There is no MetadataSpecTreeKey<SetSpecTree> Change-Id: If17a855e700408c8b23a70af375fc01e5544e309
1212 lines
41 KiB
1212 lines
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/* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : */
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Ciaran McCreesh
* This file is part of the Paludis package manager. Paludis is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Paludis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <paludis/user_dep_spec.hh>
#include <paludis/elike_package_dep_spec.hh>
#include <paludis/environment.hh>
#include <paludis/elike_use_requirement.hh>
#include <paludis/version_operator.hh>
#include <paludis/version_spec.hh>
#include <paludis/version_requirements.hh>
#include <paludis/filter.hh>
#include <paludis/package_id.hh>
#include <paludis/metadata_key.hh>
#include <paludis/dep_label.hh>
#include <paludis/partially_made_package_dep_spec.hh>
#include <paludis/contents.hh>
#include <paludis/repository.hh>
#include <paludis/mask.hh>
#include <paludis/slot.hh>
#include <paludis/match_package.hh>
#include <paludis/util/options.hh>
#include <paludis/util/log.hh>
#include <paludis/util/make_named_values.hh>
#include <paludis/util/pimp-impl.hh>
#include <paludis/util/set.hh>
#include <paludis/util/sequence.hh>
#include <paludis/util/indirect_iterator-impl.hh>
#include <paludis/util/timestamp.hh>
#include <paludis/util/destringify.hh>
#include <paludis/util/tribool.hh>
#include <paludis/util/join.hh>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace paludis;
#include <paludis/user_dep_spec-se.cc>
void user_add_package_requirement(const std::string & s, PartiallyMadePackageDepSpec & result,
const Environment * const env, const UserPackageDepSpecOptions & options,
const Filter & filter)
if (s.length() >= 3 && (0 == s.compare(0, 2, "*/")))
if (! options[updso_allow_wildcards])
throw PackageDepSpecError("Wildcard '*' not allowed");
if (0 != s.compare(s.length() - 2, 2, "/*"))
else if (s.length() >= 3 && (0 == s.compare(s.length() - 2, 2, "/*")))
if (! options[updso_allow_wildcards])
throw PackageDepSpecError("Wildcard '*' not allowed in '" + stringify(s) + "'");
result.category_name_part(CategoryNamePart(s.substr(0, s.length() - 2)));
else if (s == "*")
throw PackageDepSpecError("Use '*/*' not '*' to match everything");
else if (std::string::npos != s.find('/'))
if (options[updso_no_disambiguation])
throw PackageDepSpecError("Need an explicit category specified");
filter::And(filter, filter::Matches(result, nullptr, { }))));
void envless_add_package_requirement(const std::string & s, PartiallyMadePackageDepSpec & result)
if (s.length() >= 3 && (0 == s.compare(0, 2, "*/")))
if (0 != s.compare(s.length() - 2, 2, "/*"))
else if (s.length() >= 3 && (0 == s.compare(s.length() - 2, 2, "/*")))
result.category_name_part(CategoryNamePart(s.substr(0, s.length() - 2)));
else if (s == "*")
throw PackageDepSpecError("Use '*/*' not '*' to match everything");
else if (std::string::npos != s.find('/'))
throw PackageDepSpecError("Need an explicit category specified");
void user_check_sanity(const std::string & s, const UserPackageDepSpecOptions & options,
const Environment * const env)
if (s.empty())
throw PackageDepSpecError("Got empty dep spec");
if (options[updso_throw_if_set] && std::string::npos == s.find_first_of("/[<>=~"))
SetName sn(s);
if (options[updso_no_disambiguation] || env->set(sn))
throw GotASetNotAPackageDepSpec(s);
catch (const SetNameError &)
void test_check_sanity(const std::string & s)
if (s.empty())
throw PackageDepSpecError("Got empty dep spec");
bool user_remove_trailing_square_bracket_if_exists(std::string & s, PartiallyMadePackageDepSpec & result,
bool & had_bracket_version_requirements, const Environment * const env)
std::string::size_type use_group_p;
if (std::string::npos == ((use_group_p = s.rfind('['))))
return false;
if (std::string::npos == s.rfind(']'))
throw PackageDepSpecError("Mismatched []");
if (s.at(s.length() - 1) != ']')
throw PackageDepSpecError("Trailing garbage after [] block");
std::string flag(s.substr(use_group_p + 1));
if (flag.length() < 2)
throw PackageDepSpecError("Invalid [] contents");
flag.erase(flag.length() - 1);
switch (flag.at(0))
case '<':
case '>':
case '=':
case '~':
char needed_mode(0);
while (! flag.empty())
