241 lines
9.9 KiB
241 lines
9.9 KiB
/* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : */
* Copyright (c) 2010 Ciaran McCreesh
* This file is part of the Paludis package manager. Paludis is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Paludis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <paludis/repositories/gemcutter/json_things.hh>
#include <paludis/repositories/gemcutter/json_common.hh>
#include <paludis/util/fs_path.hh>
#include <paludis/util/make_named_values.hh>
#include <paludis/util/stringify.hh>
#include <jansson.h>
using namespace paludis;
using namespace paludis::gemcutter_repository;
std::shared_ptr<GemJSONDependencies> parse_deps(json_t * dependencies_id)
std::shared_ptr<GemJSONDependencies> dependencies(std::make_shared<GemJSONDependencies>(
n::dependencies() = std::list<GemJSONDependency>()
for (int n(0), n_end(json_array_size(dependencies_id)) ; n != n_end ; ++n)
json_t * dep(json_array_get(dependencies_id, n));
if ((! dep) || (! json_is_object(dep)))
throw JSONError("Entry dep is not an object");
std::string dep_name, dep_requirements;
json_t * dep_name_id(json_object_get(dep, "name"));
if ((! dep_name_id) || json_is_null(dep_name_id) || ! json_is_string(dep_name_id))
throw JSONError("Entry dep name is not a string");
dep_name = std::string(json_string_value(dep_name_id));
json_t * dep_requirements_id(json_object_get(dep, "requirements"));
if ((! dep_requirements_id) || json_is_null(dep_requirements_id) || ! json_is_string(dep_requirements_id))
throw JSONError("Entry dep requirements is not a string");
dep_requirements = std::string(json_string_value(dep_requirements_id));
n::name() = dep_name,
n::requirements() = dep_requirements
return dependencies;
extern "C"
const FSPath & path,
const ParsedOneGemCallback & parsed_one_gem)
Context context("When parsing '" + stringify(path) + "':");
json_error_t error;
json_t * root(json_load_file(stringify(path).c_str(), 0, &error));
json_t * root(json_load_file(stringify(path).c_str(), &error));
if (! root)
throw JSONError("Couldn't load '" + stringify(path) + "': jansson said: " + error.text);
if (! json_is_array(root))
throw JSONError("Root is not an array");
for (int i(0), i_end(json_array_size(root)) ;
i != i_end ; ++i)
Context item_context("When parsing entry " + stringify(i) + ":");
std::string name, version, authors, bug_tracker_uri, documentation_uri, gem_uri, homepage_uri,
info, mailing_list_uri, project_uri, source_code_uri, wiki_uri;
std::shared_ptr<GemJSONDependencies> development_dependencies, runtime_dependencies;
json_t * entry(json_array_get(root, i));
if ((! entry) || (! json_is_object(entry)))
throw JSONError("Entry is not an object");
json_t * name_id(json_object_get(entry, "name"));
if ((! name_id) || (! json_is_string(name_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry name is not a string");
name = std::string(json_string_value(name_id));
json_t * version_id(json_object_get(entry, "version"));
if ((! version_id) || (! json_is_string(version_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry version is not a string");
version = std::string(json_string_value(version_id));
Context better_item_context("When handling metadata for '" + name + "' '" + version + "':");
json_t * authors_id(json_object_get(entry, "authors"));
if (! json_is_null(authors_id))
if ((! authors_id) || (! json_is_string(authors_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry authors is not a string");
authors = std::string(json_string_value(authors_id));
json_t * bug_tracker_uri_id(json_object_get(entry, "bug_tracker_uri"));
if (! json_is_null(bug_tracker_uri_id))
if ((! bug_tracker_uri_id) || (! json_is_string(bug_tracker_uri_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry bug_tracker_uri is not a string");
bug_tracker_uri = std::string(json_string_value(bug_tracker_uri_id));
json_t * documentation_uri_id(json_object_get(entry, "documentation_uri"));
if (! json_is_null(documentation_uri_id))
if ((! documentation_uri_id) || (! json_is_string(documentation_uri_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry documentation_uri is not a string");
documentation_uri = std::string(json_string_value(documentation_uri_id));
json_t * gem_uri_id(json_object_get(entry, "gem_uri"));
if (! json_is_null(gem_uri_id))
if ((! gem_uri_id) || (! json_is_string(gem_uri_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry gem_uri is not a string");
gem_uri = std::string(json_string_value(gem_uri_id));
json_t * homepage_uri_id(json_object_get(entry, "homepage_uri"));
if (! json_is_null(homepage_uri_id))
if ((! homepage_uri_id) || (! json_is_string(homepage_uri_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry homepage_uri is not a string");
homepage_uri = std::string(json_string_value(homepage_uri_id));
json_t * info_id(json_object_get(entry, "info"));
if (! json_is_null(info_id))
if ((! info_id) || (! json_is_string(info_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry info is not a string");
info = std::string(json_string_value(info_id));
json_t * mailing_list_uri_id(json_object_get(entry, "mailing_list_uri"));
if (! json_is_null(mailing_list_uri_id))
if ((! mailing_list_uri_id) || (! json_is_string(mailing_list_uri_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry mailing_list_uri is not a string");
mailing_list_uri = std::string(json_string_value(mailing_list_uri_id));
json_t * project_uri_id(json_object_get(entry, "project_uri"));
if (! json_is_null(project_uri_id))
if ((! project_uri_id) || (! json_is_string(project_uri_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry project_uri is not a string");
project_uri = std::string(json_string_value(project_uri_id));
json_t * source_code_uri_id(json_object_get(entry, "source_code_uri"));
if (! json_is_null(source_code_uri_id))
if ((! source_code_uri_id) || (! json_is_string(source_code_uri_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry source_code_uri is not a string");
source_code_uri = std::string(json_string_value(source_code_uri_id));
json_t * wiki_uri_id(json_object_get(entry, "wiki_uri"));
if (! json_is_null(wiki_uri_id))
if ((! wiki_uri_id) || (! json_is_string(wiki_uri_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry wiki_uri is not a string");
wiki_uri = std::string(json_string_value(wiki_uri_id));
json_t * dependencies_id(json_object_get(entry, "dependencies"));
if (! json_is_null(dependencies_id))
if ((! dependencies_id) || (! json_is_object(dependencies_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry dependencies is not an object");
json_t * development_dependencies_id(json_object_get(dependencies_id, "development"));
if (! json_is_null(development_dependencies_id))
if ((! development_dependencies_id) || (! json_is_array(development_dependencies_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry development dependencies is not an array");
development_dependencies = parse_deps(development_dependencies_id);
json_t * runtime_dependencies_id(json_object_get(dependencies_id, "runtime"));
if (! json_is_null(runtime_dependencies_id))
if ((! runtime_dependencies_id) || (! json_is_array(runtime_dependencies_id)))
throw JSONError("Entry runtime dependencies is not an array");
runtime_dependencies = parse_deps(runtime_dependencies_id);
GemJSONInfo json_info(make_named_values<GemJSONInfo>(
n::authors() = authors,
n::bug_tracker_uri() = bug_tracker_uri,
n::development_dependencies() = development_dependencies,
n::documentation_uri() = documentation_uri,
n::gem_uri() = gem_uri,
n::homepage_uri() = homepage_uri,
n::info() = info,
n::mailing_list_uri() = mailing_list_uri,
n::name() = name,
n::project_uri() = project_uri,
n::runtime_dependencies() = runtime_dependencies,
n::source_code_uri() = source_code_uri,
n::version() = version,
n::wiki_uri() = wiki_uri