical testing
* Add a macro for running a G29 bed mesh scan.
Add macros to Z-home with inductive or mechanical probes.
* Duet filament profiles aren't working well for me. Deleting these files until I can figure it out.
* Refactoring the filament load/unload macros to share machine configuration code across filament types.
Adding an untested PLA profile. (Temps, anyone?)
* Documentation! Trying to make it easier for new folks to find what needs to be tuned.
* Whoops missed adjustment comments in the filament macros.
* Add drive macros for turning motors off.
* Rename "retract" macro folder to "retraction".
* Adding tests for belt path stability under long travel.
* Adding UI macros to activate the different probe configuration.
* Got the filament load/unload scripts to work. Moved them back to /filaments with emergency UI macros under /macros/filament.
* Adding print_start.g and print_end.g macros.
Configure print_end.g macro to park the nozzle, deselect tools, and set the bed to stand by at 45C for PEI part removal.
* Bonus comments.
* Adding 0.9 vs 1.8 motor notes and extra config lines.
* Disable heaters during bed leveling.
Wait for temperatures in print_start.g.
* Inductive probe offset is actually Y25.
* Increasing filament load/unload temps for resilience against different spools with higher melt points.
Adding a PETG profile.
* README.txt disclaimer re filament unload scripts.
* homing_probe_zlevel.g adding zero-H Z-offset placeholders for bed leveling tilt adjustment.
* Changing default print_end.g behavior to turn off tool heaters.
* Comments, and removing my temporary heater config.
* Adding higher X/Y physics parameters commented out, and add some more text regarding adjustment.
commit 2fd9c11ec0e14efc2361e74de33b0ee0eced168b
Author: David Govek <daveidmx@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Mar 11 22:06:23 2018 -0700
Ease off on retraction.
commit b276bf6ef48ead15938f9146370a6dea05491631
Author: David Govek <daveidmx@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Mar 11 22:04:15 2018 -0700
Duet 1.21 compatibility, features, and some cleanup.
* Use "S2" moves during homing.
* Enable multi-tap Z-probing.
* Add sensor recovery time "R0.1" to cover the input stability hiccup during probe switch transitions.
* Move the fast inductive Z-plunge from the center to the corner of the bed so if the nozzle impacts it's less damaging.
* Move the post-homeall rest position to the center of the build volume.
* Move pause park position farther into the corner.
* Add some better documentation.
commit d92809cf3af3dd776e603eb4ef228f7675b3c382
Author: David Govek <daveidmx@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Mar 10 11:21:45 2018 -0800
Making retracts longer, faster, and hoppier.
* Add Filtered Mains Inlet
* add alternate PSU Bracket and Duet Brackets
add alternate PSU Bracket and Duet Brackets
* update model orientation
* M3 Hardware instead of M5
* fix corrupted stls
* update ir bracket with vent holes
* add step for 40mm fan with new IR bracket
* add 120mm fan filter and cover
* Adding configuration files to support both 1.1.6 and 1.1.8
I've done my best to clean printer-specific configuration from the files, this should work with most default VORONs. Someone should come in behind me and double check my work though.
* Minor changes to UBL probing offsets to account for Chimera offset, disabled software endstops to match original voron config.
* Removing 1.1.6, responding to review comments.
* Adding methods that I missed to ultralcd.