Context cc("When parsing [] segment '" + flag + "':");
std::string op;
std::string::size_type opos(0);
while (opos < flag.length())
if (std::string::npos == std::string("><=~").find(flag.at(opos)))
op = flag.substr(0, opos);
flag.erase(0, opos);
if (op.empty())
throw PackageDepSpecError("Missing operator inside []");
VersionOperator vop(op);
std::string ver;
opos = flag.find_first_of("|&");
if (std::string::npos == opos)
ver = flag;
if (0 == needed_mode)
needed_mode = flag.at(opos);
else if (needed_mode != flag.at(opos))
throw PackageDepSpecError("Mixed & and | inside []");
result.version_requirements_mode((flag.at(opos) == '|' ? vr_or : vr_and));
ver = flag.substr(0, opos++);
flag.erase(0, opos);
if (ver.empty())
throw PackageDepSpecError("Missing version after operator '" + stringify(vop) + " inside []");
if ('*' == ver.at(ver.length() - 1))
ver.erase(ver.length() - 1);
if (vop == vo_equal)
vop = vo_equal_star;
throw PackageDepSpecError("Invalid use of * with operator '" + stringify(vop) + " inside []");
VersionSpec vs(ver, user_version_spec_options());
n::version_operator() = vop,
n::version_spec() = vs));
had_bracket_version_requirements = true;
case '.':
std::string exclude(".!exclude=");
if (0 == flag.compare(0, exclude.size(), exclude))
flag.erase(0, exclude.size());
Context cc("When parsing exclude requirement '" + flag + "':");
if (!env) throw PackageDepSpecError("Environment is null");
std::shared_ptr<const AdditionalPackageDepSpecRequirement> req(std::make_shared<ExcludeRequirement>(
parse_user_package_dep_spec(flag, env, { updso_allow_wildcards })
std::shared_ptr<const AdditionalPackageDepSpecRequirement> req(std::make_shared<UserKeyRequirement>(flag.substr(1)));
std::shared_ptr<const AdditionalPackageDepSpecRequirement> req(parse_elike_use_requirement(flag, { }, nullptr));
return true;
user_remove_trailing_slot_if_exists(std::string & s, PartiallyMadePackageDepSpec & result)
std::string::size_type slot_p;
if (std::string::npos == ((slot_p = s.rfind(':'))))
std::string text(s.substr(slot_p + 1));
auto p(text.find('/'));
if (std::string::npos != p)
result.slot_requirement(std::make_shared<UserSlotExactFullRequirement>(std::make_pair(SlotName(text.substr(0, p)), SlotName(text.substr(p + 1)))));
parse_rhs(PartiallyMadePackageDepSpec & reqs, const std::string & req)
if (req.empty())
throw PackageDepSpecError("Invalid empty :: requirement");
if ('/' == req.at(0))
if ('?' == req.at(req.length() - 1))
if (req.length() >= 2 && '?' == req.at(req.length() - 2))
n::include_masked() = true,
n::path() = FSPath(req.substr(0, req.length() - 2))));
n::include_masked() = false,
n::path() = FSPath(req.substr(0, req.length() - 1))));
if ('?' == req.at(req.length() - 1))
if (req.length() >= 3 && '?' == req.at(req.length() - 2))
n::include_masked() = true,
n::repository() = RepositoryName(req.substr(0, req.length() - 2))));
n::include_masked() = false,
n::repository() = RepositoryName(req.substr(0, req.length() - 1))));
user_remove_trailing_repo_if_exists(std::string & s, PartiallyMadePackageDepSpec & result)
std::string::size_type repo_p;
if (std::string::npos == ((repo_p = s.rfind("::"))))
std::string req(s.substr(repo_p + 2));
if (req.empty())
throw PackageDepSpecError("Need something after ::");
std::string::size_type arrow_p(req.find("->"));
if (std::string::npos == arrow_p)
parse_rhs(result, req);
std::string left(req.substr(0, arrow_p));
std::string right(req.substr(arrow_p + 2));
if (left.empty() && right.empty())
throw PackageDepSpecError("::-> requires either a from or a to repository");
if (! right.empty())
parse_rhs(result, right);
if (! left.empty())
const PartiallyMadePackageDepSpecOptions fixed_options_for_partially_made_package_dep_spec(PartiallyMadePackageDepSpecOptions o)
return o;
paludis::parse_user_package_dep_spec(const std::string & ss, const Environment * const env,
const UserPackageDepSpecOptions & options, const Filter & filter)
using namespace std::placeholders;
Context context("When parsing user package dep spec '" + ss + "':");
bool had_bracket_version_requirements(false);
PartiallyMadePackageDepSpecOptions o;
return partial_parse_generic_elike_package_dep_spec(ss, make_named_values<GenericELikePackageDepSpecParseFunctions>(
n::add_package_requirement() = std::bind(&user_add_package_requirement, _1, _2, env, options, filter),
