If GCC removes this in this case, it will be forming invalid code and should be fixed. Remove the workaround to prevent a GCC mis-optimization. Identified by clang.
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/* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : */
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Ciaran McCreesh
* This file is part of the Paludis package manager. Paludis is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Paludis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <paludis/util/attributes.hh>
#include <paludis/util/visitor-fwd.hh>
#include <paludis/util/no_type.hh>
#include <functional>
namespace paludis
* Used by accept_visitor.
* \nosubgrouping
* \ingroup g_visitors
template <typename Visitor_>
class PALUDIS_VISIBLE AcceptVisitor
Visitor_ & _v;
typedef void result_type;
///\name Visitor operations
AcceptVisitor(Visitor_ & v) :
template <typename T_>
void operator() (T_ & t) const
* Used by accept_visitor.
* \nosubgrouping
* \ingroup g_visitors
template <typename Visitor_, typename Returning_>
class PALUDIS_VISIBLE AcceptVisitorReturning
Visitor_ & _v;
typedef Returning_ result_type;
///\name Visitor operations
AcceptVisitorReturning(Visitor_ & v) :
template <typename T_>
Returning_ operator() (T_ & t) const
return t.template accept_returning<Returning_>(_v);
* Convenience function for using a visitor with a standard algorithm.
* \ingroup g_visitors
template <typename Visitor_>
AcceptVisitor<Visitor_> PALUDIS_VISIBLE accept_visitor(Visitor_ & v)
return AcceptVisitor<Visitor_>(v);
* Convenience function for using a visitor with a standard algorithm.
* \ingroup g_visitors
template <typename Returning_, typename Visitor_>
AcceptVisitorReturning<Visitor_, Returning_> PALUDIS_VISIBLE accept_visitor_returning(Visitor_ & v)
return AcceptVisitorReturning<Visitor_, Returning_>(v);
template <typename>
struct ExtractFirstArgumentType;
template <typename T_, typename R_, typename A1_, typename... As_>
struct ExtractFirstArgumentType<R_ (T_::*) (A1_, As_...) const>
typedef A1_ Type;
template <typename T_>
using FirstCallArgumentType = typename ExtractFirstArgumentType<decltype(&T_::operator())>::Type;
template <typename>
struct ExtractResultType;
template <typename T_, typename R_, typename... As_>
struct ExtractResultType<R_ (T_::*) (As_...) const>
typedef R_ Type;
template <typename T_>
using CallResultType = typename std::remove_const<typename ExtractResultType<decltype(&T_::operator())>::Type>::type;
template <typename Revisitor_, typename Result_, typename... Cases_>
struct MadeVisitor;
template <typename Revisitor_, typename Result_>
struct MadeVisitor<Revisitor_, Result_>
Result_ visit(const NoType<0u> &) const;
template <typename>
struct CallThisCaseNeedsTwoArgs;
template <typename T_, typename R_, typename A1_>
struct CallThisCaseNeedsTwoArgs<R_ (T_::*) (A1_) const>
enum { value = false };
template <typename T_, typename R_, typename A1_, typename A2_>
struct CallThisCaseNeedsTwoArgs<R_ (T_::*) (A1_, A2_) const>
enum { value = true };
template <typename Result_, typename Case_, typename V_, bool needs_two_args_>
struct CallThisCase;
template <typename Result_, typename Case_, typename V_>
struct CallThisCase<Result_, Case_, V_, false>
static Result_ call(const Case_ & thiscase, const FirstCallArgumentType<Case_> & v, const V_ &)
return thiscase(v);
template <typename Result_, typename Case_, typename V_>
struct CallThisCase<Result_, Case_, V_, true>
static Result_ call(const Case_ & thiscase, const FirstCallArgumentType<Case_> & v, const V_ & revisitor)
return thiscase(v, accept_visitor_returning<Result_>(revisitor));
template <typename Case_, typename V_>
struct CallThisCase<void, Case_, V_, true>
static void call(const Case_ & thiscase, const FirstCallArgumentType<Case_> & v, const V_ & revisitor)
thiscase(v, accept_visitor(revisitor));
template <typename Revisitor_, typename Result_, typename Case_, typename... Rest_>
struct MadeVisitor<Revisitor_, Result_, Case_, Rest_...> :
MadeVisitor<Revisitor_, Result_, Rest_...>
const Case_ & thiscase;
MadeVisitor(const Case_ & c, const Rest_ & ... cases) :
MadeVisitor<Revisitor_, Result_, Rest_...>(cases...),
using MadeVisitor<Revisitor_, Result_, Rest_...>::visit;
Result_ visit(const FirstCallArgumentType<Case_> & v) const
return CallThisCase<Result_, Case_, Revisitor_, CallThisCaseNeedsTwoArgs<decltype(&Case_::operator())>::value>::call(
thiscase, v, *static_cast<const Revisitor_ *>(this));
template <typename Result_, typename... Cases_>
struct BaseMadeVisitor :
MadeVisitor<BaseMadeVisitor<Result_, Cases_...>, Result_, Cases_...>
BaseMadeVisitor(const Cases_ & ... cases) :
MadeVisitor<BaseMadeVisitor<Result_, Cases_...>, Result_, Cases_...>(cases...)
