Convert a number of destructors to default synthesized functions. Try to inline a few instances into the header. It should be possible to inline all of them, however, gcc seems to emit a number of warnings. Furthermore, some of the destructors are pure-virtualed, but provide an implementation. Placing the definition into the header causes ODR violations.
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/* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : */
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 Ciaran McCreesh
* This file is part of the Paludis package manager. Paludis is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Paludis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <paludis/util/graph-fwd.hh>
#include <paludis/util/pimp.hh>
#include <paludis/util/exception.hh>
#include <paludis/util/stringify.hh>
#include <memory>
/** \file
* Declarations for DirectedGraph and related utilities.
* \ingroup g_data_structures
* \section Examples
* - None at this time.
namespace paludis
* Base class for DirectedGraph errors.
* \ingroup g_data_structures
* \ingroup g_exceptions
* \nosubgrouping
class PALUDIS_VISIBLE GraphError :
public Exception
///\name Basic operations
GraphError(const std::string & msg) noexcept;
* Thrown if a DirectedGraph operation relies upon a node being present when it is not.
* \ingroup g_exceptions
* \ingroup g_data_structures
* \nosubgrouping
class PALUDIS_VISIBLE NoSuchGraphNodeError :
public GraphError
///\name Basic operations
template <typename Node_>
NoSuchGraphNodeError(const Node_ & node) noexcept :
GraphError("Node '" + stringify(node) + "' does not exist")
template <typename Node_>
NoSuchGraphNodeError(const std::shared_ptr<Node_> & node) noexcept :
GraphError("Node '" + stringify(*node) + "' does not exist")
* Thrown if a DirectedGraph operation relies upon an edge being present when it is not.
* \ingroup g_exceptions
* \ingroup g_data_structures
* \nosubgrouping
class PALUDIS_VISIBLE NoSuchGraphEdgeError :
public GraphError
///\name Basic operations
template <typename Node_>
NoSuchGraphEdgeError(const Node_ & e1, const Node_ & e2) noexcept :
GraphError("Edge '" + stringify(e1) + "' -> '" + stringify(e2) + "' does not exist")
* Thrown if no ordering is available for a DirectedGraph::topological_sort.
* \ingroup g_data_structures
* \ingroup g_exceptions
* \nosubgrouping
class PALUDIS_VISIBLE NoGraphTopologicalOrderExistsError :
public GraphError
class RemainingNodes;
std::shared_ptr<const RemainingNodes> _remaining_nodes;
///\name Basic operations
NoGraphTopologicalOrderExistsError(const std::shared_ptr<const RemainingNodes> &) noexcept;
~NoGraphTopologicalOrderExistsError() = default;
* The nodes remaining in the graph.
std::shared_ptr<const RemainingNodes> remaining_nodes() const;
* A simple directed graph.
* \ingroup g_data_structures
* \nosubgrouping
template <typename Node_, typename Edge_, typename Comparator_>
class PALUDIS_VISIBLE DirectedGraph
Pimp<DirectedGraph<Node_, Edge_, Comparator_> > _imp;
void operator= (const DirectedGraph &);
///\name Basic operations
DirectedGraph(const DirectedGraph &);
///\name Node related functions
* Add a node, if it does not already exist.
void add_node(const Node_ &);
* Delete a node, if it exists.
void delete_node(const Node_ &);
* Return whether a node exists.
bool has_node(const Node_ &) const;
///\name Iterate over our nodes
class NodeConstIterator;
NodeConstIterator begin_nodes() const;
NodeConstIterator end_nodes() const;
///\name Edge related functions
* Add an edge, if it does not already exist.
* \throw NoSuchGraphNodeError if either node is not in the graph.
void add_edge(const Node_ &, const Node_ &, const Edge_ &);
* Delete an edge, if it exists.
void delete_edge(const Node_ &, const Node_ &);
* Delete all edges leaving a node.
void delete_outgoing_edges(const Node_ &);
* Delete all edges entering a node.
void delete_incoming_edges(const Node_ &);
* Return whether an edge exists.
bool has_edge(const Node_ &, const Node_ &) const;
* Fetch an edge.
* \throw NoSuchGraphEdgeError if the edge does not exist.
const Edge_ fetch_edge(const Node_ &, const Node_ &) const;
* Return whether a node has outgoing edges.
* \throw NoSuchGraphNodeError if the node does not exist.
bool has_outgoing_edges(const Node_ &) const;
///\name Ordering functions
* Place our nodes, topological sorted, into OutputIterator_.
* \throw NoGraphTopologicalOrderExistsError if no such order exists.
template <typename OutputIterator_>
void topological_sort(OutputIterator_ i) const;