n::add_version_requirement() = std::bind(&elike_add_version_requirement, _1, _2, _3),
n::check_sanity() = std::bind(&user_check_sanity, _1, options, env),
n::get_remove_trailing_version() = std::bind(&elike_get_remove_trailing_version, _1,
n::get_remove_version_operator() = std::bind(&elike_get_remove_version_operator, _1,
ELikePackageDepSpecOptions() + epdso_allow_tilde_greater_deps),
n::has_version_operator() = std::bind(&elike_has_version_operator, _1,
std::cref(had_bracket_version_requirements), ELikePackageDepSpecOptions()),
n::options_for_partially_made_package_dep_spec() = std::bind(&fixed_options_for_partially_made_package_dep_spec, std::cref(o)),
n::remove_trailing_repo_if_exists() = std::bind(&user_remove_trailing_repo_if_exists, _1, _2),
n::remove_trailing_slot_if_exists() = std::bind(&user_remove_trailing_slot_if_exists, _1, _2),
n::remove_trailing_square_bracket_if_exists() = std::bind(&user_remove_trailing_square_bracket_if_exists,
_1, _2, std::ref(had_bracket_version_requirements), env)
paludis::envless_parse_package_dep_spec_for_tests(const std::string & ss)
using namespace std::placeholders;
Context context("When parsing test package dep spec '" + ss + "':");
bool had_bracket_version_requirements(false);
PartiallyMadePackageDepSpecOptions o;
return partial_parse_generic_elike_package_dep_spec(ss, make_named_values<GenericELikePackageDepSpecParseFunctions>(
n::add_package_requirement() = std::bind(&envless_add_package_requirement, _1, _2),
n::add_version_requirement() = std::bind(&elike_add_version_requirement, _1, _2, _3),
n::check_sanity() = std::bind(&test_check_sanity, _1),
n::get_remove_trailing_version() = std::bind(&elike_get_remove_trailing_version, _1,
n::get_remove_version_operator() = std::bind(&elike_get_remove_version_operator, _1,
ELikePackageDepSpecOptions() + epdso_allow_tilde_greater_deps),
n::has_version_operator() = std::bind(&elike_has_version_operator, _1,
std::cref(had_bracket_version_requirements), ELikePackageDepSpecOptions()),
n::options_for_partially_made_package_dep_spec() = std::bind(&fixed_options_for_partially_made_package_dep_spec, std::cref(o)),
n::remove_trailing_repo_if_exists() = std::bind(&user_remove_trailing_repo_if_exists, _1, _2),
n::remove_trailing_slot_if_exists() = std::bind(&user_remove_trailing_slot_if_exists, _1, _2),
n::remove_trailing_square_bracket_if_exists() = std::bind(&user_remove_trailing_square_bracket_if_exists,
_1, _2, std::ref(had_bracket_version_requirements), nullptr)
UserSlotExactFullRequirement::UserSlotExactFullRequirement(const std::pair<SlotName, SlotName> & s) :
const std::pair<SlotName, SlotName>
UserSlotExactFullRequirement::slots() const
return _s;
const std::string
UserSlotExactFullRequirement::as_string() const
return ":" + stringify(_s.first) + "/" + stringify(_s.second);
const std::shared_ptr<const SlotRequirement>
UserSlotExactFullRequirement::maybe_original_requirement_if_rewritten() const
return nullptr;
UserSlotExactPartialRequirement::UserSlotExactPartialRequirement(const SlotName & s) :
const SlotName
UserSlotExactPartialRequirement::slot() const
return _s;
const std::string
UserSlotExactPartialRequirement::as_string() const
return ":" + stringify(_s);
const std::shared_ptr<const SlotRequirement>
UserSlotExactPartialRequirement::maybe_original_requirement_if_rewritten() const
return nullptr;
GotASetNotAPackageDepSpec::GotASetNotAPackageDepSpec(const std::string & s) noexcept :
Exception("'" + s + "' is a set, not a package")
namespace paludis
template <>
struct Imp<UserKeyRequirement>
std::string key;
std::string value;
UserKeyRequirementOperator op;
Imp(const std::string & s)
int op_size = 1;
std::string::size_type p = std::string::npos;
if (std::string::npos != (p = s.find("!=")))
op_size = 2;
op = ukro_not_equal;
else if (std::string::npos != (p = s.find("=")))
op = ukro_equal;
else if (std::string::npos != (p = s.find(">")))
op = ukro_greater;
else if (std::string::npos != (p = s.find("<")))
op = ukro_less_or_subset;
else if (std::string::npos != (p = s.find("?")))
op = ukro_exists;
throw PackageDepSpecError("Expected an =, an !=, a <, a > or a ? inside '[." + s + "]'");
key = s.substr(0, p);
value = s.substr(p + op_size);
if (op == ukro_exists && ! value.empty())
throw PackageDepSpecError("Operator '?' takes no value inside '[." + s + "]'");
