# [drone-ci-configs](https://git.dotya.ml/dotya.ml/drone-ci-configs) this repo holds * `docker-compose.yml` for [drone.dotya.ml instance](https://drone.dotya.ml) of [Drone CI](https://drone.io) * drone-related env files (`server.env`, `runner-docker.env`) * `systemd` *Unit* file to easily start/stop the instance service and `systemd` *Slice* file to control its resource usage ### prepare environment ```bash mkdir -pv /etc/drone /etc/systemd/system/drone.service.d ``` * unless running with unprivileged user, copy `drone.service` and `drone.slice` files to `/etc/systemd/system` and `override.conf` into `/etc/systemd/system/drone.service.d` * reload `systemd` daemon ```bash systemctl daemon-reload ``` * let `drone.service` start automatically on system startup and start the service immediately ```bash systemctl enable --now drone.service ``` alternatively, copy the folder structure `etc` to your `/etc` ### notes * using this set-up a reverse proxy (such as `nginx`) is also needed to forward traffic to and from `drone` server that listens exclusively on localhost * this set-up works with Gitea in mind, although it shouldn't be too hard to change the configs to work with other git providers (see `server.env` file)