--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: build platform: os: linux arch: amd64 trigger: branch: master event: [push, pull_request] steps: - name: submodules pull: always depends_on: [clone] image: docker.io/alpine/git commands: - git --version - git submodule update --init --recursive - name: pull alpine-hugo pull: always depends_on: [clone] image: docker.io/immawanderer/alpine-hugo:hugo-v0.115.3 commands: - uname -r - name: hugo-extended pull: if-not-exists depends_on: - submodules - pull alpine-hugo image: docker.io/immawanderer/alpine-hugo:hugo-v0.115.3 commands: - hugo version - hugo --gc=true --minify # perform basic checks on failure - name: diagnostics image: docker.io/plugins/drone-diagnostics pull: if-not-exists commands: - env - ls -lah - ping git.dotya.ml -w 5 - ping www.github.com -w 5 - traceroute -T -p 443 git.dotya.ml - traceroute -T -p 443 www.github.com - dig dotya.ml - echo "end of test" when: status: - failure --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: deploy platform: os: linux arch: amd64 trigger: branch: - master event: exclude: [pull_request, tag] environment: # ref: https://www.docker.com/blog/faster-builds-in-compose-thanks-to-buildkit-support/ COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD: 1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT: 1 node: r: main depends_on: - build steps: - name: submodules pull: always depends_on: [clone] image: docker.io/alpine/git commands: - git --version - git submodule update --init --recursive - name: pull alpine-hugo pull: always depends_on: [clone] image: docker.io/immawanderer/alpine-hugo:hugo-v0.115.3 commands: - uname -r - name: pull tmaier/docker-compose pull: always depends_on: [clone] image: docker.io/tmaier/docker-compose:latest commands: - uname -r - cat /etc/os-release - name: hugo-extended pull: if-not-exists depends_on: - submodules - pull alpine-hugo image: docker.io/immawanderer/alpine-hugo:hugo-v0.115.3 commands: - hugo version - hugo --gc=true --minify - name: rm-intermediate pull: if-not-exists image: docker.io/immawanderer/alpine-hugo:hugo-v0.115.3 depends_on: - hugo-extended commands: - rm -rf ./public - name: build pull: always image: docker.io/tmaier/docker-compose:latest depends_on: - pull tmaier/docker-compose - rm-intermediate volumes: - name: s path: /var/run/docker.sock commands: - docker-compose build --no-cache when: branch: master status: success - name: deploy pull: always image: docker.io/tmaier/docker-compose:latest depends_on: - build volumes: - name: s path: /var/run/docker.sock commands: - docker-compose -p ${DRONE_REPO_NAME} up -d --remove-orphans when: branch: master status: success # perform basic checks on failure - name: diagnostics image: docker.io/plugins/drone-diagnostics pull: if-not-exists commands: - env - ls -lah - ping git.dotya.ml -w 5 - ping www.github.com -w 5 - traceroute -T -p 443 git.dotya.ml - traceroute -T -p 443 www.github.com - dig dotya.ml - echo "end of test" when: status: - failure volumes: - name: s host: path: /run/docker.sock --- kind: pipeline name: notifications platform: os: linux arch: amd64 clone: disable: true trigger: branch: master event: [push, tag, pull_request] status: [success, failure] depends_on: [build] steps: - name: discord pull: if-not-exists image: docker.io/appleboy/drone-discord:latest settings: message: > {{#success build.status}} ✅ [Build #{{build.number}}]({{build.link}}) of `{{repo.name}}` succeeded. event: **`{{build.event}}`** commit [`${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA:0:7}`](https://git.dotya.ml/${DRONE_REPO}/commit/${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA}) by {{commit.author}} on `{{commit.branch}}` {{else}} ❌ [Build #{{build.number}}]({{build.link}}) of `{{repo.name}}` failed. event: **`${DRONE_BUILD_EVENT}`** failed stage(s): **`${DRONE_FAILED_STAGES}`** commit [`${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA:0:7}`](https://git.dotya.ml/${DRONE_REPO}/commit/${DRONE_COMMIT_SHA}) by {{commit.author}} on `{{commit.branch}}` ```{{commit.message}}``` {{/success}} webhook_id: from_secret: discord_webhook_id webhook_token: from_secret: discord_webhook_token --- kind: signature hmac: 235a281b9338654d1ea8e0d118a0ec303cd4bad8f01f31899cf7fa377f568f02 ...