UserKeyRequirement::UserKeyRequirement(const std::string & s) :
UserKeyRequirement::~UserKeyRequirement() = default;
std::string stringify_contents_entry(const ContentsEntry & e)
return stringify(e.location_key()->parse_value());
struct StringifyEqual
const std::string pattern;
StringifyEqual(const std::string & p) :
template <typename T_>
bool operator() (const T_ & t) const
return stringify(t) == pattern;
bool operator() (const ContentsEntry & e) const
return stringify_contents_entry(e) == pattern;
struct SpecTreeSearcher
const Environment * const env;
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> id;
const std::string pattern;
SpecTreeSearcher(const Environment * const e, const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & i, const std::string & p) :
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<AllDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return indirect_iterator(n.end()) != std::find_if(indirect_iterator(n.begin()), indirect_iterator(n.end()),
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<AnyDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return indirect_iterator(n.end()) != std::find_if(indirect_iterator(n.begin()), indirect_iterator(n.end()),
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<ExactlyOneDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return indirect_iterator(n.end()) != std::find_if(indirect_iterator(n.begin()), indirect_iterator(n.end()),
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<AtMostOneDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return indirect_iterator(n.end()) != std::find_if(indirect_iterator(n.begin()), indirect_iterator(n.end()),
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<ConditionalDepSpec>::Type & n) const
if (n.spec()->condition_met(env, id))
return indirect_iterator(n.end()) != std::find_if(indirect_iterator(n.begin()), indirect_iterator(n.end()),
return false;
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<NamedSetDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return stringify(*n.spec()) == pattern;
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<PlainTextDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return stringify(*n.spec()) == pattern;
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<PackageDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return stringify(*n.spec()) == pattern;
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<BlockDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return stringify(*n.spec()) == pattern;
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<LicenseDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return stringify(*n.spec()) == pattern;
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<SimpleURIDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return stringify(*n.spec()) == pattern;
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<FetchableURIDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return stringify(*n.spec()) == pattern;
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<DependenciesLabelsDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return indirect_iterator(n.spec()->end()) != std::find_if(indirect_iterator(n.spec()->begin()),
indirect_iterator(n.spec()->end()), StringifyEqual(pattern));
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<URILabelsDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return indirect_iterator(n.spec()->end()) != std::find_if(indirect_iterator(n.spec()->begin()),
indirect_iterator(n.spec()->end()), StringifyEqual(pattern));
bool visit(const GenericSpecTree::NodeType<PlainTextLabelDepSpec>::Type & n) const
return stringify(*n.spec()) == pattern;
struct KeyComparator
const Environment * const env;
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> id;
const std::string pattern;
const char op;
KeyComparator(const Environment * const e, const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & i,
const std::string & p, const char o) :
bool visit(const MetadataSectionKey &) const
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataTimeKey & k) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == stringify(k.parse_value().seconds());
case ukro_not_equal:
return pattern != stringify(k.parse_value().seconds());
