210 lines
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210 lines
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/* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : */
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2013 Ciaran McCreesh
* This file is part of the Paludis package manager. Paludis is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Paludis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <paludis/resolver/get_sameness.hh>
#include <paludis/util/log.hh>
#include <paludis/util/join.hh>
#include <paludis/package_id.hh>
#include <paludis/choice.hh>
#include <paludis/metadata_key.hh>
#include <paludis/version_spec.hh>
#include <paludis/unformatted_pretty_printer.hh>
#include <paludis/name.hh>
#include <paludis/dep_spec.hh>
#include <paludis/slot_requirement.hh>
#include <paludis/version_requirements.hh>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace paludis;
using namespace paludis::resolver;
struct ComparingPrettyPrinter :
using UnformattedPrettyPrinter::prettify;
const std::string prettify(const PackageDepSpec & s) const override
/* cat/pkg[foo][bar] and cat/pkg[bar][foo] are the same, and := deps
* are weird */
std::set<std::string> tokens;
if (s.package_ptr())
tokens.insert("package:" + stringify(*s.package_ptr()));
if (s.package_name_part_ptr())
tokens.insert("package_name_part:" + stringify(*s.package_name_part_ptr()));
if (s.category_name_part_ptr())
tokens.insert("category_name_part:" + stringify(*s.category_name_part_ptr()));
if (s.version_requirements_ptr())
for (VersionRequirements::ConstIterator r(s.version_requirements_ptr()->begin()),
r_end(s.version_requirements_ptr()->end()) ; r != r_end ; ++r)
tokens.insert("version_requirement:" + stringify(s.version_requirements_mode()) +
stringify(r->version_operator()) + stringify(r->version_spec()));
if (s.slot_requirement_ptr())
/* since the EAPI5 syntax for rewritten := deps in the VDB
* doesn't allow us to tell whether the dep was originally a :=
* kind or a :slot= kind, normalise them all to the same thing
* to avoid spurious differences */
auto r(s.slot_requirement_ptr()->maybe_original_requirement_if_rewritten());
tokens.insert("slot_requirement:" + (r ? r : s.slot_requirement_ptr())->make_accept_returning(
[&] (const SlotAnyAtAllLockedRequirement &) { return std::string{ ":=" }; },
[&] (const SlotAnyPartialLockedRequirement &) { return std::string{ ":=" }; },
[&] (const SlotUnknownRewrittenRequirement &) { return std::string{ ":=" }; },
[&] (const SlotRequirement & q) { return stringify(q); }
if (s.in_repository_ptr())
tokens.insert("in_repository:" + stringify(*s.in_repository_ptr()));
if (s.installable_to_repository_ptr())
tokens.insert("installable_to_repository:" + stringify(s.installable_to_repository_ptr()->repository())
+ "/" + stringify(s.installable_to_repository_ptr()->include_masked()));
if (s.from_repository_ptr())
tokens.insert("from_repository:" + stringify(*s.from_repository_ptr()));
if (s.installed_at_path_ptr())
tokens.insert("installed_at_path:" + stringify(*s.installed_at_path_ptr()));
if (s.installable_to_path_ptr())
tokens.insert("installable_to_path:" + stringify(s.installable_to_path_ptr()->path())
+ "/" + stringify(s.installable_to_path_ptr()->include_masked()));
if (s.additional_requirements_ptr())
for (AdditionalPackageDepSpecRequirements::ConstIterator u(s.additional_requirements_ptr()->begin()),
u_end(s.additional_requirements_ptr()->end()) ; u != u_end ; ++u)
tokens.insert("additional_requirement:" + stringify(**u));
return "PackageDepSpec(" + join(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), ";") + ")";
bool is_same_dependencies(
const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<DependencySpecTree> > & a,
const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<DependencySpecTree> > & b)
if (! a)
return ! b;
else if (! b)
return false;
auto sa(a->pretty_print_value(ComparingPrettyPrinter(), { }));
auto sb(b->pretty_print_value(ComparingPrettyPrinter(), { }));
if (sa != sb)
Log::get_instance()->message("resolver.get_sameness", ll_debug, lc_context) <<
"Not same: [" << sa << "] [" << sb << "]";
return sa == sb;
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & existing_id,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & installable_id)
bool is_same_version(existing_id->version() == installable_id->version());
bool is_same(false);
bool is_same_metadata(false);
if (is_same_version)
is_same = true;
is_same_metadata = true;
std::set<ChoiceNameWithPrefix> common;
std::shared_ptr<const Choices> installable_choices;
std::shared_ptr<const Choices> existing_choices;
if (existing_id->choices_key() && installable_id->choices_key())
installable_choices = installable_id->choices_key()->parse_value();
existing_choices = existing_id->choices_key()->parse_value();
std::set<ChoiceNameWithPrefix> i_common, u_common;
for (const auto & c : *installable_choices)
if (! c->consider_added_or_changed())
for (const auto & v : *c)
if (co_explicit == v->origin())
for (const auto & c : *existing_choices)
if (! c->consider_added_or_changed())
for (const auto & v : *c)
if (co_explicit == v->origin())
i_common.begin(), i_common.end(),
u_common.begin(), u_common.end(),
std::inserter(common, common.begin()));
for (const auto & f : common)
if (installable_choices->find_by_name_with_prefix(f)->enabled() !=
is_same = false;
is_same_metadata = false;
if (is_same_metadata)
is_same_metadata = is_same_metadata && is_same_dependencies(existing_id->build_dependencies_key(), installable_id->build_dependencies_key());
is_same_metadata = is_same_metadata && is_same_dependencies(existing_id->run_dependencies_key(), installable_id->run_dependencies_key());
is_same_metadata = is_same_metadata && is_same_dependencies(existing_id->post_dependencies_key(), installable_id->post_dependencies_key());
is_same_metadata = is_same_metadata && is_same_dependencies(existing_id->dependencies_key(), installable_id->dependencies_key());
ExistingPackageIDAttributes attrs;
if (is_same_version) attrs += epia_is_same_version;
if (is_same) attrs += epia_is_same;
if (is_same_metadata) attrs += epia_is_same_metadata;
return attrs;