Saleem Abdulrasool 64ba7d5be8 modernize: use default method synthesis
Convert a number of destructors to default synthesized functions.  Try to
inline a few instances into the header.  It should be possible to inline all of
them, however, gcc seems to emit a number of warnings.  Furthermore, some of the
destructors are pure-virtualed, but provide an implementation.  Placing the
definition into the header causes ODR violations.
2016-08-06 11:58:04 -07:00

400 lines
15 KiB

/* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : */
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Ciaran McCreesh
* This file is part of the Paludis package manager. Paludis is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Paludis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <paludis/repositories/e/e_repository.hh>
#include <paludis/repositories/e/e_repository_news.hh>
#include <paludis/repositories/e/eapi.hh>
#include <paludis/repositories/e/extra_distribution_data.hh>
#include <paludis/util/config_file.hh>
#include <paludis/util/log.hh>
#include <paludis/util/strip.hh>
#include <paludis/util/pimp-impl.hh>
#include <paludis/util/sequence-impl.hh>
#include <paludis/util/options.hh>
#include <paludis/util/wrapped_forward_iterator-impl.hh>
#include <paludis/util/safe_ofstream.hh>
#include <paludis/util/fs_path.hh>
#include <paludis/util/fs_stat.hh>
#include <paludis/util/fs_iterator.hh>
#include <paludis/environment.hh>
#include <paludis/distribution.hh>
#include <paludis/elike_package_dep_spec.hh>
#include <paludis/selection.hh>
#include <paludis/generator.hh>
#include <paludis/filter.hh>
#include <paludis/filtered_generator.hh>
#include <paludis/metadata_key.hh>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <set>
#include <ostream>
#include <list>
using namespace paludis;
using namespace paludis::erepository;
typedef std::list<std::string> DisplayIfList;
namespace paludis
* Imp data for ERepositoryNews.
* \ingroup grperepository
struct Imp<ERepositoryNews>
const Environment * const environment;
const ERepository * const e_repository;
const erepository::ERepositoryParams params;
const FSPath news_directory;
const FSPath skip_file;
const FSPath unread_file;
Imp(const Environment * const e, const ERepository * const p,
const erepository::ERepositoryParams & k) :
skip_file(e->preferred_root_key()->parse_value() / news_directory /
("news-" + stringify(e_repository->name()) + ".skip")),
unread_file(e->preferred_root_key()->parse_value() / news_directory /
("news-" + stringify(e_repository->name()) + ".unread"))
template <>
struct WrappedForwardIteratorTraits<NewsFile::DisplayIfInstalledConstIteratorTag>
typedef DisplayIfList::const_iterator UnderlyingIterator;
template <>
struct WrappedForwardIteratorTraits<NewsFile::DisplayIfKeywordConstIteratorTag>
typedef DisplayIfList::const_iterator UnderlyingIterator;
template <>
struct WrappedForwardIteratorTraits<NewsFile::DisplayIfProfileConstIteratorTag>
typedef DisplayIfList::const_iterator UnderlyingIterator;
ERepositoryNews::ERepositoryNews(const Environment * const e, const ERepository * const p,
const erepository::ERepositoryParams & k) :
_imp(e, p, k)
ERepositoryNews::~ERepositoryNews() = default;
ERepositoryNews::update_news() const
Context context("When updating news at location '" +
stringify(_imp->params.newsdir()) + "' for repository '" +
stringify(_imp->e_repository->name()) + "':");
if (! _imp->params.newsdir().stat().is_directory_or_symlink_to_directory())
std::set<std::string> skip;
if (_imp->skip_file.stat().is_regular_file_or_symlink_to_regular_file())
Context local_context("When handling news skip file '" + stringify(
