# Config for sway # ### Variables # set { $mod Mod4 $left h $down j $up k $right l $term kitty $menu rofi -show drun -icon-theme "Papirus-Dark" -show-icons | xargs swaymsg exec -- $windowmenu rofi -show window -icon-theme "Papirus-Dark" -show-icons $gnome-schema org.gnome.desktop.interface $gtk_theme "Adapta-Nokto-Eta" $icon_theme "Papirus-Dark" $bg ~/Pictures/drain.png $lockscreen exec '~/.local/bin/lockscreen' # Heads # For desktop $primary DP-1 $portrait DVI-D-1 # For dankpad #$primary LVDS-1 # For thonkpad #$primary eDP-1 } # ### Autoruns # exec_always --no-startup-id { gsettings set $gnome-schema gtk-theme $gtk_theme gsettings set $gnome-schema icon-theme $icon_theme mako --anchor bottom-right > /tmp/mako.log 2>&1 swaymsg focus output $primary swayidle -w timeout 1200 "$lockscreen"\ timeout 1201 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"'\ resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"'\ before-sleep "$lockscreen" } # ### Output configuration # # For desktop output $primary pos 1050 200 res 1920x1200 output $portrait pos 0 0 res 1680x1050 output $portrait transform 270 # For dankpad #output $primary pos 0 0 res 1600x900 # For thonkpad #output $primary pos 0 0 res 1920x1080 # Set desktop background for all heads output * bg $bg fill # ### Key bindings # # Basics: # # Start a terminal bindsym $mod+Return exec $term # Kill focused window bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill # Start your launcher bindsym $mod+d exec $menu bindsym $mod+shift+d exec $windowmenu # Drag floating windows by holding down $mod and left mouse button. # Resize them with right mouse button + $mod. # Despite the name, also works for non-floating windows. # Change normal to inverse to use left mouse button for resizing and right # mouse button for dragging. floating_modifier $mod normal # Reload the configuration file bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload # Exit sway (logs you out of your Wayland session) bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit' #Lock the session bindsym Control+Shift+l $lockscreen # # Program shortcuts # bindsym { $mod+c exec gnome-calculator } # # Moving around: # # Move your focus around bindsym $mod+$left focus left bindsym $mod+$down focus down bindsym $mod+$up focus up bindsym $mod+$right focus right # Or use $mod+[up|down|left|right] bindsym $mod+Left focus left bindsym $mod+Down focus down bindsym $mod+Up focus up bindsym $mod+Right focus right # Move the focused window with the same, but add Shift bindsym $mod+Shift+$left move left bindsym $mod+Shift+$down move down bindsym $mod+Shift+$up move up bindsym $mod+Shift+$right move right # Ditto, with arrow keys bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right # # Workspaces: # # Switch to workspace # For multihead with switching script bindsym $mod+1 exec switchws.py 1 bindsym $mod+2 exec switchws.py 2 bindsym $mod+3 exec switchws.py 3 bindsym $mod+4 exec switchws.py 4 bindsym $mod+5 exec switchws.py 5 bindsym $mod+6 exec switchws.py 6 bindsym $mod+7 exec switchws.py 7 bindsym $mod+8 exec switchws.py 8 bindsym $mod+9 exec switchws.py 9 bindsym $mod+0 exec switchws.py 10 # For single head configs # bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1 # bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2 # bindsym $mod+3 workspace 3 # bindsym $mod+4 workspace 4 # bindsym $mod+5 workspace 5 # bindsym $mod+6 workspace 6 # bindsym $mod+7 workspace 7 # bindsym $mod+8 workspace 8 # bindsym $mod+9 workspace 9 # bindsym $mod+0 workspace 10 # Old manual switching for extra head # bindsym $mod+Control+1 workspace P1 # bindsym $mod+Control+2 workspace P2 # bindsym $mod+Control+3 workspace P3 # bindsym $mod+Control+4 workspace P4 # bindsym $mod+Control+5 workspace P5 # bindsym $mod+Control+6 workspace P6 # bindsym $mod+Control+7 workspace P7 # bindsym $mod+Control+8 workspace P8 # bindsym $mod+Control+9 workspace P9 # bindsym $mod+Control+0 workspace P10 bindsym $mod+t workspace comm # Move focused container to workspace bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1 bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2 bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3 bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4 bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5 bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6 bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7 bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8 bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9 bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10 bindsym $mod+Shift+Control+1 move container to workspace P1 bindsym $mod+Shift+Control+2 move container to workspace P2 bindsym $mod+Shift+Control+3 move container to workspace