--- title: "services" description: "a non-exhaustive list of services hosted by dotya.ml available to the community" date: 2022-08-30T11:50:50+02:00 lastmod: 2022-08-30T11:50:50+02:00 enableGitInfo: true toc: true draft: false --- a non-exhaustive list of services available to the community: * [Gitea](https://gitea.io) SCM instance at https://git.dotya.ml * [DroneCI](https://drone.io) instance (login with a Gitea account) at https://drone.dotya.ml * [DNSCrypt](https://dnscrypt.info/) resolver (see [DNSCrypt]({{< relref "posts/dnscrypt" >}})) * [tmate](https://tmate.io/) server (see https://git.dotya.ml/dotya.ml/tmate) * [SearXNG](https://github.com/searxng/searxng) instance at https://searxng.dotya.ml/ * [CoreDNS](https://coredns.io/) serving [DNS-over-TLS](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7858) at `dotya.ml:853` ([config](https://git.dotya.ml/dotya.ml/coredns)). also check out [onions 🧅]({{< relref "onions" >}}) to learn about services accessible via TOR.