Dimitar Gamishev f9b0e7a283 linux
2017-10-13 14:07:04 +03:00

1282 lines
36 KiB
Executable File

/* drivers/input/touchscreen/gt813_827_828_update.c
* 2010 - 2012 Goodix Technology.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be a reference
* to you, when you are integrating the GOODiX's CTP IC into your system,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* Version:1.2
* V1.0:2012/08/31,first release.
* V1.2:2012/10/15,add force update,GT9110P pid map
#include <linux/kthread.h>
#include "gt9xx.h"
#define GUP_REG_HW_INFO 0x4220
#define GUP_REG_FW_MSG 0x41E4
#define GUP_REG_PID_VID 0x8140
#define UPDATE_FILE_PATH_3 "/system/vendor/firmware/"
#define UPDATE_FILE_PATH_2 "/system/vendor/firmware/goodix_update_gt911.bin"
#define UPDATE_FILE_PATH_1 "/sdcard/goodix/_goodix_update_.bin"
#define FW_HEAD_LENGTH 14
#define FW_SECTION_LENGTH 0x2000
#define FW_DSP_ISP_LENGTH 0x1000
#define FW_DSP_LENGTH 0x1000
#define FW_BOOT_LENGTH 0x800
#define PACK_SIZE 256
#define _bRW_MISCTL__SRAM_BANK 0x4048
#define _bRW_MISCTL__MEM_CD_EN 0x4049
#define _bRW_MISCTL__CACHE_EN 0x404B
#define _bRW_MISCTL__TMR0_EN 0x40B0
#define _rRW_MISCTL__SWRST_B0_ 0x4180
#define _bWO_MISCTL__CPU_SWRST_PULSE 0x4184
#define _rRW_MISCTL__BOOTCTL_B0_ 0x4190
#define _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_OPT_B0_ 0x4218
#define _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_CTL_ 0x5094
#define FAIL 0
#define SUCCESS 1
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct
u8 hw_info[4]; //hardware info//
u8 pid[8]; //product id //
u16 vid; //version id //
#pragma pack()
typedef struct
u8 force_update;
u8 fw_flag;
struct file *file;
st_fw_head ic_fw_msg;
mm_segment_t old_fs;
st_update_msg update_msg;
struct i2c_client *guitar_client = NULL;
u16 show_len;
u16 total_len;
extern void int2io(int status,int level);
extern char *firmware_name;
extern s32 gtp_i2c_read(struct i2c_client *client, uint8_t *buf, s32 len);
extern s32 gtp_i2c_write(struct i2c_client *client,uint8_t *data,s32 len);
extern void gtp_reset_guitar(s32 ms);
extern s32 gtp_send_cfg(struct i2c_client *client);
static u8 gup_get_ic_msg(struct i2c_client *client, u16 addr, u8* msg, s32 len)
s32 i = 0;
msg[0] = (addr >> 8) & 0xff;
msg[1] = addr & 0xff;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (gtp_i2c_read(client, msg, GTP_ADDR_LENGTH + len) > 0)
if (i >= 5)
GTP_ERROR("Read data from 0x%02x%02x failed!", msg[0], msg[1]);
return FAIL;
return SUCCESS;
static u8 gup_set_ic_msg(struct i2c_client *client, u16 addr, u8 val)
s32 i = 0;
u8 msg[3];
msg[0] = (addr >> 8) & 0xff;
msg[1] = addr & 0xff;
msg[2] = val;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (gtp_i2c_write(client, msg, GTP_ADDR_LENGTH + 1) > 0)
if (i >= 5)
GTP_ERROR("Set data to 0x%02x%02x failed!", msg[0], msg[1]);
return FAIL;
return SUCCESS;
static u8 gup_get_ic_fw_msg(struct i2c_client *client)
s32 ret = -1;
u8 retry = 0;
u8 buf[16];
u8 i;
//step1:get hardware info
ret = gup_get_ic_msg(client, GUP_REG_HW_INFO, buf, 4);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("Read hardware info fail.");
return ret;
memcpy(update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info, &buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH], 4);
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info[i] = buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH + 3 - i];
GTP_DEBUG("IC Hardware info:%02x%02x%02x%02x", update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info[0], update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info[1],
update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info[2], update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info[3]);
//step2:get firmware message
for(retry=0; retry<2; retry++)
ret = gup_get_ic_msg(client, GUP_REG_FW_MSG, buf, 1);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("Read firmware message fail.");
return ret;
update_msg.force_update = buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH];
if((0xBE != update_msg.force_update)&&(!retry))
GTP_INFO("The check sum in ic is error.");
GTP_INFO("The IC will be updated by force.");
GTP_DEBUG("IC force update flag:0x%x", update_msg.force_update);
//step3:get pid & vid
ret = gup_get_ic_msg(client, GUP_REG_PID_VID, buf, 6);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("Read product id & version id fail.");
return ret;
memset(update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid, 0, sizeof(update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid));
memcpy(update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid, &buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH], 4);