_imp->skip_file) + "':");
LineConfigFile s(_imp->skip_file, { lcfo_disallow_continuations });
std::copy(s.begin(), s.end(), std::inserter(skip, skip.end()));
for (FSIterator d(_imp->params.newsdir(), { }), d_end ; d != d_end ; ++d)
Context local_context("When handling news entry '" + stringify(*d) + "':");
if (0 == stringify(_imp->e_repository->name()).compare(0, 2, "x-"))
Log::get_instance()->message("e.news.no_repo_name", ll_warning, lc_context)
<< "Cannot enable GLEP 42 news items for repository '"
<< _imp->e_repository->name() << "' because it is using a generated repository name";
if (! d->stat().is_directory_or_symlink_to_directory())
if (! (*d / (d->basename() + ".en.txt")).stat().is_regular_file_or_symlink_to_regular_file())
if (skip.end() != skip.find(d->basename()))
NewsFile news(*d / (d->basename() + ".en.txt"));
bool show(true);
const EAPI & eapi(*erepository::EAPIData::get_instance()->eapi_from_string(
if (news.begin_display_if_installed() != news.end_display_if_installed())
Context header_context("When checking Display-If-Installed headers:");
bool local_show(false);
for (NewsFile::DisplayIfInstalledConstIterator i(news.begin_display_if_installed()),
i_end(news.end_display_if_installed()) ; i != i_end ; ++i)
if (! (*_imp->environment)[selection::SomeArbitraryVersion(
eapi.supported()->version_spec_options())), nullptr, { }) |
local_show = true;
show &= local_show;
if (news.begin_display_if_keyword() != news.end_display_if_keyword())
Context header_context("When checking Display-If-Keyword headers:");
bool local_show(false);
for (NewsFile::DisplayIfKeywordConstIterator i(news.begin_display_if_keyword()),
i_end(news.end_display_if_keyword()) ; i != i_end && ! local_show ; ++i)
if (*i == _imp->e_repository->profile_variable("ARCH"))
local_show = true;
show &= local_show;
if (news.begin_display_if_profile() != news.end_display_if_profile())
Context header_context("When checking Display-If-Profile headers:");
bool local_show(false);
std::shared_ptr<const FSPathSequence> c(_imp->params.profiles());
for (FSPathSequence::ConstIterator p(c->begin()), p_end(c->end()) ; p != p_end ; ++p)
std::string profile(strip_leading_string(strip_trailing_string(
stringify(_imp->e_repository->location_key()->parse_value().realpath() / "profiles")), "/"), "/"));
Log::get_instance()->message("e.news.profile_path", ll_debug, lc_no_context) <<
"Profile path is '" << profile << "'";
for (NewsFile::DisplayIfProfileConstIterator i(news.begin_display_if_profile()),
i_end(news.end_display_if_profile()) ; i != i_end ; ++i)
if (profile == *i)
local_show = true;
show &= local_show;
if (show)
Context update_context("When updating skip and unread files:");
SafeOFStream s(_imp->skip_file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, false);
if (! s)
Log::get_instance()->message("e.news.skip_file.append_failure", ll_warning, lc_no_context) <<
"Cannot append to news skip file '" << _imp->skip_file <<
"', skipping news item '" << *d << "'";
SafeOFStream t(_imp->unread_file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, false);
if (! t)
Log::get_instance()->message("e.news.unread_file.append_failure", ll_warning, lc_no_context) <<
"Cannot append to unread file '" << _imp->unread_file <<
"', skipping news item '" << *d << "'";
if (s && t)
s << d->basename() << std::endl;
t << d->basename() << std::endl;
catch (const InternalError &)
catch (const Exception & e)
Log::get_instance()->message("e.news.skipping", ll_warning, lc_context) <<
"Skipping news item '" << *d << "' because of exception '" << e.message() << "' ("
<< e.what() << ")";
namespace paludis
* Imp data for NewsFile.
