;;;@ All Rights Reserved (C) Jacob Hrbek in 29/10/2021-EU 21:27:26 UTC ;; This file is expected to be loaded e.g. `(load path/to/file)` in the file passed to `guix system reconfigure` to configure the user account. It is important that this file is kept independent from the implementation ;;; # Kreyren ;;; The user account of RiXotStudio's Headmaster ;;; REPRODUCIBILITY CHECKLIST ;;; - [ ] IceCat ;;; - [ ] Extensions ;;; - [ ] DarkReader ;;; - [ ] Ublock origin ;;; - [ ] Decentraleyes ;;; - [ ] Privacy Redirect ;;; - [ ] LocalCND ;;; - [ ] SponsorBlock ;;; - [ ] Don't track me Google ;;; - [ ] I don't care about cookies ;;; - [ ] ClearURLs ;;; - [ ] NoScript ;;; - [ ] Forget Me Not ;;; - [ ] Metastream Remote ;;; - [ ] Read Aloud ;;; - [ ] KeepAssXC ;;; - [ ] Video Speed Controller ;;; - [ ] Configuration ;;; - [ ] Theme: Dark ;;; - [ ] Privacy & Security > Delete cookies and site data when IceCat is closed ;;; - [ ] Privacy & Security > History > Always use private browsing mode ;;; - [ ] Set SOCKS5 proxy on 9050 with deployed tor ;;; - [ ] Alacritty ;;; - [ ] XFCE4 ;;; - [ ] Wallpaper: Solid Black Color ;;; - [ ] Window Manager style: Daloa ;;; - [ ] Focus follows mouse ;;; - [ ] Keybinds ;;; - [ ] Super_L + Enter = exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator ;;; - [ ] Super_L + Key_T = exo-open --launch WebBrowser ;;; - [ ] Super_L + Key_H = Hide focused window ;;; - [ ] Super_L + Key_D = dmenu_run ;;; - [ ] Super_L + Key_L = xflock4 ;;; - [ ] Alt_L + Shift_L + PrintScreen = flameshot gui ;;; - [ ] Audio mute = pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle ;;; - [ ] Audio raise volume = pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +2.5% ;;; - [ ] Audio lower volume = pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -2.5% ;;; - [ ] KeepAssXC ;;; - [ ] Configured to open Kreyren.kdbx by default ;;; - [ ] Enable browser integration ;;; - [ ] Conky ;;; - [ ] Configure ;;; - [ ] dmenu ;;; - [ ] Nextcloud ;;; - [ ] Credentials pre-set to open on user login and start sync ;;; - [ ] Flameshot ;;; - [ ] Sync all required dirs ;;; - [ ] Pulseaudio ;;; - [ ] Set 'load-module module-echo-cancel' to do active noise filtering ;;; - [ ] Vim ;;; - [ ] Tor ;;; - [ ] TorSOCKS ;;; - [ ] Matrix client ;;; - [ ] element-desktop? ;;; - [ ] htop ;;; - [ ] xclip ;;; - [ ] GnuPG ;;; - [ ] pinentry-tty ;;; - [ ] vlc ;;; - [ ] Configuration ;;; - [ ] Use tor for remotes ;;; - [ ] qbittorrent ;;; - [ ] Get search engines ;; When this file is `(load)`-ed set user kreyren (operating-system (users (cons* (user-account (name "kreyren") (comment "Jacob Hrbek") (group "users") (shell (file-append bash "/bin/bash")) ;; DND(Krey): Figure out how to do the password ;(password (crypt "InitialPassword!" "$6$abc")) (supplementary-groups '( "wheel" "netdev" "audio" "video")))))) ;; DND(Krey): Handle SSH access