GTP_DEBUG("IC Product id:%s", update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid);
if(update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid[0] != 0)
if(!memcmp(update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid, "9111", 4))
GTP_DEBUG("IC Mapping Product id:%s", update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid);
memcpy(update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid, "9110P", 5);
update_msg.ic_fw_msg.vid = buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH+4] + (buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH+5]<<8);
GTP_DEBUG("IC version id:%04x", update_msg.ic_fw_msg.vid);
return SUCCESS;
s32 gup_enter_update_mode(struct i2c_client *client)
s32 ret = -1;
//step1:RST output low last at least 2ms
//gpio_set_one_pin_io_status(gt9xx_reset_hdle, 1, NULL);
//step2:select I2C slave addr,INT:0--0xBA;1--0x28.
//GTP_GPIO_OUTPUT(GTP_INT_PORT, (client->addr == 0x14));
//gpio_set_one_pin_io_status(gt9xx_int_hdle, 1, NULL);
//step3:RST output high reset guitar
//step4:Hold ss51 & dsp
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__SWRST_B0_, 0x0C);
return ret;
void gup_leave_update_mode(void)
struct gpio_config_eint_all cfg = {0};
//gpio_set_one_pin_io_status(gt9xx_int_hdle, 6, NULL);
cfg.gpio = CTP_IRQ_NUMBER;
cfg.enabled = 0;
cfg.trig_type = CTP_IRQ_MODE;
if(0 != sw_gpio_eint_setall_range(&cfg, 1)) {
printk("sw_gpio_eint_setall_range failed\n");
GTP_DEBUG("[leave_update_mode]reset chip.");
static u8 gup_enter_upadte_judge(st_fw_head *fw_head)
u16 u16_tmp;
u16_tmp = fw_head->vid;
fw_head->vid = (u16)(u16_tmp>>8) + (u16)(u16_tmp<<8);
GTP_DEBUG("FILE HARDWARE INFO:%02x%02x%02x%02x", fw_head->hw_info[0], fw_head->hw_info[1], fw_head->hw_info[2], fw_head->hw_info[3]);
GTP_DEBUG("FILE PID:%s", fw_head->pid);
GTP_DEBUG("FILE VID:%04x", fw_head->vid);
GTP_DEBUG("IC HARDWARE INFO:%02x%02x%02x%02x", update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info[0], update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info[1],
update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info[2], update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info[3]);
GTP_DEBUG("IC PID:%s", update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid);
GTP_DEBUG("IC VID:%04x", update_msg.ic_fw_msg.vid);
//First two conditions
if ( !memcmp(fw_head->hw_info, update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info, sizeof(update_msg.ic_fw_msg.hw_info)))
GTP_DEBUG("Get the same hardware info.");
if( update_msg.force_update != 0xBE )
GTP_INFO("FW chksum error,need enter update.");
return SUCCESS;
if (( !memcmp(fw_head->pid, update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid, strlen(fw_head->pid)))||
(!memcmp(update_msg.ic_fw_msg.pid, "91XX", 4))||
(!memcmp(fw_head->pid, "91XX", 4)))
if(!memcmp(fw_head->pid, "91XX", 4))
GTP_DEBUG("Force none same pid update mode.");
GTP_DEBUG("Get the same pid.");
//The third condition
if (fw_head->vid > update_msg.ic_fw_msg.vid)
GTP_INFO("Need enter update.");
return SUCCESS;
GTP_ERROR("Don't meet the third condition.");
return FAIL;
static u8 gup_check_update_file(struct i2c_client *client, st_fw_head* fw_head, u8* path)
int ret = 0;
int i = 0;
if (path)
GTP_DEBUG("Update File path:%s, %d", path, strlen(path));
update_msg.file = filp_open(path, O_RDONLY, 0644);
if (IS_ERR(update_msg.file))
GTP_ERROR("Open update file(%s) error!", path);
return FAIL;
//Begin to search update file
for (i = 0; i < GUP_SEARCH_FILE_TIMES; i++)
update_msg.file = filp_open(UPDATE_FILE_PATH_1, O_RDONLY, 0444);
if (IS_ERR(update_msg.file))
char file_name[128];
printk("gt9xx: update file name = %s\n",file_name);
update_msg.file = filp_open(file_name, O_RDONLY, 0666);
if (IS_ERR(update_msg.file))
GTP_DEBUG("%3d:Searching file...", i);
GTP_ERROR("Can't find update file.");
return FAIL;
GTP_DEBUG("Find the update file.");
update_msg.old_fs = get_fs();
update_msg.file->f_op->llseek(update_msg.file, 0, SEEK_SET);
//update_msg.file->f_pos = 0;
ret = update_msg.file->f_op->read(update_msg.file, (char*)buf, FW_HEAD_LENGTH, &update_msg.file->f_pos);
if (ret < 0)
GTP_ERROR("Read firmware head in update file error.");
goto load_failed;
//Get the correct nvram data
//The correct conditions:
//1. the hardware info is the same
//2. the product id is the same
//3. the firmware version in update file is greater than the firmware version in ic
//or the check sum in ic is wrong
memcpy(fw_head, buf, FW_HEAD_LENGTH);
ret = gup_enter_upadte_judge(fw_head);
if(SUCCESS == ret)
GTP_INFO("Check *.bin file success.");
return SUCCESS;