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return k.parse_value().seconds() < destringify<time_t>(pattern);
case ukro_greater:
return k.parse_value().seconds() > destringify<time_t>(pattern);
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataValueKey<std::string> & k) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == stringify(k.parse_value());
case ukro_not_equal:
return pattern != stringify(k.parse_value());
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataValueKey<Slot> & k) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == stringify(k.parse_value().raw_value());
case ukro_not_equal:
return pattern != stringify(k.parse_value().raw_value());
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataValueKey<FSPath> & k) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == stringify(k.parse_value());
case ukro_not_equal:
return pattern != stringify(k.parse_value());
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataValueKey<bool> & k) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == stringify(k.parse_value());
case ukro_not_equal:
return pattern != stringify(k.parse_value());
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataValueKey<long> & k) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == stringify(k.parse_value());
case ukro_not_equal:
return pattern != stringify(k.parse_value());
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return k.parse_value() < destringify<long>(pattern);
case ukro_greater:
return k.parse_value() > destringify<long>(pattern);
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataValueKey<std::shared_ptr<const Choices> > &) const
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataValueKey<std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> > & k) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == stringify(*k.parse_value());
case ukro_not_equal:
return pattern != stringify(*k.parse_value());
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataSpecTreeKey<DependencySpecTree> & s) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return false;
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return s.parse_value()->top()->accept_returning<bool>(SpecTreeSearcher(env, id, pattern));
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataSpecTreeKey<PlainTextSpecTree> & s) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return false;
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return s.parse_value()->top()->accept_returning<bool>(SpecTreeSearcher(env, id, pattern));
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataSpecTreeKey<RequiredUseSpecTree> & s) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return false;
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return s.parse_value()->top()->accept_returning<bool>(SpecTreeSearcher(env, id, pattern));
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataSpecTreeKey<SimpleURISpecTree> & s) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return false;
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return s.parse_value()->top()->accept_returning<bool>(SpecTreeSearcher(env, id, pattern));
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataSpecTreeKey<FetchableURISpecTree> & s) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return false;
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return s.parse_value()->top()->accept_returning<bool>(SpecTreeSearcher(env, id, pattern));
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataSpecTreeKey<LicenseSpecTree> & s) const
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return false;
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return s.parse_value()->top()->accept_returning<bool>(SpecTreeSearcher(env, id, pattern));
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataCollectionKey<FSPathSequence> & s) const
auto v(s.parse_value());
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == join(v->begin(), v->end(), " ");
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return v->end() != std::find_if(v->begin(), v->end(),
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataCollectionKey<PackageIDSequence> & s) const
auto v(s.parse_value());
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == join(indirect_iterator(v->begin()), indirect_iterator(v->end()), " ");
