--- title: "tmate-enabled Drone runners" date: 2022-03-22T15:41:06+01:00 draft: false --- #### tl;dr The gist is that a pipeline *can* be (re)started (usually, only failed pipelines are manually restarted, hoping for a better result as if the error was floating somewhere around the Ether and not our code most of the times) in *debug* mode. After a pipeline fails in said debug mode, a `tmate` client connection to a [`tmate`](https://tmate.io/) server (as configured in the `drone` server configuration files - [ref](https://git.dotya.ml/dotya.ml/drone/commit/e6e2a0233e00874ecd859435aee76f0a01286063)) is open from withing the container that the failing *step* was running in and connection instructions for `ssh`-ing are displayed. The error can then be debugged more intimately in the precise environment that made the bug appear. #### conclusion Instead of repeating any more of what's already been said, I suggest anybody interested reads the original [kind-of-reference](https://discourse.drone.io/t/feature-preview-debug-mode/8344) post by Brad.