filp_close(update_msg.file, NULL);
return FAIL;
#if 0
static u8 gup_check_update_header(struct i2c_client *client, st_fw_head* fw_head)
const u8* pos;
int i = 0;
u8 mask_num = 0;
s32 ret = 0;
memcpy(fw_head, pos, FW_HEAD_LENGTH);
ret = gup_enter_upadte_judge(fw_head);
if(SUCCESS == ret)
return SUCCESS;
return FAIL;
static u8 gup_burn_proc(struct i2c_client *client, u8 *burn_buf, u16 start_addr, u16 total_length)
s32 ret = 0;
u16 burn_addr = start_addr;
u16 frame_length = 0;
u16 burn_length = 0;
u8 retry = 0;
GTP_DEBUG("Begin burn %dk data to addr 0x%x", (total_length/1024), start_addr);
while(burn_length < total_length)
GTP_DEBUG("B/T:%04d/%04d", burn_length, total_length);
frame_length = ((total_length - burn_length) > PACK_SIZE) ? PACK_SIZE : (total_length - burn_length);
wr_buf[0] = (u8)(burn_addr>>8);
rd_buf[0] = wr_buf[0];
wr_buf[1] = (u8)burn_addr;
rd_buf[1] = wr_buf[1];
memcpy(&wr_buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH], &burn_buf[burn_length], frame_length);
for(retry = 0; retry < MAX_FRAME_CHECK_TIME; retry++)
ret = gtp_i2c_write(client, wr_buf, GTP_ADDR_LENGTH + frame_length);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("Write frame data i2c error.");
ret = gtp_i2c_read(client, rd_buf, GTP_ADDR_LENGTH + frame_length);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("Read back frame data i2c error.");
if(memcmp(&wr_buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH], &rd_buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH], frame_length))
GTP_ERROR("Check frame data fail,not equal.");
GTP_DEBUG("write array:");
GTP_DEBUG_ARRAY(&wr_buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH], frame_length);
GTP_DEBUG("read array:");
GTP_DEBUG_ARRAY(&rd_buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH], frame_length);
//GTP_DEBUG("Check frame data success.");
GTP_ERROR("Burn frame data time out,exit.");
return FAIL;
burn_length += frame_length;
burn_addr += frame_length;
return SUCCESS;
static u8 gup_load_section_file(u8* buf, u16 offset, u16 length)
s32 ret = 0;
if(update_msg.file == NULL)
GTP_ERROR("cannot find update file,load section file fail.");
return FAIL;
update_msg.file->f_pos = FW_HEAD_LENGTH + offset;
ret = update_msg.file->f_op->read(update_msg.file, (char*)buf, length, &update_msg.file->f_pos);
if(ret < 0)
GTP_ERROR("Read update file fail.");
return FAIL;
return SUCCESS;
static u8 gup_recall_check(struct i2c_client *client, u8* chk_src, u16 start_rd_addr, u16 chk_length)
s32 ret = 0;
u16 recall_addr = start_rd_addr;
u16 recall_length = 0;
u16 frame_length = 0;
while(recall_length < chk_length)
frame_length = ((chk_length - recall_length) > PACK_SIZE) ? PACK_SIZE : (chk_length - recall_length);
ret = gup_get_ic_msg(client, recall_addr, rd_buf, frame_length);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("recall i2c error,exit");
return FAIL;
if(memcmp(&rd_buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH], &chk_src[recall_length], frame_length))
GTP_ERROR("Recall frame data fail,not equal.");
GTP_DEBUG("chk_src array:");
GTP_DEBUG_ARRAY(&chk_src[recall_length], frame_length);
GTP_DEBUG("recall array:");
GTP_DEBUG_ARRAY(&rd_buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH], frame_length);
return FAIL;
recall_length += frame_length;
recall_addr += frame_length;
GTP_DEBUG("Recall check %dk firmware success.", (chk_length/1024));
return SUCCESS;
static u8 gup_burn_fw_section(struct i2c_client *client, u8 *fw_section, u16 start_addr, u8 bank_cmd )
s32 ret = 0;
u8 rd_buf[5];
//step1:hold ss51 & dsp
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__SWRST_B0_, 0x0C);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]hold ss51 & dsp fail.");
return FAIL;
//step2:set scramble
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_OPT_B0_, 0x00);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]set scramble fail.");
return FAIL;
//step3:select bank
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bRW_MISCTL__SRAM_BANK, (bank_cmd >> 4)&0x0F);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]select bank %d fail.", (bank_cmd >> 4)&0x0F);
return FAIL;
//step4:enable accessing code
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bRW_MISCTL__MEM_CD_EN, 0x01);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]enable accessing code fail.");
return FAIL;
//step5:burn 8k fw section
ret = gup_burn_proc(client, fw_section, start_addr, FW_SECTION_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]burn fw_section fail.");
return FAIL;
//step6:hold ss51 & release dsp
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__SWRST_B0_, 0x04);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]hold ss51 & release dsp fail.");