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return indirect_iterator(v->end()) != std::find_if(
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataCollectionKey<Sequence<std::string> > & s) const
auto v(s.parse_value());
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == join(v->begin(), v->end(), " ");
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return v->end() != std::find_if(v->begin(), v->end(),
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataCollectionKey<Set<std::string> > & s) const
auto v(s.parse_value());
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == join(v->begin(), v->end(), " ");
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return v->end() != std::find_if(v->begin(), v->end(),
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataCollectionKey<Map<std::string, std::string> > &) const
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataCollectionKey<KeywordNameSet> & s) const
auto v(s.parse_value());
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == join(v->begin(), v->end(), " ");
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return v->end() != std::find_if(v->begin(), v->end(),
return false;
bool visit(const MetadataCollectionKey<Maintainers> & s) const
auto v(s.parse_value());
switch (op)
case ukro_equal:
return pattern == join(v->begin(), v->end(), " ");
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return v->end() != std::find_if(v->begin(), v->end(), StringifyEqual(pattern));
return false;
struct AssociatedKeyFinder
const Environment * const env;
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> id;
const MetadataKey * const visit(const UserMask &) const
return nullptr;
const MetadataKey * const visit(const UnacceptedMask & m) const
auto k(id->find_metadata(m.unaccepted_key_name()));
if (k != id->end_metadata())
return &**k;
return nullptr;
const MetadataKey * const visit(const RepositoryMask &) const
return nullptr;
const MetadataKey * const visit(const UnsupportedMask &) const
return nullptr;
struct MaskChecker
const std::string key;
bool visit(const UserMask & m) const
return key == "*" || key == "user" || m.token() == key;
bool visit(const UnacceptedMask & m) const
return key == "*" || key == "unaccepted" || m.unaccepted_key_name() == key;
bool visit(const RepositoryMask & m) const
return key == "*" || key == "repository" || m.token() == key;
bool visit(const UnsupportedMask &) const
return key == "*" || key == "unsupported";
const std::pair<bool, std::string>
const Environment * const env,
const ChangedChoices * const,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & id,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & from_id,
const ChangedChoices * const) const
Context context("When working out whether '" + stringify(*id) + "' matches " + as_raw_string() + ":");
const MetadataKey * key(nullptr);
const Mask * mask(nullptr);
auto repo(env->fetch_repository(id->repository_name()));
if (0 == _imp->key.compare(0, 3, "::$"))
if (_imp->key == "::$format")
key = repo->format_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "::$location")
key = repo->location_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "::$installed_root")
key = repo->installed_root_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "::$sync_host")
key = repo->sync_host_key().get();
else if (0 == _imp->key.compare(0, 1, "$"))
if (_imp->key == "$behaviours")
key = id->behaviours_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$build_dependencies")
key = id->build_dependencies_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$choices")
key = id->choices_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$dependencies")
key = id->dependencies_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$fetches")
key = id->fetches_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$from_repositories")
key = id->from_repositories_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$fs_location")
key = id->fs_location_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$homepage")
key = id->homepage_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$installed_time")
key = id->installed_time_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$keywords")
key = id->keywords_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$long_description")