template <typename Case_, typename... Cases_>
auto make_visitor(const Case_ & firstcase, const Cases_ & ... cases) -> BaseMadeVisitor<CallResultType<Case_>, Case_, Cases_...>
return BaseMadeVisitor<CallResultType<Case_>, Case_, Cases_...>{ firstcase, cases... };
template <typename Result_, typename Base_>
using Revisit = std::function<Result_ (const Base_ &)>;
template <>
class DeclareAbstractVisitMethods<TypeListTail>
void forward_visit(const NoType<0u> &);
template <typename TypeList_>
class DeclareAbstractVisitMethods :
public virtual DeclareAbstractVisitMethods<typename TypeList_::Tail>
using DeclareAbstractVisitMethods<typename TypeList_::Tail>::forward_visit;
virtual void forward_visit(typename TypeList_::Item &) = 0;
template <typename TypeList_>
class WrappedVisitorBase :
public virtual DeclareAbstractVisitMethods<TypeList_>
template <typename RealClass_>
class ImplementVisitMethods<RealClass_, TypeListTail>
void forward_visit(const NoType<1u> &);
template <typename RealClass_, typename TypeList_>
class ImplementVisitMethods :
public virtual DeclareAbstractVisitMethods<TypeList_>,
public ImplementVisitMethods<RealClass_, typename TypeList_::Tail>
using ImplementVisitMethods<RealClass_, typename TypeList_::Tail>::forward_visit;
virtual void forward_visit(typename TypeList_::Item & n)
static_cast<RealClass_ *>(this)->perform_visit(n);
template <typename TypeList_, typename UnwrappedVisitor_>
class WrappedVoidResultVisitor :
public WrappedVisitorBase<TypeList_>,
public ImplementVisitMethods<WrappedVoidResultVisitor<TypeList_, UnwrappedVisitor_>, TypeList_>
UnwrappedVisitor_ & _unwrapped_visitor;
WrappedVoidResultVisitor(UnwrappedVisitor_ & v) :
template <typename C_>
void perform_visit(C_ & t)
template <typename TypeList_, typename Result_, typename UnwrappedVisitor_>
class WrappedNonVoidResultVisitor :
public WrappedVisitorBase<TypeList_>,
public ImplementVisitMethods<WrappedNonVoidResultVisitor<TypeList_, Result_, UnwrappedVisitor_>,
UnwrappedVisitor_ & _unwrapped_visitor;
Result_ result;
WrappedNonVoidResultVisitor(UnwrappedVisitor_ & v, const Result_ & r) :
template <typename C_>
void perform_visit(C_ & t)
result = _unwrapped_visitor.visit(t);
template <typename BaseClass_, typename VisitableTypeList_>
class DeclareAbstractAcceptMethods
virtual void _real_accept(WrappedVisitorBase<VisitableTypeList_> &) = 0;
virtual void _real_accept_const(WrappedVisitorBase<typename MakeTypeListConst<VisitableTypeList_>::Type> &) const = 0;
typedef VisitableTypeList_ VisitableTypeList;
typedef BaseClass_ VisitableBaseClass;
template <typename UnwrappedVisitor_>
void accept(UnwrappedVisitor_ & v)
WrappedVoidResultVisitor<VisitableTypeList_, UnwrappedVisitor_> vv(v);
template <typename UnwrappedVisitor_>
void accept(UnwrappedVisitor_ & v) const
WrappedVoidResultVisitor<typename MakeTypeListConst<VisitableTypeList_>::Type, UnwrappedVisitor_> vv(v);
template <typename UnwrappedVisitor_>
void accept(const UnwrappedVisitor_ & v)
WrappedVoidResultVisitor<VisitableTypeList_, const UnwrappedVisitor_> vv(v);
template <typename UnwrappedVisitor_>
void accept(const UnwrappedVisitor_ & v) const
WrappedVoidResultVisitor<typename MakeTypeListConst<VisitableTypeList_>::Type, const UnwrappedVisitor_> vv(v);
template <typename Result_, typename UnwrappedVisitor_>
Result_ accept_returning(UnwrappedVisitor_ & v, const Result_ & r = Result_())
WrappedNonVoidResultVisitor<VisitableTypeList_, Result_, UnwrappedVisitor_> vv(v, r);
return vv.result;
template <typename Result_, typename UnwrappedVisitor_>
Result_ accept_returning(const UnwrappedVisitor_ & v, const Result_ & r = Result_())
WrappedNonVoidResultVisitor<VisitableTypeList_, Result_, const UnwrappedVisitor_> vv(v, r);
return vv.result;
template <typename Result_, typename UnwrappedVisitor_>
Result_ accept_returning(UnwrappedVisitor_ & v, const Result_ & r = Result_()) const
WrappedNonVoidResultVisitor<typename MakeTypeListConst<VisitableTypeList_>::Type, Result_, UnwrappedVisitor_> vv(v, r);
return vv.result;
template <typename Result_, typename UnwrappedVisitor_>
Result_ accept_returning(const UnwrappedVisitor_ & v, const Result_ & r = Result_()) const
WrappedNonVoidResultVisitor<typename MakeTypeListConst<VisitableTypeList_>::Type, Result_, const UnwrappedVisitor_> vv(v, r);
return vv.result;
template <typename Case_, typename... Cases_>
auto make_accept_returning(const Case_ & firstcase, const Cases_ & ... cases) const -> CallResultType<Case_>
return this->accept_returning<CallResultType<Case_> >(make_visitor(firstcase, cases...));
template <typename... Cases_>
void make_accept(const Cases_ & ... cases) const
template <typename BaseClass_, typename RealClass_>
class PALUDIS_VISIBLE ImplementAcceptMethods :
public virtual DeclareAbstractAcceptMethods<BaseClass_, typename BaseClass_::VisitableTypeList>
void _real_accept(WrappedVisitorBase<typename BaseClass_::VisitableTypeList> & v)
v.forward_visit(*static_cast<RealClass_ *>(this));
void _real_accept_const(WrappedVisitorBase<typename MakeTypeListConst<typename BaseClass_::VisitableTypeList>::Type> & v) const
v.forward_visit(*static_cast<const RealClass_ *>(this));