return FAIL;
//must delay
//step7:send burn cmd to move data to flash from sram
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_CTL_, bank_cmd&0x0f);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]send burn cmd fail.");
return FAIL;
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_section]Wait for the burn is complete......");
ret = gup_get_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_CTL_, rd_buf, 1);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]Get burn state fail");
return FAIL;
//GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_section]Get burn state:%d.", rd_buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH]);
//step8:select bank
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bRW_MISCTL__SRAM_BANK, (bank_cmd >> 4)&0x0F);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]select bank %d fail.", (bank_cmd >> 4)&0x0F);
return FAIL;
//step9:enable accessing code
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bRW_MISCTL__MEM_CD_EN, 0x01);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]enable accessing code fail.");
return FAIL;
//step10:recall 8k fw section
ret = gup_recall_check(client, fw_section, start_addr, FW_SECTION_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]recall check 8k firmware fail.");
return FAIL;
//step11:disable accessing code
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bRW_MISCTL__MEM_CD_EN, 0x00);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_section]disable accessing code fail.");
return FAIL;
return SUCCESS;
static u8 gup_burn_dsp_isp(struct i2c_client *client)
s32 ret = 0;
u8* fw_dsp_isp = NULL;
u8 retry = 0;
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]Begin burn dsp isp---->>");
//step1:alloc memory
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]step1:alloc memory");
while(retry++ < 5)
fw_dsp_isp = (u8*)kzalloc(FW_DSP_ISP_LENGTH, GFP_KERNEL);
if(fw_dsp_isp == NULL)
GTP_INFO("[burn_dsp_isp]Alloc %dk byte memory success.", (FW_DSP_ISP_LENGTH/1024));
if(retry >= 5)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]Alloc memory fail,exit.");
return FAIL;
//step2:load dsp isp file data
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]step2:load dsp isp file data");
ret = gup_load_section_file(fw_dsp_isp, (4*FW_SECTION_LENGTH+FW_DSP_LENGTH+FW_BOOT_LENGTH), FW_DSP_ISP_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]load firmware dsp_isp fail.");
goto exit_burn_dsp_isp;
//step3:disable wdt,clear cache enable
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]step3:disable wdt,clear cache enable");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bRW_MISCTL__TMR0_EN, 0x00);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]disable wdt fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_dsp_isp;
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bRW_MISCTL__CACHE_EN, 0x00);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]clear cache enable fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_dsp_isp;
//step4:hold ss51 & dsp
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]step4:hold ss51 & dsp");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__SWRST_B0_, 0x0C);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]hold ss51 & dsp fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_dsp_isp;
//step5:set boot from sram
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]step5:set boot from sram");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOTCTL_B0_, 0x02);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]set boot from sram fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_dsp_isp;
//step6:software reboot
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]step6:software reboot");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bWO_MISCTL__CPU_SWRST_PULSE, 0x01);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]software reboot fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_dsp_isp;
//step7:select bank2
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]step7:select bank2");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bRW_MISCTL__SRAM_BANK, 0x02);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]select bank2 fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_dsp_isp;
//step8:enable accessing code
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]step8:enable accessing code");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bRW_MISCTL__MEM_CD_EN, 0x01);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]enable accessing code fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_dsp_isp;