P3 bindsym $mod+Shift+Control+4 move container to workspace P4 bindsym $mod+Shift+Control+5 move container to workspace P5 bindsym $mod+Shift+Control+6 move container to workspace P6 bindsym $mod+Shift+Control+7 move container to workspace P7 bindsym $mod+Shift+Control+8 move container to workspace P8 bindsym $mod+Shift+Control+9 move container to workspace P9 bindsym $mod+Shift+Control+0 move container to workspace P10 # Workspace-monitor assignments workspace P1 output $portrait workspace P2 output $portrait workspace P3 output $portrait workspace P4 output $portrait workspace P5 output $portrait workspace P6 output $portrait workspace P7 output $portrait workspace P8 output $portrait workspace P9 output $portrait workspace P10 output $portrait workspace comm output $portrait # For single head devices #workspace comm output $primary workspace 1 output $primary workspace 2 output $primary workspace 3 output $primary workspace 4 output $primary workspace 5 output $primary workspace 6 output $primary workspace 7 output $primary workspace 8 output $primary workspace 9 output $primary workspace 10 output $primary # Assign programs to workspaces assign [app_id="evolution"] comm assign [instance="telegram-desktop"] comm # # Layout stuff: # # You can "split" the current object of your focus with # $mod+b or $mod+v, for horizontal and vertical splits # respectively. bindsym $mod+b splith bindsym $mod+v splitv # Switch the current container between different layout styles bindsym $mod+s layout stacking bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split # Make the current focus fullscreen bindsym $mod+f fullscreen # Toggle the current focus between tiling and floating mode bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle # Swap focus between the tiling area and the floating area bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle # Move focus to the parent container bindsym $mod+a focus parent # # Media keys and screenshots # bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% bindsym XF86AudioMute exec pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle bindsym XF86AudioMicMute exec pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl set 5%- bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl set +5% bindsym print exec grim ~/Pictures/Screenshots/grim-$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S').png bindsym Shift+print exec grim -g "$(slurp)" ~/Pictures/Screenshots/grim-$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S').png # # Scratchpad: # # Sway has a "scratchpad", which is a bag of holding for windows. # You can send windows there and get them back later. # Move the currently focused window to the scratchpad bindsym $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad # Show the next scratchpad window or hide the focused scratchpad window. # If there are multiple scratchpad windows, this command cycles through them. bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show # # Resizing containers: # mode "resize" { # left will shrink the containers width # right will grow the containers width # up will shrink the containers height # down will grow the containers height bindsym $left resize shrink width 10px bindsym $down resize grow height 10px bindsym $up resize shrink height 10px bindsym $right resize grow width 10px # Ditto, with arrow keys bindsym Left resize shrink width 10px bindsym Down resize grow height 10px bindsym Up resize shrink height 10px bindsym Right resize grow width 10px # Return to default mode bindsym Return mode "default" bindsym Escape mode "default" } bindsym $mod+r mode "resize" # ### Input # focus_follows_mouse yes focus_wrapping false popup_during_fullscreen leave_fullscreen focus_on_window_activation focus # ### Look and feel # # Gaps # gaps inner 2 gaps outer 4 # # Title Bar # titlebar_padding 1 font "Cantarell 8" # # Font # font pango: Cantarell 12px # # Borders # default_border pixel 2 default_floating_border pixel 2 # # Status Bar: # bar { position top swaybar_command waybar } # # Floating windows # for_window [class="pop-up"] floating enable; border normal $border for_window [window_role="pop-up"] floating enable; border normal $border for_window [window_role="task_dialog"] floating enable; border normal $border for_window [class="matplotlib"] floating enable; border normal $border for_window [title="ImageMagick.*"] { floating enable; border normal $border title_format " %title" } for_window [app_id="nm-connection-editor"] { floating enable resize set width 882px resize set height 600px } for_window [app_id="pavucontrol"] { floating enable resize set width 882px resize set height 600px } for_window [title="Calculator"] floating enable; border pixel 2 include /etc/sway/config.d/*