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/* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : */
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Ciaran McCreesh
* This file is part of the Paludis package manager. Paludis is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Paludis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <paludis/package_id.hh>
#include <paludis/metadata_key.hh>
#include <paludis/environment-fwd.hh>
#include <paludis/repositories/e/e_repository_id.hh>
namespace paludis
namespace erepository
class EInstalledRepositoryID :
public ERepositoryID,
public std::enable_shared_from_this<EInstalledRepositoryID>
Pimp<EInstalledRepositoryID> _imp;
virtual void need_keys_added() const;
virtual void need_masks_added() const;
EInstalledRepositoryID(const QualifiedPackageName &, const VersionSpec &,
const Environment * const,
const RepositoryName &,
const FSPath & file);
virtual const std::string canonical_form(const PackageIDCanonicalForm) const;
virtual PackageDepSpec uniquely_identifying_spec() const;
virtual const QualifiedPackageName name() const;
virtual const VersionSpec version() const;
virtual const RepositoryName repository_name() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const EAPI> eapi() const;
virtual bool is_installed() const PALUDIS_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result));
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataValueKey<Slot> > slot_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataCollectionKey<KeywordNameSet> > keywords_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<DependencySpecTree> > build_dependencies_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<DependencySpecTree> > run_dependencies_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<DependencySpecTree> > post_dependencies_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<DependencySpecTree> > dependencies_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<PlainTextSpecTree> > restrict_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<PlainTextSpecTree> > properties_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<FetchableURISpecTree> > fetches_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<SimpleURISpecTree> > homepage_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataValueKey<std::string> > short_description_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataValueKey<std::string> > long_description_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataTimeKey> installed_time_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataValueKey<FSPath> > fs_location_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataCollectionKey<Set<std::string> > > from_repositories_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataCollectionKey<Set<std::string> > > raw_use_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataCollectionKey<Set<std::string> > > raw_iuse_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataCollectionKey<Set<std::string> > > raw_iuse_effective_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<PlainTextSpecTree> > raw_myoptions_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataCollectionKey<Set<std::string> > > raw_use_expand_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataCollectionKey<Set<std::string> > > raw_use_expand_hidden_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataValueKey<std::shared_ptr<const Choices> > > choices_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataCollectionKey<Set<std::string> > > inherited_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataCollectionKey<Set<std::string> > > defined_phases_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<LicenseSpecTree> > license_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataSpecTreeKey<RequiredUseSpecTree> > required_use_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataValueKey<std::string> > scm_revision_key() const;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const MetadataCollectionKey<Set<std::string> > > behaviours_key() const;
virtual bool supports_action(const SupportsActionTestBase &) const PALUDIS_ATTRIBUTE((warn_unused_result));
virtual void perform_action(Action &) const;
virtual bool arbitrary_less_than_comparison(const PackageID &) const
virtual std::size_t extra_hash_value() const
virtual std::string fs_location_raw_name() const = 0;
virtual std::string fs_location_human_name() const = 0;
virtual std::string contents_filename() const = 0;
virtual const std::shared_ptr<const ChoiceValue> make_choice_value(
const std::shared_ptr<const Choice> &, const UnprefixedChoiceName &, const Tribool,
const bool, const ChoiceOrigin, const std::string &, const bool, const bool) const;
virtual void add_build_options(const std::shared_ptr<Choices> &) const;
virtual void purge_invalid_cache() const;
virtual void can_drop_in_memory_cache() const;
virtual void set_scm_revision(const std::string &) const PALUDIS_ATTRIBUTE((noreturn));