//step9:burn 4k dsp_isp
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]step9:burn 4k dsp_isp");
ret = gup_burn_proc(client, fw_dsp_isp, 0xC000, FW_DSP_ISP_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]burn dsp_isp fail.");
goto exit_burn_dsp_isp;
//step10:set scramble
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_dsp_isp]step10:set scramble");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_OPT_B0_, 0x00);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_dsp_isp]set scramble fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_dsp_isp;
ret = SUCCESS;
return ret;
static u8 gup_burn_fw_ss51(struct i2c_client *client)
u8* fw_ss51 = NULL;
u8 retry = 0;
s32 ret = 0;
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]Begin burn ss51 firmware---->>");
//step1:alloc memory
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]step1:alloc memory");
while(retry++ < 5)
fw_ss51 = (u8*)kzalloc(FW_SECTION_LENGTH, GFP_KERNEL);
if(fw_ss51 == NULL)
GTP_INFO("[burn_fw_ss51]Alloc %dk byte memory success.", (FW_SECTION_LENGTH/1024));
if(retry >= 5)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_ss51]Alloc memory fail,exit.");
return FAIL;
//step2:load ss51 firmware section 1 file data
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]step2:load ss51 firmware section 1 file data");
ret = gup_load_section_file(fw_ss51, 0, FW_SECTION_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_ss51]load ss51 firmware section 1 fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_ss51;
//step3:clear control flag
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]step3:clear control flag");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_CTL_, 0x00);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_ss51]clear control flag fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_fw_ss51;
//step4:burn ss51 firmware section 1
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]step4:burn ss51 firmware section 1");
ret = gup_burn_fw_section(client, fw_ss51, 0xC000, 0x01);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_ss51]burn ss51 firmware section 1 fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_ss51;
//step5:load ss51 firmware section 2 file data
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]step5:load ss51 firmware section 2 file data");
ret = gup_load_section_file(fw_ss51, FW_SECTION_LENGTH, FW_SECTION_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_ss51]load ss51 firmware section 2 fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_ss51;
//step6:burn ss51 firmware section 2
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]step6:burn ss51 firmware section 2");
ret = gup_burn_fw_section(client, fw_ss51, 0xE000, 0x02);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_ss51]burn ss51 firmware section 2 fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_ss51;
//step7:load ss51 firmware section 3 file data
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]step7:load ss51 firmware section 3 file data");
ret = gup_load_section_file(fw_ss51, 2*FW_SECTION_LENGTH, FW_SECTION_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_ss51]load ss51 firmware section 3 fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_ss51;
//step8:burn ss51 firmware section 3
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]step8:burn ss51 firmware section 3");
ret = gup_burn_fw_section(client, fw_ss51, 0xC000, 0x13);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_ss51]burn ss51 firmware section 3 fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_ss51;
//step9:load ss51 firmware section 4 file data
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]step9:load ss51 firmware section 4 file data");
ret = gup_load_section_file(fw_ss51, 3*FW_SECTION_LENGTH, FW_SECTION_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_ss51]load ss51 firmware section 4 fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_ss51;
//step10:burn ss51 firmware section 4
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_ss51]step10:burn ss51 firmware section 4");
ret = gup_burn_fw_section(client, fw_ss51, 0xE000, 0x14);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_ss51]burn ss51 firmware section 4 fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_ss51;
ret = SUCCESS;
return ret;
static u8 gup_burn_fw_dsp(struct i2c_client *client)
s32 ret = 0;
u8* fw_dsp = NULL;
u8 retry = 0;
u8 rd_buf[5];
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]Begin burn dsp firmware---->>");
//step1:alloc memory