* \ingroup grpnewsconfigfile
struct Imp<NewsFile>
DisplayIfList display_if_installed;
DisplayIfList display_if_keyword;
DisplayIfList display_if_profile;
NewsFile::NewsFile(const FSPath & our_filename) :
Context context("When parsing GLEP 42 news file '" + stringify(our_filename) + "':");
bool seen_content_type(false), seen_title(false), seen_author(false), seen_news_item_format(false), seen_posted(false),
LineConfigFile line_file(our_filename, { lcfo_disallow_continuations, lcfo_no_skip_blank_lines, lcfo_disallow_comments });
for (LineConfigFile::ConstIterator line(line_file.begin()), line_end(line_file.end()) ;
line != line_end ; ++line)
if (line->empty())
std::string::size_type p(line->find(':'));
if (std::string::npos == p)
throw NewsError(our_filename, "Bad header line '" + *line + "'");
std::string k(strip_leading(strip_trailing(line->substr(0, p), " \t\n"), " \t\n"));
std::string v(strip_leading(strip_trailing(line->substr(p + 1), " \t\n"), " \t\n"));
if (k == "Display-If-Installed")
else if (k == "Display-If-Keyword")
else if (k == "Display-If-Profile")
else if (k == "Title")
seen_title = true;
else if (k == "Author")
seen_author = true;
else if (k == "Translator")
else if (k == "Content-Type")
if (seen_content_type)
throw NewsError(our_filename, "Multiple Content-Type headers specified");
seen_content_type = true;
if (v != "text/plain")
throw NewsError(our_filename, "Bad Content-Type line '" + *line + "'");
else if (k == "News-Item-Format")
if (seen_news_item_format)
throw NewsError(our_filename, "Multiple News-Item-Format headers specified");
seen_news_item_format = true;
if (0 != v.compare(0, 2, "1.", 0, 2))
throw NewsError(our_filename, "Unsupported News-Item-Format '" + v + "'");
if (v != "1.0")
Log::get_instance()->message("e.news.format", ll_warning, lc_context) <<
"News file '" << our_filename << "' uses news item format '" << v << "', but we only support "
"versions up to 1.0.";
else if (k == "Posted")
seen_posted = true;
else if (k == "Revision")
seen_revision = true;
throw NewsError(our_filename, "Invalid header '" + *line + "'");
if (! seen_news_item_format)
throw NewsError(our_filename, "No News-Item-Format header specified");
if (! seen_author)
throw NewsError(our_filename, "No Author header specified");
if (! seen_content_type)
throw NewsError(our_filename, "No Content-Type header specified");
if (! seen_title)
throw NewsError(our_filename, "No Title header specified");
if (! seen_posted)
throw NewsError(our_filename, "No Posted header specified");
if (! seen_revision)
throw NewsError(our_filename, "No Revision header specified");
NewsFile::~NewsFile() = default;
NewsFile::begin_display_if_installed() const
return DisplayIfInstalledConstIterator(_imp->display_if_installed.begin());
NewsFile::end_display_if_installed() const
return DisplayIfInstalledConstIterator(_imp->display_if_installed.end());
NewsFile::begin_display_if_keyword() const
return DisplayIfKeywordConstIterator(_imp->display_if_keyword.begin());
NewsFile::end_display_if_keyword() const
return DisplayIfKeywordConstIterator(_imp->display_if_keyword.end());
NewsFile::begin_display_if_profile() const
return DisplayIfProfileConstIterator(_imp->display_if_profile.begin());
NewsFile::end_display_if_profile() const
return DisplayIfProfileConstIterator(_imp->display_if_profile.end());
NewsError::NewsError(const FSPath & f, const std::string & m) noexcept :
Exception("Error in news file '" + stringify(f) + "': " + m)
namespace paludis
template class WrappedForwardIterator<NewsFile::DisplayIfInstalledConstIteratorTag, const std::string>;
template class WrappedForwardIterator<NewsFile::DisplayIfKeywordConstIteratorTag, const std::string>;
template class WrappedForwardIterator<NewsFile::DisplayIfProfileConstIteratorTag, const std::string>;