key = id->long_description_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$post_dependencies")
key = id->post_dependencies_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$run_dependencies")
key = id->run_dependencies_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$short_description")
key = id->short_description_key().get();
else if (_imp->key == "$slot")
key = id->slot_key().get();
else if (0 == _imp->key.compare(0, 2, "::"))
Repository::MetadataConstIterator m(repo->find_metadata(_imp->key.substr(2)));
if (m != repo->end_metadata())
key = m->get();
else if (0 == _imp->key.compare(0, 1, "(") && ')' == _imp->key.at(_imp->key.length() - 1))
std::string mask_name(_imp->key.substr(1, _imp->key.length() - 2));
MaskChecker checker{mask_name};
for (auto m(id->begin_masks()), m_end(id->end_masks()) ;
m != m_end ; ++m)
if ((*m)->accept_returning<bool>(checker))
mask = &**m;
PackageID::MetadataConstIterator m(id->find_metadata(_imp->key));
if (m != id->end_metadata())
key = m->get();
if ((! key) && (! mask))
return std::make_pair(false, as_human_string(from_id));
if (_imp->op == ukro_exists)
return std::make_pair(true, as_human_string(from_id));
if (mask && ! key)
key = mask->accept_returning<const MetadataKey *>(AssociatedKeyFinder{env, id});
if (key)
KeyComparator c(env, id, _imp->value, _imp->op);
return std::make_pair(key->accept_returning<bool>(c), as_human_string(from_id));
return std::make_pair(false, as_human_string(from_id));
const std::string
UserKeyRequirement::as_human_string(const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> &) const
std::string key_str;
if ((! _imp->key.empty()) && (_imp->key.at(0) == '$'))
key_str = "with role '" + _imp->key.substr(1) + "'";
key_str = "'" + _imp->key + "'";
switch (_imp->op)
case ukro_equal:
return "Key " + key_str + " has simple string value '" + _imp->value + "'";
case ukro_not_equal:
return "Key " + key_str + " has a different string value than'" + _imp->value + "'";
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return "Key " + key_str + " contains or is less than '" + _imp->value + "'";
case ukro_greater:
return "Key " + key_str + " is greater than '" + _imp->value + "'";
case ukro_exists:
return "Key " + key_str + " exists";
case last_ukro:
throw InternalError(PALUDIS_HERE, "unknown op");
const std::string
UserKeyRequirement::as_raw_string() const
std::string op_string = "";
switch (_imp->op)
case ukro_equal:
return "[." + _imp->key + "=" + _imp->value + "]";
case ukro_not_equal:
return "[." + _imp->key + "!=" + _imp->value + "]";
case ukro_less_or_subset:
return "[." + _imp->key + "<" + _imp->value + "]";
case ukro_greater:
return "[." + _imp->key + ">" + _imp->value + "]";
case ukro_exists:
return "[." + _imp->key + "?" + _imp->value + "]";
case last_ukro:
throw InternalError(PALUDIS_HERE, "unknown op");
const Environment * const,
const ChangedChoices * const,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> &,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> &,
ChangedChoices &) const
return false;
ExcludeRequirement::ExcludeRequirement(const PackageDepSpec & s) :
ExcludeRequirement::~ExcludeRequirement() = default;
const std::pair<bool, std::string>
const Environment * const env,
const ChangedChoices * const,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & id,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & from_id,
const ChangedChoices * const) const
Context context("When working out whether '" + stringify(*id) + "' matches " + as_raw_string() + ":");
return std::make_pair(!match_package(*env, _s, id, from_id, { }), as_human_string(from_id));
const std::string
ExcludeRequirement::as_human_string(const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> &) const
return "Exclude packages matching " + stringify(_s);
const std::string
ExcludeRequirement::as_raw_string() const
return "[.!exclude=" + stringify(_s) + "]";
const Environment * const,
const ChangedChoices * const,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> &,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> &,
ChangedChoices &) const
return false;
return { vso_flexible_dashes, vso_flexible_dots,
vso_ignore_case, vso_letters_anywhere, vso_dotted_suffixes };
namespace paludis
template class Pimp<UserKeyRequirement>;