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]step1:alloc memory");
while(retry++ < 5)
fw_dsp = (u8*)kzalloc(FW_DSP_LENGTH, GFP_KERNEL);
if(fw_dsp == NULL)
GTP_INFO("[burn_fw_dsp]Alloc %dk byte memory success.", (FW_SECTION_LENGTH/1024));
if(retry >= 5)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_dsp]Alloc memory fail,exit.");
return FAIL;
//step2:load firmware dsp
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]step2:load firmware dsp");
ret = gup_load_section_file(fw_dsp, 4*FW_SECTION_LENGTH, FW_DSP_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_dsp]load firmware dsp fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_dsp;
//step3:select bank3
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]step3:select bank3");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _bRW_MISCTL__SRAM_BANK, 0x03);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_dsp]select bank3 fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_fw_dsp;
//step4:hold ss51 & dsp
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]step4:hold ss51 & dsp");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__SWRST_B0_, 0x0C);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_dsp]hold ss51 & dsp fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_fw_dsp;
//step5:set scramble
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]step5:set scramble");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_OPT_B0_, 0x00);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_dsp]set scramble fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_fw_dsp;
//step6:release ss51 & dsp
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]step6:release ss51 & dsp");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__SWRST_B0_, 0x00);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_dsp]release ss51 & dsp fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_fw_dsp;
//must delay
//step7:burn 4k dsp firmware
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]step7:burn 4k dsp firmware");
ret = gup_burn_proc(client, fw_dsp, 0x9000, FW_DSP_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_dsp]burn fw_section fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_dsp;
//step8:send burn cmd to move data to flash from sram
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]step8:send burn cmd to move data to flash from sram");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_CTL_, 0x05);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_dsp]send burn cmd fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_dsp;
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]Wait for the burn is complete......");
ret = gup_get_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_CTL_, rd_buf, 1);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_dsp]Get burn state fail");
goto exit_burn_fw_dsp;
//GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]Get burn state:%d.", rd_buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH]);
//step9:recall check 4k dsp firmware
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_dsp]step9:recall check 4k dsp firmware");
ret = gup_recall_check(client, fw_dsp, 0x9000, FW_DSP_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_dsp]recall check 4k dsp firmware fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_dsp;
ret = SUCCESS;
return ret;
static u8 gup_burn_fw_boot(struct i2c_client *client)
s32 ret = 0;
u8* fw_boot = NULL;
u8 retry = 0;
u8 rd_buf[5];
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]Begin burn bootloader firmware---->>");
//step1:Alloc memory
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]step1:Alloc memory");
while(retry++ < 5)
fw_boot = (u8*)kzalloc(FW_BOOT_LENGTH, GFP_KERNEL);
if(fw_boot == NULL)
GTP_INFO("[burn_fw_boot]Alloc %dk byte memory success.", (FW_BOOT_LENGTH/1024));
if(retry >= 5)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]Alloc memory fail,exit.");
return FAIL;
//step2:load firmware bootloader
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]step2:load firmware bootloader");
ret = gup_load_section_file(fw_boot, (4*FW_SECTION_LENGTH+FW_DSP_LENGTH), FW_BOOT_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]load firmware dsp fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_boot;
//step3:hold ss51 & dsp
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]step3:hold ss51 & dsp");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__SWRST_B0_, 0x0C);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]hold ss51 & dsp fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_fw_boot;
//step4:set scramble
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]step4:set scramble");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_OPT_B0_, 0x00);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]set scramble fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_fw_boot;
//step5:release ss51 & dsp
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]step5:release ss51 & dsp");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__SWRST_B0_, 0x00);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]release ss51 & dsp fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_fw_boot;
//must delay
//step6:burn 2k bootloader firmware
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]step6:burn 2k bootloader firmware");
ret = gup_burn_proc(client, fw_boot, 0x9000, FW_BOOT_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]burn fw_section fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_boot;
//step7:send burn cmd to move data to flash from sram
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]step7:send burn cmd to move data to flash from sram");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_CTL_, 0x06);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]send burn cmd fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_boot;
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]Wait for the burn is complete......");
ret = gup_get_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_CTL_, rd_buf, 1);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]Get burn state fail");
goto exit_burn_fw_boot;
//GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]Get burn state:%d.", rd_buf[GTP_ADDR_LENGTH]);
//step8:recall check 2k bootloader firmware
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]step8:recall check 2k bootloader firmware");
ret = gup_recall_check(client, fw_boot, 0x9000, FW_BOOT_LENGTH);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]recall check 4k dsp firmware fail.");
goto exit_burn_fw_boot;
//step9:enable download DSP code
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]step9:enable download DSP code ");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__BOOT_CTL_, 0x99);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]enable download DSP code fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_fw_boot;
//step10:release ss51 & hold dsp
GTP_DEBUG("[burn_fw_boot]step10:release ss51 & hold dsp");
ret = gup_set_ic_msg(client, _rRW_MISCTL__SWRST_B0_, 0x08);
if(ret <= 0)
GTP_ERROR("[burn_fw_boot]release ss51 & hold dsp fail.");
ret = FAIL;
goto exit_burn_fw_boot;
ret = SUCCESS;
return ret;
s32 gup_update_proc(void *dir)
s32 ret = 0;
u8 retry = 0;
st_fw_head fw_head;
GTP_DEBUG("[update_proc]Begin update ......");
show_len = 1;
total_len = 100;
if(dir == NULL)
msleep(3000); //wait main thread to be completed
ret = gup_get_ic_fw_msg(guitar_client);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[update_proc]get ic message fail.");
goto update_fail;
ret = gup_check_update_file(guitar_client, &fw_head, (u8*)dir);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[update_proc]check update file fail.");
goto update_fail;
ret = gup_enter_update_mode(guitar_client);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[update_proc]enter update mode fail.");
goto update_fail;
while(retry++ < 5)
show_len = 10;
total_len = 100;
ret = gup_burn_dsp_isp(guitar_client);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[update_proc]burn dsp isp fail.");
show_len += 10;
ret = gup_burn_fw_ss51(guitar_client);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[update_proc]burn ss51 firmware fail.");
show_len += 40;
ret = gup_burn_fw_dsp(guitar_client);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[update_proc]burn dsp firmware fail.");
show_len += 20;
ret = gup_burn_fw_boot(guitar_client);
if(FAIL == ret)
GTP_ERROR("[update_proc]burn bootloader firmware fail.");
show_len += 10;
GTP_INFO("[update_proc]UPDATE SUCCESS.");
if(retry >= 5)
GTP_ERROR("[update_proc]retry timeout,UPDATE FAIL.");
goto update_fail;
GTP_DEBUG("[update_proc]leave update mode.");
GTP_DEBUG("[update_proc]send config.");
ret = gtp_send_cfg(guitar_client);
if(ret < 0)
GTP_ERROR("[update_proc]send config fail.");
show_len = 100;
total_len = 100;
return SUCCESS;
show_len = 200;
total_len = 100;
return FAIL;
u8 gup_init_update_proc(struct goodix_ts_data *ts)
struct task_struct *thread = NULL;
GTP_INFO("Ready to run update thread.");
guitar_client = ts->client;
thread = kthread_run(gup_update_proc, (void*)NULL, "guitar_update");
if (IS_ERR(thread))
GTP_ERROR("Failed to create update thread.\n");
return -1;
return 0;